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What Causes Pain And Burning Sensation During Bowel Movement?

Posted on Wed, 22 Feb 2017
Question: Hi Doctor,
i am 34 years male, i am getting pain and burning when going to motion (stooling) and the burning will there up to 1 to 2 hrs. so please give me priscription.
Answered by Dr. T Chandrakant (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
As discussed in details below.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query, albeit short and specific.
To recapitulate: Male/34 - pain and burning on passing motion - burning will be there for 1-2 hours - wants prescription...
Your problem looks to be that of fissure in ano.
I would advise you the following:
High fiber diet.
Avoid all the foods and beverages and stress-like conditions which gives constipation.
Laxative for softening the stool- never allow the dose too much to cause liquid stools.
Sitz bath- very important- just before passing a stool and after passing a stool.
Clean the area very clear of the fecal soiling that remains after cleaning; use cotton soaked in the same water to clean.
You can apply liquid povidone iodine locally. Apply nothing else.
5 day course of an antibiotic on prescription of a local Doctor.
Add probiotics and multivitamins.
Avoid stress and mental tensions at any cost; this is a very important factor.

Please follow all these points which may help you the best as it helps all my patients with similar problems.
Take care.
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Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. T Chandrakant

General Surgeon

Practicing since :1984

Answered : 19778 Questions


The User accepted the expert's answer

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What Causes Pain And Burning Sensation During Bowel Movement?

Brief Answer: As discussed in details below. Detailed Answer: Hi. Thanks for your query, albeit short and specific. To recapitulate: Male/34 - pain and burning on passing motion - burning will be there for 1-2 hours - wants prescription... Your problem looks to be that of fissure in ano. I would advise you the following: High fiber diet. Avoid all the foods and beverages and stress-like conditions which gives constipation. Laxative for softening the stool- never allow the dose too much to cause liquid stools. Sitz bath- very important- just before passing a stool and after passing a stool. Clean the area very clear of the fecal soiling that remains after cleaning; use cotton soaked in the same water to clean. You can apply liquid povidone iodine locally. Apply nothing else. 5 day course of an antibiotic on prescription of a local Doctor. Add probiotics and multivitamins. Avoid stress and mental tensions at any cost; this is a very important factor. Please follow all these points which may help you the best as it helps all my patients with similar problems. Take care.