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Chlamydia Can Stay Dormant In Your Body For Years ?

Posted on Tue, 27 Feb 2024
Question: I read that Chlamydia can stay dormant in your body for years possibly if you were exposed in the past until an event such as weakness in you immune system caused by the flu or something makes it rear it's ugly head.
If that were the case but over the years, especially in the year you have been prescribed Azithromycin 250 mg twice, dosage, 500 mg then 250 mg per day for 4 days each time and also in that period your were prescribed Doxycycline Hyclate 100 mg, 2 times a day for 10 days, would this eliminate the Chlamydia that is residing, dormant in your system?
The reason I ask is I only have one sex partner, my wife, who was a virgin when I met her and married her. I lived a pretty wild life for years before meeting her 7 years ago and that made me concerned once I started having symptoms and started researching them. Currently I appear to be showing the symptoms even though I have not been tested yet but planning on going to my doctor by weeks end. Please don't call me. Just email if possible. I don't want any questions as to who is calling me. Thanks!
Answered by Dr. Satnarain Bansal (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:

Detailed Answer:
You are right that if chlamydia, not treated properly, it may remain dormant in the body for a very long time, without any symptom in the body. However, during this period, you may give infection to your partner. Hence, it is always advised to treat this infection completely, for avoiding its transmission to the sexual partner.
Definitely, with the course of antibiotics, you took, the infection of chlamydia should have been eliminated. However, if you are doubtful of presence of chlamydia, you must get yourself tested & if found positive, must be treated along with your partner for the same, even in absence of symptoms in you, your spouse or both.
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Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. LAKSHMI
Answered by
Dr. Satnarain Bansal

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :1975

Answered : 1487 Questions


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Chlamydia Can Stay Dormant In Your Body For Years ?

Brief Answer: Hi, Detailed Answer: You are right that if chlamydia, not treated properly, it may remain dormant in the body for a very long time, without any symptom in the body. However, during this period, you may give infection to your partner. Hence, it is always advised to treat this infection completely, for avoiding its transmission to the sexual partner. Definitely, with the course of antibiotics, you took, the infection of chlamydia should have been eliminated. However, if you are doubtful of presence of chlamydia, you must get yourself tested & if found positive, must be treated along with your partner for the same, even in absence of symptoms in you, your spouse or both. Thansks.