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What Does A Heterogeneous T2 Pons Signal Indicate?

Posted on Thu, 26 Apr 2018
Question: I had an MRI done yesterday to rule out a neurological cause for persistent dysphagia, and my GP called with the results. The MRI found a 3mm nonspecific heterogeneous t2 signal in the pons. The report recommends a follow up MRI with contrast in 3-6 months. I asked a neurologist on this site today about it, but was told he needed the report, which I don’t have. I asked subsequent questions that went unanswered. 1) What is a nonspecific heterogeneous t2 pons signal, in layman’s terms? 2) Is the pons an area of the brain likely to cause dysphagia, or would this be something unrelated, found by accident? 3) Why would the radiologist recommend waiting 3-6 months for the contrast MRI? 4) Is it anything to worry about? The neurologist from this site mentioned MS and demyelination. Scary!
Answered by Dr. Indu Kumar (38 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Lesions may be due to demyelination(MS),ischemia etc.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to Healthcaremagic,
I've gone through your query and understand your concern,

You are rightly suggested for follow up MRI.
It is important to see progression of lesions.
Heterogeneous signal on T2 weighted images may be due to demyelination,ischemia etc.
Normally there are no focal focal bright lesions on T2 weighted images.
Pons lesions may cause dysphagia.
It is important to see lesions in other areas of brain like peri ventricular region,corpus callosum of brain.
You may also need clinical correlation and further tests for multiple sclerosis.

Get well soon.

Hope I have answered your query.
Further queries are most welcome.

Take Care
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Answered by
Dr. Indu Kumar


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What Does A Heterogeneous T2 Pons Signal Indicate?

Brief Answer: Lesions may be due to demyelination(MS),ischemia etc. Detailed Answer: Hello, Thanks for writing to Healthcaremagic, I've gone through your query and understand your concern, You are rightly suggested for follow up MRI. It is important to see progression of lesions. Heterogeneous signal on T2 weighted images may be due to demyelination,ischemia etc. Normally there are no focal focal bright lesions on T2 weighted images. Pons lesions may cause dysphagia. It is important to see lesions in other areas of brain like peri ventricular region,corpus callosum of brain. You may also need clinical correlation and further tests for multiple sclerosis. Get well soon. Hope I have answered your query. Further queries are most welcome. Take Care Dr. Indu XXXXXXX