What Are The Symptoms Of Lactic Acid Accumulation In Muscles Of Leg?
Muscle pain, cramps, burning, nausea and feeling exhausted are the symptoms
Detailed Answer:
The following are few symptoms of lactic acidosis :
Muscle pains
Burning feeling in muscles
Stomach pain
Feeling exhausted
The soreness you sometimes feel in your muscles a day or two after an intense workout isn't from lactic acidosis. It's your muscles recovering from the workout you gave them.
The following help you prevent lactic acidosis :
1)Begin any exercise routine gradually. Pace yourself. Don't go from being a couch potato to trying to run a marathon in a week. Start with an aerobic exercise like running or fast walking. You can build up your pace and distance slowly.
2)Increase the amount of exercise each week so your body builds up a tolerance. This will increase your "lactate threshold," making it less likely you'll get lactic acidosis.
3)Make sure you drink lots of water. It helps get rid of any excess acid. Eat a balanced diet which includes lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats.
4)Get plenty of sleep at night and give yourself time to recover between bouts of exercise.
Hope i have answered your question. Please let me know if you need any further assistance. Thank you. Take care.