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Dear Sir How Are You For The Last Three Months

Posted on Fri, 26 Jun 2020
Question: dear sir how are you for the last three months i am having phlegm which is mostly white but sometimes yellow and noisy breathing and need to take deep breath my nose but my spo2 is 97-99%25 kindly check my sputum culture report and tell me do i need medicine or can i treat it without medcine any remedy or course if needed do i need to be worried also my corona test is also negative
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
No need to worry for this infection.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your question on Ask a doctor forum.
I can understand your concern.
I have gone through the sputum report you have attached.
No need to worry for this organism. No treatment required for this.
Better to get done chest x ray and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test).
Please let me know if already done.
Also let me know if you have any bad habits like smoking or alcohol.
I will be happy to help you further.
Wish you good health. Thanks.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Follow up: Dr. Drkaushal85 (9 hours later)
Dear sir kindly check my xray and tell me if everything is ok i dont have any fever fatigue etc only feels like phelgm in chest and need to take breathing by nose my spos 2 is 99% i dont smoke or have any bad habit just mild anxiety and i wear n95 mask outside for 5 months
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Chest x ray is normal.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Ask a doctor forum.
I have gone through the reports you have attached.
Chest x ray is normal.
No need to worry for pneumonia or tubercular infection.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. Drkaushal85 (19 minutes later)
Sir can i take kahwa or joshanda or will it heal automatically
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (1 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Do you mean hot herbal liquid?

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Ask a doctor forum.
What is kahwa?
Do you mean hot herbal liquid?
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. Drkaushal85 (16 minutes later)
Yes sir like herbal tea etc
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (1 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Ok. You can take it.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Ask a doctor forum.
Yes, you can take it.
What about PFT (Pulmonary Function Test)?
Are you able to get it done?
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Answered by
Dr. Drkaushal85


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Dear Sir How Are You For The Last Three Months

Brief Answer: No need to worry for this infection. Detailed Answer: Thanks for your question on Ask a doctor forum. I can understand your concern. I have gone through the sputum report you have attached. No need to worry for this organism. No treatment required for this. Better to get done chest x ray and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). Please let me know if already done. Also let me know if you have any bad habits like smoking or alcohol. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.