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What Does This CT Scan Report Indicate?

Posted on Thu, 14 Sep 2017
Question: My CT from last week showed, "There is a small amount of pericardial fluid anteriorly". What is it and what could cause that?
Answered by Dr. Ilir Sharka (44 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
I would recommend as follows:

Detailed Answer:

Welcome back on HCM!

Regarding your concern, I would explain that the presence of small amount of pericardial fluid anteriorly has not any clinical significance and it is not something to be concerned about.

You should know that the pericardial fluid is a normal fluid, which makes possible the lubrification of the pericardial space, leading to a normal heart movement (contractions and relaxation) inside this area, without any resistance from the friction between heart and pericardium.

Sometimes, during inflammation of the pericardium or the structures next to the pericardium (pleuritis, pneumonia, etc.), this amount of fluid increases in amount, causing even problems with the heart normal function (the heart can not get full of blood during the diastole, as there is not enough space for it to expand).

But, this is not your case. A small amount of pericardial fluid can be present even in normal persons.

Besides, the chest CT scan is not the best test to examine the presence of fluid inside the pericardial space.

For this reason, I would recommend performing a cardiac ultrasound to examine better your heart function and structure and the exact amount of pericardial fluid.

I would be happy to review your cardiac ultrasound for a more professional opion, as soon as you will be able to upload those reports.

Hope you will find this answer helpful!

Wishing all the best,

Dr. Iliri
Note: For further queries related to coronary artery disease and prevention, click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Ilir Sharka


Practicing since :2001

Answered : 9544 Questions


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What Does This CT Scan Report Indicate?

Brief Answer: I would recommend as follows: Detailed Answer: Hello! Welcome back on HCM! Regarding your concern, I would explain that the presence of small amount of pericardial fluid anteriorly has not any clinical significance and it is not something to be concerned about. You should know that the pericardial fluid is a normal fluid, which makes possible the lubrification of the pericardial space, leading to a normal heart movement (contractions and relaxation) inside this area, without any resistance from the friction between heart and pericardium. Sometimes, during inflammation of the pericardium or the structures next to the pericardium (pleuritis, pneumonia, etc.), this amount of fluid increases in amount, causing even problems with the heart normal function (the heart can not get full of blood during the diastole, as there is not enough space for it to expand). But, this is not your case. A small amount of pericardial fluid can be present even in normal persons. Besides, the chest CT scan is not the best test to examine the presence of fluid inside the pericardial space. For this reason, I would recommend performing a cardiac ultrasound to examine better your heart function and structure and the exact amount of pericardial fluid. I would be happy to review your cardiac ultrasound for a more professional opion, as soon as you will be able to upload those reports. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Wishing all the best, Dr. Iliri