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What Causes Severe Neck Pain And Headache In A Hypertensive Person?

Posted on Mon, 18 Jan 2016
Question: HI, I have a number of symptoms and seen several doctors. I recently had a CAT scan of my back and head, EKG, and Cardiogram, and all appeared normal. For 20 yrs I have been diagnosed with essential hand tremors , (not Parkinson's)ONLY while performing tasks. More recently, hypertension, hypoglycemia, anxiety/depression. I take medications, check my blood sugar & a nutritionist has helped me adjust my diet accordingly to keep it in the "normal" range, Even with A high protein/low carb diet, I am generally fatigued and sleep much of the time, plus irritable/moody ..My main concern is my blood pressure. While semi-active during the day ranges approx 150/80 but increases after lying down for 30 min or longer rising to a range is 185/90. After sleeping all nite sometimes my BP is even higher and the pain wakes me up. When my blood pressure goes really high, I get severe pain at the base of my skull radiating through my shoulders, and forehead. Dizziness/ confusion. My tongue has a burning sensation, and loud ringing in my ears. Often I'll get a shooting pain behind my front lower rib cage.(gallbladder removed 2 yrs ago} more on my right side than my left. Now just recently I have become lactose intolerant, & even low sodium causes my BP to rise drastically. I am a retired 65 yr old female, 5'5" weighing 160 lbs. Have friends, family, no stress, and generally healthy. My main concern is why my BP rises to dangerous levels if lying down, and the reason for the extreme headache and back neck pain/stiffness. I have seen several types of doctors, I have kept diaries of food and activity. Drs. run tests/scans & all comes back normal. So they give me pain killers, instead of finding the cause. Do these symptoms give you any clue of what is going on, or can you offer any suggestions. PLEASE help I have been suffering for nearly 3 yrs. , and Please don't try to sell me anything. I hope you can help solve my mystery.
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Autonomic neuropathy should be considered.

Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for using HCM.

I have read your query and understand your concerns.

Since you have been to several doctors and had several tests done, i will be quick in sharing my thoughts about your condition.

First condition as a possible culprit that comes in my mind after reading your query is autonomic neuropathy, a condition where small autonomic nerves that supply internal organs, blood vessels as well, are damaged gradually.

Conditions that may cause autonomic neuropathy are diabetes, viral infections, or poisoning with heavy metals and/or toxins.

Another condition that may be related to increase in blood pressure after lying down is dehydration or volume depletion. This situation can cause en exaggerated response in stabilizing blood pressure changes related to body position changes.

I suggest you to discus with your Doctor about evaluating further and being tested about conditions mentioned above, that may cause autonomic neuropathy.

Hope you found the answer helpful.

I remain at your disposal for further questions and clarifications.

Take care.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (22 hours later)
Thank you for your prompt . This may be a dumb question, but what type of specialized doctor should I see regarding this autonomic neuropathy? If you have any more recommendations, I would certainly welcome them.
Best of holidays. XXXXXXX
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (31 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Follow up.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back XXXXXXX

Autonomic neuropathy is a rare diagnosis that may affect functions of several internal organs such heart, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital tract and vascular system as well.

These possible dysfunctions are best evaluated by an Internal medicine specialist, who can run appropriate tests and can ask for further consultations.

So, in my opinion, you should discuss with an Internal medicine specialist your concerns.

Best of holidays to you too.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (25 hours later)
Dear Dr. Spaho, You have been incredibly responsive and informative, and have given me more information in this one communication than that the sum total of doctors I have seen to date. As you may expect, as soon as I announce that I have been doing " research" of my symptoms on the internet, the Dr. rolls his/her eyes like I should stay out of it and leave my illness to the "professionals" Well I have tried that for the past 3 yrs and am no closer to finding the cause, let alone a solution. I have an appt in mid-Jan to see a urologist, as I was advised one of my BP meds could cause kidney damage. I refuse to be patted on the head like a child, and basically be treated like Dr. knows best!, And I am sure the Dr. WILL know best, now all I have to do is find the right one!!
If after seeing an Internal Medicine dr., would I be able to communicate again with YOU his findings and recommendations.?? I am impressed with the service, and will not hesitate to used it again. Thank you for listening. Have a great New Year. XXXXXXX
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Follow up.

Detailed Answer:
Hello again XXXXXXX

Thanks for the kind words and I'm happy I helped you.

You can contact me at any time and ask as many questions and clarifs as you have, you are welcome.

You can contact me directly at:

Hope to hear from you soon.

Wishing you good health and a happy New Year's Eve.

Note: For further queries related to kidney problems Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Sonia Raina
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho

Neurologist, Surgical

Practicing since :2004

Answered : 4500 Questions


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What Causes Severe Neck Pain And Headache In A Hypertensive Person?

Brief Answer: Autonomic neuropathy should be considered. Detailed Answer: Hello and thanks for using HCM. I have read your query and understand your concerns. Since you have been to several doctors and had several tests done, i will be quick in sharing my thoughts about your condition. First condition as a possible culprit that comes in my mind after reading your query is autonomic neuropathy, a condition where small autonomic nerves that supply internal organs, blood vessels as well, are damaged gradually. Conditions that may cause autonomic neuropathy are diabetes, viral infections, or poisoning with heavy metals and/or toxins. Another condition that may be related to increase in blood pressure after lying down is dehydration or volume depletion. This situation can cause en exaggerated response in stabilizing blood pressure changes related to body position changes. I suggest you to discus with your Doctor about evaluating further and being tested about conditions mentioned above, that may cause autonomic neuropathy. Hope you found the answer helpful. I remain at your disposal for further questions and clarifications. Take care.