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What Does My Blood Test Report Indicate?

Posted on Thu, 12 Oct 2017
Question: Hello,
I am a 22 years old male, having frequent urination problem, I went to the doctor, got a blood test, everything is normal(creatinine, liver enzymes, red cells, white cells, etc ...)
But I have a bit elevated calcium level:
Calcium is 10.3 mg/L (normal is 8.6 to 10)
My albumin is 46.6 g/L which is normal I think
Shoud I be worried? I read that high calcium level can be caused by cancer or parathyroid problem ...
Answered by Dr. Elona (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
no, You should not be worried.

Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your question.

Your Calcium level can be considered normal and in my opinion, you do not have a parathyroid problem.

However, to rule out this diagnosis your doctor will likely repeat the test(Calcium level) to confirm the results after you have not eaten for a period of time (fasting).

Frequent urination can be caused by several conditions like diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, Urinary tract infections etc.

Let me know if I can assist you further.


Note: For more information on hormonal imbalance symptoms or unmanaged diabetes with other comorbid conditions, get back to us & Consult with an Endocrinologist. Click here to book an appointment.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Arnab Banerjee
Answered by
Dr. Elona


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What Does My Blood Test Report Indicate?

Brief Answer: no, You should not be worried. Detailed Answer: Hello, I have gone through your question. Your Calcium level can be considered normal and in my opinion, you do not have a parathyroid problem. However, to rule out this diagnosis your doctor will likely repeat the test(Calcium level) to confirm the results after you have not eaten for a period of time (fasting). Frequent urination can be caused by several conditions like diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, Urinary tract infections etc. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards