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What Does CEA Level Above 5 Indicate?

Posted on Sat, 2 Aug 2014
Question: Does the cea value have to b over 5 to indicate progression or reoccurence if bowel cancer?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Yes,because normal range for cea is 0-5 ng/ml.

Detailed Answer:

I understand your concern!

In healthy people the level of CEA is blood (normal range) is less than 5 ng/ml.
If the value of CEA in blood is under 5 mg/ml then you have nothing to worry about.
It is necessary to measure CEA evey 2 months and if CEA level is increased it is a sign of cancer recurrence and further investigations like CT-scan and PET -scan are necessary to confirm the recurrence.

Hope my answer has helped.
Please do not hesitate to ask if you have additional question or doubt to clarify.


Dr.Rovena Murati
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (55 minutes later)
The fact that it went from 3 to 4 is that normal?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (10 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
As long as CEA is in normal range,it is normal.

Detailed Answer:
Hello again!

There are many causes that can cause oscillations in CEA level.
As long as the CEA level is in normal range ,there is nothing to worry about.
The important thing here is to see if it is going to increase further.

You should test again CEA after 1-2 months and if it is increased over 5 mg/ml then you may need further evaluations (CT-scan ,PET scan ) to see if there is a recurrence of the tumor.

Take care!

Dr.Rovena Murati

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (44 hours later)
Hi we got the next cea reading today which was 6.this has left us worried . May was 3, XXXXXXX 4 and july 6.could this mean mets occuring?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Need to be examined.

Detailed Answer:

I am sorry to hear this and I understand your concern.

The cea level is not a really high value but the fact that it is increasing in progressive way ,makes necessary a careful examination from his treating doctor.

You don't need to panic right away.First consult his treating doctor and get him examined.
It might be a progression but not necessarily.I don't think it is meta because in this case there would be very high levels of cea ( over 15-20 ) and it is a slow process ,not happening from one day to another.

It would be prudent to get done some investigations including Abdominal CT, MRI and PET scan if needed.

Hope and pray that everything will go the best way it can.

Dr.Rovena Murati
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (20 minutes later)
Yes we will request scan right away . Its not high but month by month it can reach 10-20 soon right?

Could it mean that some lymph nodes have cancer cells?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (20 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
It is a possibility.

Detailed Answer:
Hello again!
It is a possibility because we can't say for sure that every cancerous cell in his body has been removed with surgery and chemotherapy.

Recurrence usually is defined as the return of cancer after the treatment and after a period free of cancer.

In your father case the surgery was in march and the chemotherapy in XXXXXXX so it is really a short period of time.Most doctors would agree that 3 months of appearing to be cancer-free before cancer returns is too short to be considered a recurrence.

If it is a progression of the cancer there are two possibilities:
-One is that surgery left behind small clusters of cancer cells that could not be seen or found on scans or other tests.
-The second possibility is that Chemotherapy may have killed most of the cancer cells, but some of them were either not affected or changed enough to survive the treatment. Any cancer cells left behind can then grow and show up again.

But first investigations are needed to confirm the progression.


Dr.Rovena Murati
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (1 hour later)
Small cells within the body left behind may not show on ct scan but would make the cea high right?

Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
It is true.

Detailed Answer:

You are right that if there is a small number of cells left behind they may not be visible on CT-scan in the first stage but since this cells multiply very fast it would be possible to detect them after some time.

Monitoring CEA level is very important to evaluate if a progression or recurrence of the cancer is happening.
In your father case,if physical examination,colonoscopy , CT-scan result normal then it is very important to follow the progression of CEA level and if this level will continue to increase then a Pet-scan is necessary .

Hope it helps.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (52 minutes later)
Can we just do a pet scan now?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (8 hours later)
Brief Answer:
His doctor will decide if it is necessary.

Detailed Answer:
Hello Dear!

Usually PET-scan is required if they are abnormal findings in physical examination,CT-scan or colonoscopy.
There are a lot of elements to be taken in consideration.Only a increase of CEA level is not sufficient to say that there is a recurrence or progression.
After they evaluate the information taken by physical examination,colonoscopy,CT-scan they will decide if PET-scan is needed.

The best thing to do is to consult his treating doctors (GI oncologist) and let them decide the strategy they will follow to diagnose a progression or recurrence.
They are the most appropriate doctors to say if he need a PET-scan or no.

I understand that you are worried and scared for your father but you need to consult his doctors and put him in their hands,trusting them and believing they will do everything they can.

Best wishes for your father.
Dr.Rovena Murati
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (58 minutes later)
Thx u been so helpful. If he had surgery march then would so soon mets appear? Also, would cea readings b in
The 100"s for mets?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (5 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Low chances for meta.

Detailed Answer:
Hello again!

I don't think there are metastases in his body.
We would suspect meta if he had symptoms (lung problems,liver symptoms ,bone pain etc) and if CEA level was too high (over 15-20 ).

In your father case CEA is only slightly over the normal range.The fact that CEA is increasing make us suspect that there might be a progression of cancer or a recurrence but if all investigation come up clear , then all needed is to monitor CEA level and see it next month.

I suggest that you should stop over thinking about all bad possibilities and just let his doctors examine him first.Up to now we have only a slightly increased CEA level.Investigation are necessary before thinking any option.
There is nothing you can change,so just have faith and wait the result of investigations.

Hope it helps.


Dr.Rovena Murati
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (1 hour later)
Thank you . U can tell right im worried . Is there a diffetence between profression of disease and re occurence ?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Detailed below!

Detailed Answer:

It is understanding that you will be worried abut your father healthy,everyone in your place will feel the same.

Well , the difference between cancer progression and recurrence is that in cancer progression the cancer was never cured,meaning that the treatment hasn't been effective to kill cancerous cells and the cancer has progressed.
When we say that there is a recurrence of the cancer this means that cancer you thought had been successfully treated has now returned. The cancer may have returned in its original location, or it may be in a new location.
The cancer may return months or years after the treatment .

Most doctors would agree that 3 months of appearing to be cancer-free before cancer returns is too short to be considered a recurrence.

In your father case most probably it might be a progression of the disease,but investigations are needed to see if this is true.


Dr.Rovena Muratu
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (5 minutes later)
So in a Progression what happens ? Does this mean mets in distant organs ?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
See below!

Detailed Answer:

A colorectal cancer begin when a single abnormal cell start to proliferate in a uncontrollable way in colon or rectum and it never stops from multiplying.
These cancerous cells produce a protein which is called Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and it is used as a tumor marker to diagnose the presence and spreading of the colorectal cancer.

The aim of the treatment is to remove by surgery all the cancerous cells .
This is the reason why the level of CEA is expected to lower after surgery.

In your father's case since CEA in increasing ,it means that the surgery didn't achieve to remove all cancerous cells and some cells are still there.They continue to proliferate and the number of these cells is increasing .That's the reason why CEA is increasing in progressive way.

Investigations (colonoscopy ,CT-scan ,PET scan ) are needed to evaluate again if there is a visual sign of the tumor .

If there is progression of tumor ,the treatment is needed to kill these cancerous cells.
Left untreated , the tumor will continue to growth and it is going to spread in distances ( metastasis ).Once progression of cancer is diagnoses ,the treatment is necessary.

Hope it helps!

Best wishes!
Dr.Rovena Murati

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (24 minutes later)
Oh i see . So does not mean
There are def metas in the organs, but some cells may have been left behind from surgery.

He is on xeloda at present, so would this form if chemo not kill the leftover cells?

Is there not anyway these cells can be seen ? Are they only seen when form into
A tumor?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (10 hours later)
Brief Answer:
You got the point.

Detailed Answer:

Since CEA is increasing in progressive way it means that chemotherapy (Xeloda) is failing to kill the cancerous cells left behind from surgery and they are proliferating.

CEA level now is just slightly over the normal range and these means that probably the number of cancerous cells are not very high.
I cant tell if there are in such number that can be seen in imaging studies but if all studies that he will do will show nothing ,it is necessary to monitor CEA level.
If CEA will continue to increase that probably his doctors will change the treatment (change the chemotherapy agent , add radiotherapy in the treatment etc).

His doctor will chose the most appropriate option of therapy after having all studies result in their hands.

All the best!

Dr.Rovena Murati
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (5 minutes later)
Ok but he only been on
Xeloda 3 weeks so far?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (4 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Time is needed!

Detailed Answer:
Hello again Dear!
Hope you are doing well.

It means that he had done only one cycle of chemotherapy.
For this reason I specified in the above answer that if all studies come clear (the tumor is too small to be seen) then the thing left to do is to wait another month and measure CEA again.
Another month will be enough time to say if chemotherapy is working or not.
If CEA is still rising in the next test then we can say chemotherapy isn't working and his doctors will chose another treatment for him.

Hope I was clear.
Best Regards!
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (24 minutes later)
Ok thx. So with a current reading of 4- he cannot have mets in organs right?

But can
These mets form rather quickly ?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (25 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Detailed below.

Detailed Answer:
Hi there!

Since your father is a smoker the normal range for CEA is 0-5 ng/ml so a value of 4 is normal.

To think about metastasis we should have a clearly high level of CEA (probably over 15 ng/ml).
We cannot predict exactly haw time needs a tumor to give metastasis.
If the studies will result clear then time is needed to see what happen with CEA.
If you are concerned that metastasis can happen during these period ,I don't think is the case because the CEA level is only slightly elevated and usually metastasis happen in advanced stage.
Here we are talking about cancer progression and this is not sure without doing investigations.

The fact that CEA is increased by 1 -2 ng/ml a month means that if there is progression it is slowly so it can progress so quickly to give metastasis .
If his studies result clear then he can wait one month to see if CEA will increase.
In these way we can evaluate the effectiveness of chemotherapy .

His doctors can't undertake any action without first understanding clearly what is happening.
So time is needed.

Dr.Rovena Murati

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rovena (3 hours later)
Thx so with a slow progression mets cannot happen quickly? His recent cea was 6.
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rovena (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
There is no reason to think of metastasis.

Detailed Answer:
Hi there!

I am saying that we have no reason to think of metastasis in other organs:there are no symptoms and CEA level is too low to suspect it.

It is important to take things step by step.
The first thing to do since CEA is increasing progressively is to consult his Oncologist and do some investigations .
If these studies result clear then he should wait and test again CEA after one month.
If CEA will continue to increase then the cancer is progressing and chemotherapy is ineffective.

In this case his doctors will chose another option of treatment.

You don't have to think metastasis right now,there is no reason for that.
You have no reason to think that meta will happen during this month,they happen in advanced disease.

Best regards!
Dr.Rovena Murati
Note: For further follow up on related General & Family Physician Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Rovena

General & Family Physician

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What Does CEA Level Above 5 Indicate?

Brief Answer: Yes,because normal range for cea is 0-5 ng/ml. Detailed Answer: Hello! I understand your concern! In healthy people the level of CEA is blood (normal range) is less than 5 ng/ml. If the value of CEA in blood is under 5 mg/ml then you have nothing to worry about. It is necessary to measure CEA evey 2 months and if CEA level is increased it is a sign of cancer recurrence and further investigations like CT-scan and PET -scan are necessary to confirm the recurrence. Hope my answer has helped. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have additional question or doubt to clarify. Regards! Dr.Rovena Murati