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What Causes Intermittent Diarrhea?

Posted on Fri, 24 Feb 2017
Question: Since last Friday I have on again off again diarrhea. The last two days my stool has been normal during the day and when I get home at night I have diarrhea. Should I be concerned?
Answered by Dr. Ramesh Kumar (4 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Intestinal flora depletion

Detailed Answer:
firstly thanks for choosing HCM.
Mst likely you are hiving gastroentritis due to depletion of intestinal flora.Our gastro intestinal system has its own enviroment termed as g.i flora.It contains a number of microorganiam which help in digesting the food properly.Any disruption in this flora can lead to problem with digestion like loose stools,constipation,bloating and belching etc.
I would suggest you take a good probiotic daily for a few days.Get a stool routine and microscopy test done to rule out any infection in stool.
Apart from this follow some gemerel advice-
-Take large amount of fibre in your diet 30-40 gram per day.
-Include vegetables and fruits like oranges and peer in your diet.
- Eat lot of vegetable salad daily.
-Avoid fast food for few days.
-Take a lot of yoghurt in diet.

You will be fine soon.
Note: For further follow up on digestive issues share your reports here and Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Answered by
Dr. Ramesh Kumar


Practicing since :1986

Answered : 2913 Questions


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What Causes Intermittent Diarrhea?

Brief Answer: Intestinal flora depletion Detailed Answer: Hi firstly thanks for choosing HCM. Mst likely you are hiving gastroentritis due to depletion of intestinal flora.Our gastro intestinal system has its own enviroment termed as g.i flora.It contains a number of microorganiam which help in digesting the food properly.Any disruption in this flora can lead to problem with digestion like loose stools,constipation,bloating and belching etc. I would suggest you take a good probiotic daily for a few days.Get a stool routine and microscopy test done to rule out any infection in stool. Apart from this follow some gemerel advice- -Take large amount of fibre in your diet 30-40 gram per day. -Include vegetables and fruits like oranges and peer in your diet. - Eat lot of vegetable salad daily. -Avoid fast food for few days. -Take a lot of yoghurt in diet. You will be fine soon. Thanks