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What Does The Following Liver Function Test Report Indicate?

Posted on Mon, 20 Feb 2017
Question: I was consuming alcohol in high level nowI have underwent for an LIVER FUNCTION TEST the following are the test results , SERUM SGOT- 71.5 mg/di , SGPT- 95.1U/L, Alkaline Phosphate- 22.6U/L, Bilirubin Direct - 0.50mg/di, Bilirubin Total- 2.17mg/di, Bilirubin Indirect- 1.67 mg/di, Protein Total-6.858 gm/di, Gulcose - 2.254 GM/dL , Sérum A/G ratio-2.0
Answered by Dr. Dr.Raju.A.T (7 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Levels are fine

Detailed Answer:

Thanks for your query.

The levels in the report mentioned above are fine. A enzyme called GGT (Gamma-glutamyltransferase) is the best indicator for alcohol induced liver damage.Usually this test is included in liver function tests.

Hope, I answered your query.

Wish you good health

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Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Answered by
Dr. Dr.Raju.A.T

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2008

Answered : 4909 Questions


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What Does The Following Liver Function Test Report Indicate?

Brief Answer: Levels are fine Detailed Answer: Hi, Thanks for your query. The levels in the report mentioned above are fine. A enzyme called GGT (Gamma-glutamyltransferase) is the best indicator for alcohol induced liver damage.Usually this test is included in liver function tests. Hope, I answered your query. Wish you good health Regards,