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Undergone Surgeries For Endometriosis, Pelvic And Abdominal Adhesive. Had Punctured Small Intestine And Bowels. Suggest?

Posted on Mon, 16 Sep 2013
Question: I have undergone 5 surgerys for severe endometriosis & severe pelvic & abdominal adhesive disease within 2 years , during one of the surgeries the dr punctured my small intestine & bowels, I ended up spending 17 days severely sick with a nasal gastric tube in my stomach, I am now experiencing symptoms in my intestine & bowel area , ripping , pulling sensation with chronic pain. My Dr discharged me over the phone thru his secretary. I was shocked, I have no insurance and do not know where to turn too
Answered by Dr. Pankaj Malhan (41 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Needs Investigations

Detailed Answer:

Thanks for asking.

Bowel perforation during surgery can be a very serious condition leading to fistula, infection or sometimes grave consequences.

As you are experiencing symptoms of chronic pain in the abdomen it needs to be investigated for possible infection and extent of damage.

Please consult your doctor / Hospital to arrange for ultrasound abdomen, completed blood count and X XXXXXXX of the abdomen to reach a diagnosis.


Please let me know if you need more information.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Pankaj Malhan (8 minutes later)
I have had a recent colonoscopy and endoscopy with mr enterography showed my bowels are tethered with my smalll surgeon has discharged me via thru his secretary. Dont know where to turn to
Answered by Dr. Pankaj Malhan (6 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Can wait for healing

Detailed Answer:
If you have already done endoscopy and colonoscopy and it does not show any major leak in the gut , you can wait for some time , as most of the punctures heal of its own .

But you have to look for the first sign of intestinal obstruction like vomiting, absolute constipation,and pain. If they happen then you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible, otherwise you can continue to wait for the natural healing to occur.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Pankaj Malhan (6 minutes later)
i have a calling and tearing sensation in my Lower abdomen and pelvic area. then i go to the bathroom the pulling and tearing. sensazione becomes worse
Answered by Dr. Pankaj Malhan (22 minutes later)
Brief Answer:

Detailed Answer:
Adhesions can lead to pulling, tearing sensations in the abdomen,The real cause of concern in adhesions is the intestinal obstruction which needs immediate attention,symptoms of which I have mentioned in the previous answer.

Note: Revert back with your health reports to get further guidance on your gastric problems. Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Pankaj Malhan

Internal Medicine Specialist

Practicing since :1998

Answered : 439 Questions


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Undergone Surgeries For Endometriosis, Pelvic And Abdominal Adhesive. Had Punctured Small Intestine And Bowels. Suggest?

Brief Answer:
Needs Investigations

Detailed Answer:

Thanks for asking.

Bowel perforation during surgery can be a very serious condition leading to fistula, infection or sometimes grave consequences.

As you are experiencing symptoms of chronic pain in the abdomen it needs to be investigated for possible infection and extent of damage.

Please consult your doctor / Hospital to arrange for ultrasound abdomen, completed blood count and X XXXXXXX of the abdomen to reach a diagnosis.


Please let me know if you need more information.