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What Causes Fluctuations In Ejection Fraction Values?

Posted on Wed, 19 Aug 2015
Question: Hello Dr Teli,
You helped me very much about a month ago. I'm the woman who had PVC-induced cardiomyopathy which was reversed with ablation. I have OCD which has made me so obsessed with water retention. Since I last spoke to you, I have had two more echoes because I have been so anxious and having symptoms of fatigue and SOB which I've been told are just anxiety. The echo I had 3 weeks ago concerned me because EF in different views was anywhere from 55-60, which seemed like maybe then it had fallen from >60. But I had another echo which was scheduled follow-up by my regular doctor yesterday and EF was 65-70. How could there be such a difference? I worry because if there can be such a difference can't the difference also go downwards, meaning EF could be 45-50 on another day? I am trying to be not so focused on numbers, and take a more calm, spiritual path, as you have instructed but it is, so far, so difficult for me. I am trying very hard but think all the time about my EF and worry when I drink water, that I will retain it all. Drinking is terrifying and even the day after an echo, I'm afraid heart is weakening. Does EF normally fluctuate so much or is this just difference in echo machine and operator and interpreter? My doctor was certain EF was in high 60s which makes me happy but very confused. Thank you, good doctor. You are so knowledgeable and reassuring.
Answered by Dr. Rajesh Teli (6 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Difference in EF is interpersonal variation

Detailed Answer:
I m thankful for such faith in me.first of all let me repeat that LVEF above 55% is normal.Be it 56 or 100% all same! There is interpersonal variation by operator and machine as you rightly thought .whenever EF is above 55% variation is bigger because person doing echo knows that now any figure is dear please give up anxiety.
Secondly in your case the cause of cardiomyopathy was multiple VPCs, they are no longer there! It has been taken care by ablation .So the underlying cause is removed from root so no question of EF going just reassure yourself and come out from obsession of fluid more request don't repeat echo before 6 months .Try to followe with same echo are cured and you have to accept that.
Spiritually you have grace of God ,reversal is indeed gift of please appreciate this divine grace with peace n happiness ,instead of anxiety.
Have faith in God and have divine love ,this is right path to blissful life,
I m again thankful for your trust in me,but my opinion is important only if you accept it.Dear XXXXXXX I am sure you will accept the fact and will enjoy the life
My best wishes
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Follow up: Dr. Rajesh Teli (17 hours later)
Dear Dr Teli,
Many thanks again for your wisdom and kindness. I am trying to put my energy and faith into God and have gratitude for my blessing of recovery. I think both diagnosis and cure were so shocking that my mind and spirit have not recovered as quickly as my heart did. I know I have to focus on my life and family and stop worrying about a recurrence.

I cannot help it, though, I was very happy to hear EF was 65-70 but at the same time, I worry about why it seemed to go up in such a short time, even though I know it is probably stable. But it seems likely as most tests show EF in 60s that my EF is probably in 60s. But could it not go down in similar fashion to 45-50 as a normal variation or is that not possible without a disease process like return of PVCs?

Finally, my biggest problem- the water retention fears. As heart and kidneys are fine, can I stop daily weighing which causes me so much stress? Even a one pound difference will frighten me because of all the warnings I received when I was sick. And would lowered urine output even be the first symptom
of a recurrence? Is that not a much more advanced symptom?

I am losing my mother to dementia which happened almost overnight and my marriage is ending. So much trauma and sadness but somehow my focus has become the water retention because of all the warnings. I am trying hard to overcome this and live with faith and gratitude.

Many many thanks to you, Dr. Teli. You are helping me very much.
Answered by Dr. Rajesh Teli (6 hours later)
Brief Answer:
only way to heal yourself is to accept that you are cured.

Detailed Answer:
You are at a stage of cure where your mind has to accept that your heart is normal.Dear again I am repeating; forget the number game of EF. I have following suggestions
1.Stop weighing yourself.
2.Stop quantifying your fluid intake.
3.Don"t think of heart and kidneys.The moment you have thought about it divert positively your mind to your hobby.listening to music .Listen to song you like and follow the lyrics loudly.This not only will make you relax but will remove negative thought process from your mind.
4.I am sorry for your mother and end of marriage.
I am a cardiologist ,but i feel i have to play role of psychiatrist!
you have to heal yourself.
slefless love without expectation is divine love and such love is remedy for your problem.Focus on your kids ,go for walk in fresh air,play with kids,enjoy music.
Life is full of variety ,accept pain and pleasure with equanimity.
I am sure you shall be fine
My best wishes
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. Rajesh Teli (16 hours later)
Dear Dr. Teli,
You are so wise and kind and when you say these things it sounds so simple and I think "it makes so much sense, I can do that" but OCD brain is very resilient and my mind plays tricks on me and tells me I must be on high alert.

But is it impossible for me to be retaining water from heart issue with normal heart? Is it truly 100% in my head and psychological? If, as experienced and knowledgeable cardiologist you are saying I can forget about water retention, then I am going to try with all my will to do as you say and focus on my little boy and my work and things that bring me XXXXXXX I know it is not rational to believe that I will suddenly go into CHF when I am cured now but my brain is so stubborn! And it would have to be CHF for me to retain water?

Thank you so much, Dr. Teli. You are a great doctor- I wish you could be my actual local doctor.
Answered by Dr. Rajesh Teli (7 hours later)
Brief Answer:
You are on right track

Detailed Answer:
you have rightly taken first step towards training your brain.
yes your involvement in your child will give you immense power to recover.In this world Mother is form GOD.once you focus on your child and become 100% dedicated mom you will have power of God within you .so just remain with your child play with him,love him ,make him happy all the time .This 24x 7 connectivity with him will make you forget about fluid and CHF.I m again requesting to focus on your hobby be it anything and that will boost up your inner strength .
There is very big strength in prayer ,whenever I treat a patient in ICU,I always pray for recovery.Now I shall start praying for your recovery too,you will feel the difference.
my best wishes
Dr.Rajesh Teli,MD.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Follow up: Dr. Rajesh Teli (39 hours later)
Dear Dr. Teli,
Thank you so much for your knowledge and your prayers. I pray for
Answered by Dr. Rajesh Teli (8 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Obtain spiritual Blessings

Detailed Answer:
Hello Dear XXXXXXX
yes there is spiritual science above medical science ,and it needs no landline or WiFi ,there is divine connectivity by means of telepathy.Prayer is way of connecting with god ,when you pray to god for a friend,there is a conference call !
so please Be confident about yourself,
My prayers will surely help you
May God bless you,
Rajesh Teli.
Note: For further follow up on related General & Family Physician Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Answered by
Dr. Rajesh Teli


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What Causes Fluctuations In Ejection Fraction Values?

Brief Answer: Difference in EF is interpersonal variation Detailed Answer: Hello XXXXXXX I m thankful for such faith in me.first of all let me repeat that LVEF above 55% is normal.Be it 56 or 100% all same! There is interpersonal variation by operator and machine as you rightly thought .whenever EF is above 55% variation is bigger because person doing echo knows that now any figure is dear please give up anxiety. Secondly in your case the cause of cardiomyopathy was multiple VPCs, they are no longer there! It has been taken care by ablation .So the underlying cause is removed from root so no question of EF going just reassure yourself and come out from obsession of fluid more request don't repeat echo before 6 months .Try to followe with same echo are cured and you have to accept that. Spiritually you have grace of God ,reversal is indeed gift of please appreciate this divine grace with peace n happiness ,instead of anxiety. Have faith in God and have divine love ,this is right path to blissful life, I m again thankful for your trust in me,but my opinion is important only if you accept it.Dear XXXXXXX I am sure you will accept the fact and will enjoy the life My best wishes Dr.Teli.