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What Does Presence Of Leukocytes And Nitrates In Urine Indicate?

Posted on Fri, 13 Jan 2017
Question: Dr Tayal:

I am posting this as a new question
I am posting this as a new inquiry
As you recall..

About two weeks ago my mother had mild bladder symptoms.
She had positive for nitrites/leukocytes
Her symptoms resided as the week went on but her rbcs were 200 more and pink tinge to urine in toilet bowl.
A lab culture showed ecoli sensitive to fosfomycin.
She was given this past Sunday and her 15mg xarelto was stopped.
Within three days or this past Wednesday, she was negative for rbcs, wbcs and nitrites.
She resumed xarelto Wednesday evg and the preventative 2000mg mannose.
As of this morning, her urinalysis was negative for rbcs but positive for nitrites and leukcocytes - she has obvious symptoms other than a bit of abdominal pressure
is how the 1st episode started

How do you handle this?

No obvious symptoms than a bit of abdominal pressure.

This is exactly how the first episode started

Answered by Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (10 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Urine culture is needed.

Detailed Answer:

Thanks for trusting us with your health concern.
The symptoms and positive nitrites are suggestive of a urine infection. It is time to get her urine culture done to find out if the present infection is sensitive to fosfomycin or not. A combination of antibiotics may be needed to treat the infection. You can add probiotics and cranberry juice to her daily diet.
Please feel free to discuss further. I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have.
Wishing you good health.
Dr. Rakhi Tayal.
For future query, you can directly approach me through my profile URL

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (3 hours later)
The uro clinic ignored my mother this week.
I went to see the family doctor - he prescribed nitro for 10 days.
A new urine sample was sent off.
Two urinalysis tests were taken today - both positive for nitrites/leuko
but negative for rbcs
As you may recall - that was the whole reason behind this past Sunday
why fosfomycin was given and xarelto stopped.

My mother has had in the past - ecoli treated with an antibiotic lets say 10 days nitro - and 14 days later shows re-immerging symtoms and new urine culture still shows ecoli sensitive to original antibiotic.

Another online source implied today, this is just the remnants of the 1st episode
and not necessarily a new infection.
She has no signs yet and no RBCS
She seemed fairly chipper this evg and even went 10 minutes on a treadmill.
But Unfortunately, I dont think this will disappear.
Mannose did a wonderful job for 8months and perhaps its keeping it at bay but I dont think it will clear it. Anyhow, thanks for listening.
Canada healthcare is very primitive especially for XXXXXXX care

So I havent given the nitro I know each round of antibiotics especially in close succesion will make it more difficult in the future.
The fosfomycin should have worked.

I have uploaded the 2nd urine sample yesterday

Is the nitrites/leukocytes - vaginal contamination

But I had two similiar urinalysis strips yesterday

Neg - RBCS
Positive- Nitrites/Leukocytes

The toilet water this morning still had no pink as was the case about a week ago

Answered by Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (9 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Antibiotic will be needed.

Detailed Answer:
Hello Dear.
Thanks for writing again.

I have seen the urine report that shows high nitrites. This cannot be a vaginal contamination. It is less likely to be due to a remnant infection. She needs the antibiotic to completely eradicate the infection.

In case the infection persists, it will become symptomatic. Urine culture will help in choosing a better antibiotic and will help in confirming the presence of any infection.

Hope my answer is helpful.
Do accept my answer in case there are no further queries.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Arnab Banerjee
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (24 hours later)
I saw my mothers family doctor this past Friday before the holidays.
He prescribed nitrofuran for 10 days based on the previous culture.

The second culture results will be fully known today and I havent given her anything.

She is symptom free but nitrites/leukocytes still present.
It appears based on the strips we are on the cusp between negative and the lowest level of blood.

Why the fosfomycin failed though the ecoli was sensitive?

But bottom line and after 20 utis in the last 5 years - the past two weeks
were episodes where there were no discomfort symtoms only the aspect
of high RBCs (pink tinge urine).

For that reason alone and antibiotic must be given -correct?

The probability this will resolve on its own is minimum?

I am hoping if she can clear this ecoli - she can go back on the full mannose preventative regiment which kept her symptom/blood free for 8 months.

However, I know from historical experience - successive rounds of antibiotics leads to new repeat episodes shortly after stopping.

Its that what I wanted to avoid last last before giving the fosfomycin and now again with the nitro at hand
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (19 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Details below.

Detailed Answer:

Why Fosfomycin failed to provide relief though the e.coli was sensitive- is difficult to find out. It can be due to super-infection, inadequate dosage or frequency of administration, etc.

Antibiotic is needed due to positive nitrites.

The chances of self cure are very low at her age.

Repeated antibiotic use can cause resistance but it seems that we do not have any better option as of now.


Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Arnab Banerjee
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (5 hours later)
Guess you were correct again.

My mother had blood in the urine again this afternoon.
Urine culture still not in but gave her fosfomycin and will cease the xarelto again.

So this appears then the new norm - no obvious bladder discomfort but bloodloss

Usually when my mother had a symptomatic ecoli, the antibiotic was given immediately than wait a few days, this was not the case with the 1st episode with the fosfomycin. Whether that had a siginficant influence.

I imagine the fosfomycin will prove to be sensitive still

Gave her the nitro this afternoon - not fosfomycin
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (3 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Continue with daily antibiotic.

Detailed Answer:
Your mother has an infection and now that antibiotic has been started continue it for at least 7 days so that the bacteria clears up completely. We should have started it two days ago. But now continue giving it till a repeat culture test comes sterile. Incomplete treatment is often the main cause of recurrence.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (13 hours later)
As of this morning the nitrites are negative but the urine sample container is coca coloured. This is the most tinged I have seen it in the last 2 weeks.
She stopped the xarelto last night and is in 10 days nitro.

Urine culture is still not in. I regret now not giving my mother the nitro much earlier.

I hope she is on the mend again.

One shouldnt be online trying to solve this type of issue
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (19 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Hematuria is due to infection.

Detailed Answer:
Sorry for a delayed response. I was on a vacation with no internet connectivity.
The high colored urine is due to hematuria associated with infection. This will gradually clear off in next few days. Stop Xarelto till it is completely clear.
Just wait for the reports. She will be better soon.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Remy Koshy
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (11 hours later)
I dont expect an immediate response.
My mothers condition has improved.
I have also consulted with a couple of XXXXXXX based uros.

They mentioned nitrofuran to eliminate an infection
-given 20 days instead of 7 to 10 days
-urine alkalzer be given
-North XXXXXXX sources imply a lower ph to be effective
-Nitro is an antiseptic vs antibiotic

I want her to clear this ecoli properly so hopefully the 2000mg mannose can be used again. ..but its all trial and error.
I believe the hemuratia affected the fosfomycin efficacy

The second culture was a carbon copy of Dec 13th - high ecoli with same sensitivities
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (7 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Continue nitrofurantoin for 20 days.

Detailed Answer:
It is better to give nitrofurantoin for 20 days to eradicate the infection. Otherwise fosfomycin can be given at least thrice every alternate day.
Urine alkalizer will help in clearing infection soon.
2000mg mannose can be given. It will help.
The urine culture can be repeated after 2 weeks to confirm a sterile urine.
Note: For further follow up on related General & Family Physician Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal


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What Does Presence Of Leukocytes And Nitrates In Urine Indicate?

Brief Answer: Urine culture is needed. Detailed Answer: Hello, Thanks for trusting us with your health concern. The symptoms and positive nitrites are suggestive of a urine infection. It is time to get her urine culture done to find out if the present infection is sensitive to fosfomycin or not. A combination of antibiotics may be needed to treat the infection. You can add probiotics and cranberry juice to her daily diet. Please feel free to discuss further. I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have. Wishing you good health. Regards. Dr. Rakhi Tayal. For future query, you can directly approach me through my profile URL