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What Does My Lab Test Report Indicate?

Posted on Thu, 23 Feb 2017
Question: Hello team as discussed in last thread also my father is not recovered from the swalllwed wound on stomach attaching are the reports
Need best suggestion for way forward
Answered by Dr. Manisha Jain (36 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
No reports attached

Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to HCM.Thanks for writing in to us with your health concern. There are no reports attached to the query, you can contact the helpdesk of the HCMteamif ypu are unable to do so. Regards Dr Manisha Jain.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Remy Koshy
Follow up: Dr. Manisha Jain (5 minutes later)
Please share help desk number
Answered by Dr. Manisha Jain (17 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Email them the reports

Detailed Answer:
Hello email them the reports to YYYY@YYYY and write attention to Dr Manisha Jain.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Remy Koshy
Follow up: Dr. Manisha Jain (13 hours later)
Hi, I have provided some attachments. Please review them.
Answered by Dr. Manisha Jain (3 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Longer course of antibiotic.

Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome again. Is there ang pis around the furuncle? Since your father has high sugar levels it will take a longer course of antibiotics to heal the furuncle. If there is pus in the furuncle then it will be best to dain it to heal it faster. Add Cotrimoxazole antibiotic to yhe one already been prescribed. Send me the picture of furuncle if your father is comfortable . Regards Dr Manisha Jain.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Follow up: Dr. Manisha Jain (2 days later)
He is still recovering focussing on sugar control from last 2days sugar level is below 150 hopefully wound will recover soon
Answered by Dr. Manisha Jain (7 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Keep taking all medicines

Detailed Answer:
Yes dear hopefully it will be fine but keep taking all medicines as advised
Sugar control is definitely very much needed at all times
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Remy Koshy
Answered by
Dr. Manisha Jain


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What Does My Lab Test Report Indicate?

Brief Answer: No reports attached Detailed Answer: Hello and welcome to HCM.Thanks for writing in to us with your health concern. There are no reports attached to the query, you can contact the helpdesk of the HCMteamif ypu are unable to do so. Regards Dr Manisha Jain.