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Hello I Remember You As A Smart Good Thinking Doctor

Posted on Sun, 12 Feb 2023
Question: Hello
I remember you as a smart good thinking doctor - in a pasts i had question to you about Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection

But there are some things that i would like to ask you about risk of Strongyloides hyperinfection - as i one article there is description about Strongyloides hyperinfection - and its risk factors

Hyperinfection has resulted from high-dose steroids (113), low-dose steroids (135), locally injected steroids (130), high levels of endogenous adrenocorticotropin (21), and pharmacologically

1. Question low dose steroids - there is only one case described, in literature - so we could say as there is no risk
as imagine how much of world population take inhaled corticosteroids - and there is no case of Strongyloides hyperinfection from inhaled corticosteroids

2. I did literature research about Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection cases in all world
as in world literature from 1991 to 2011 there was 244 cases - only

So even in Argentina an XXXXXXX Strongyloides stercoralis is very common up to 30 % of population there are only few cases
Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection for example in Indi there have been only 65 cases -
and as corticosteroids are used a lot - and Strongyloides stercoralis so common risk of hyperinfection is small
Logic conclusion Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection is very rare even in endemic population - and risk is small even corticosteroids group

Im right !
Is it so ?

3.As i understand for HTLV 1 is small risk for Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection - as there all rather few cases in literature - so if person is HTLV 1 positive and have Strongyloides stercoralis risk for infection is very low !

Thank you very much !

Answered by Dr. Aaron Branch (12 hours later)
Brief Answer:
See my responses below

Detailed Answer:
Hello again, good to hear from you. I will list my responses below:

1. I agree that low dose steroids would be very low risk. We do live in an area with high prevalence of strongyloides and use high dose steroids frequently, and yet have never seen a case of hyperinfection. I also would not consider inhaled steroids to be a risk.

2. I agree with your conclusion that even in endemic populations, the risk of hyperinfection is quite low, even with steroid use.

3. Yes, even with HTLV 1 infection, the risk would be marginally increased, but overall would still remain quite low overall.

I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any other questions about that, and I would be glad to discuss it with you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Follow up: Dr. Aaron Branch (4 days later)
Thank you !
you are great docotr and explaim everything logic !

Have a nice day !
Answered by Dr. Aaron Branch (21 hours later)
Brief Answer:
You're welcome

Detailed Answer:
You're very welcome! Please let me know if you have any further question, either now or in the future, I would be glad to help any way I can.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Saisudha Kotla
Follow up: Dr. Aaron Branch (35 minutes later)
Hello as you are smart doctor and positive thinking - please could you give me short comment to my qestions. As you can give logic answer

I have a qestion about fibromyalgia and C hepatitis

1. As i inderstad early hcv cure prevent this complication if you treat hcv as soon as posible !
like in first year, you will avoid risk of fibromyalgia
because you infection will no cause damage to body in first year - so early cure is important

Am i right ?

2. If i test hcv once in year it will be enough to diagnose, treat and prevent fibromyalgia

is it so ?

3. HCV can cause fibromyalgia - but its overdiagnosed
as one study with acurate diagnose HCV had 16 % had
rheumatic manifestation. But fibromyalgia was diagosed in 1.9% of hcv - as it is said in literature that
fibromyalgia is overdiagnosed in 97 % of case
In case where it is said fibromyalgia is 20 % in HCV, these case are overdiagnosed as literature said !

4. It is said fibromyalgi can run in family ! as if mother has risk for chidren get it is 28 % it is said in literature !
But as people get older they are more likley to get pain in their body - as in old generation fibromyalgi can be seen as 7 % ( again lot of them are overdiagnosed )

Risk of getting fibromyalgi is when parents at young age has fibromyalgi for exaple mother at age 30, but it is not family risk as grandmother has some pain and overdiagnosed fibromyalgi in late 70

I think i m right !
Is it so ?

Thank you very much !
Follow up: Dr. Aaron Branch (8 hours later)
Hello !
You dont need to answer to first 3.qestions as one infectalogis explained me everything.

Can you give pleas small comment to 4th qestion !
But im sure that my commet to 4th qestion should be right !
Answered by Dr. Aaron Branch (16 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Younger patients with fibromyalgia have a stronger genetic component

Detailed Answer:
Yes, it is exactly as you say, for example, in a study of fibromyalgia in 26,749 individuals undergoing elective surgery, younger patients with an FM phenotype had a stronger genetic component than older individuals. This study can be found here:

Please let me know if you have any other questions, I'd be glad to help any way I can.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Follow up: Dr. Aaron Branch (5 days later)
You are very smart doctor
one more question about Clostridium difficile

as it said

C. difficile infection. Some strains of the bacterium in the general population may cause serious infections or are more likely to affect younger people

related strains caused severe disease in generally healthy persons in the community at a rate of 7.6 cases per 100,000 population

So if i and my kids are healthy we still have risk of sever C. difficile

1. but i undestand mortality risk is low even recurrence case as we all ar healthy without any health conditions ?
is it so ?? as in young generation mortality is 1.5 % about

2. Why some strains cause infections only in young and health population - is there some explanation ?
maybe you know

Some strains of the bacterium in the general population may cause serious infections or are more likely to affect younger people.

3. Is these strains that cause in infection in young healthy people ar found over the World - As they are found in US, are they found in Europe ?

Thank you very much

Answered by Dr. Aaron Branch (41 hours later)
Brief Answer:
See my answers below

Detailed Answer:
Hello again.

1. Yes, the mortality would be low in healthy individuals. I don't know what the exact numbers would be, but 1.5% in young, healthy people sounds reasonable, though I would expect even less than that.

2. Sorry, I am not aware of the strains that they mention that are more likely to affect younger people. I think this is most likely very rare, and we may not know the reason it infects younger people at this point.

3. Sorry, again, I'm not sure which reference they are using when they talk about the strain that seems to infect younger people. I assume since it was the Mayo clinic that mentioned them, that they would be in the US, but I cannot be sure of that.

I hope that is helpful, please let me know if you have any other questions, I would be glad to help any way I can.
Note: For further follow up on related General & Family Physician Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Saisudha Kotla
Answered by
Dr. Aaron Branch

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2011

Answered : 1223 Questions


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Hello I Remember You As A Smart Good Thinking Doctor

Brief Answer: See my responses below Detailed Answer: Hello again, good to hear from you. I will list my responses below: 1. I agree that low dose steroids would be very low risk. We do live in an area with high prevalence of strongyloides and use high dose steroids frequently, and yet have never seen a case of hyperinfection. I also would not consider inhaled steroids to be a risk. 2. I agree with your conclusion that even in endemic populations, the risk of hyperinfection is quite low, even with steroid use. 3. Yes, even with HTLV 1 infection, the risk would be marginally increased, but overall would still remain quite low overall. I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any other questions about that, and I would be glad to discuss it with you further.