Why I Am Having Frequent Urine Discharge With Burning Sensation?
Get the investigations done. Non-OTC products need valid prescription
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
The history is suggestive urinary tract infection.
I would advise you the following:
Send the sample of urine for lab tests:
Culture and sensitivity (needs a sterile container provided by the laboratory).
Tests of blood like CBC, urea creatinine, sugar.
Ultrasound of abdomen for kidneys, ureter, urine bladder.
Any additional tests as may be needed.
Take plenty of oral fluids and water.
Antibiotics needed in such a case needs a ''valid prescription'' from a local Doctor. Specific antibiotic can be given after getting back the report of culture and sensitivity. Antibiotic is to be started after you give sample of urine to the lab.
Symptomatic treatment will be given as needed.
Get the tests done asap - as soon as possible. Please do not delay.
Please write; Your age and gender, married or not, any other medical history as this helps.
I hope, this answer helps you. Please give feedback.
Dr T Chandrakant.