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Hey I Wrote A Post Here And Dr.Olgeta Xhufka Answer

Posted on Fri, 3 Jul 2020
Question: hey i wrote a post here and Dr.Olgeta Xhufka answer me and asked for test results and other things.. Basically since December if had problems with pain in the stomach area. It started as a sharp almost like a stab pain on the upper left side of the stomach.The pain has been with me since then, not the same intensity but its there. i went to the ER in december 2019 and they did a painted CT(game me a liquid to drink before the CT) and also did a blood test which came with high white blood cells.The results came back "good" but i still had the pain... Fast foward to may, im still having problems but the pain moved a crossed the belly, sometimes left side and sometimes right side.Where i mostly feel pain is in left side of the chest close to where the end of the front ribs are(i dont know if you understand the location sorry). By the way, i waited so long to go to the doctor because i didnt have insurance and now have, its a public insurance so i cant go directly to a specialist. Went to the doctor and explained everything and had me do an xray of the stomach, and a lot of other test that i put as an attachment. Basically he says im "constipated" which i honestly feel like im not because i have'nt had a problem with going to the bathroon at all.He prescribed a pill called Docusate calcium 240mg(generic for surfak stool softener) which i used for a week and had 0 effect in me. I actually went less times to the bathroom and in terms of volume went i went was normal to minimal... i went today also and he gave me another pill called stool softener 100mg(generic for colace) i honestly dont feel constipated and told him that and he still gave me the pills
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (0 minute later)
hey i wrote a post here and Dr.Olgeta Xhufka answer me and asked for test results and other things.. Basically since December if had problems with pain in the stomach area. It started as a sharp almost like a stab pain on the upper left side of the stomach.The pain has been with me since then, not the same intensity but its there. i went to the ER in december 2019 and they did a painted CT(game me a liquid to drink before the CT) and also did a blood test which came with high white blood cells.The results came back "good" but i still had the pain... Fast foward to may, im still having problems but the pain moved a crossed the belly, sometimes left side and sometimes right side.Where i mostly feel pain is in left side of the chest close to where the end of the front ribs are(i dont know if you understand the location sorry). By the way, i waited so long to go to the doctor because i didnt have insurance and now have, its a public insurance so i cant go directly to a specialist. Went to the doctor and explained everything and had me do an xray of the stomach, and a lot of other test that i put as an attachment. Basically he says im "constipated" which i honestly feel like im not because i have'nt had a problem with going to the bathroon at all.He prescribed a pill called Docusate calcium 240mg(generic for surfak stool softener) which i used for a week and had 0 effect in me. I actually went less times to the bathroom and in terms of volume went i went was normal to minimal... i went today also and he gave me another pill called stool softener 100mg(generic for colace) i honestly dont feel constipated and told him that and he still gave me the pills
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Please attach the photos of the test results.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear XXXXXXX ,welcome to Ask a doctor's service.
I read your query and here is my advice.

I can't see the attachments of the test results you did. You can post them on reports or send them YYYY@YYYY .
I have recommended you to do firstly an ultrasound and biochemical blood balance and a photo of the medications you were taking.
I think this can be related to pancreatitis or stomach or duodenal ulcers.
Waiting for your follow up question with the test results.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Please attach the photos of the test results.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear XXXXXXX ,welcome to Ask a doctor's service.
I read your query and here is my advice.

I can't see the attachments of the test results you did. You can post them on reports or send them YYYY@YYYY .
I have recommended you to do firstly an ultrasound and biochemical blood balance and a photo of the medications you were taking.
I think this can be related to pancreatitis or stomach or duodenal ulcers.
Waiting for your follow up question with the test results.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (47 minutes later)
I attached the results i have, hopefully you can see them
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (0 minute later)
I attached the results i have, hopefully you can see them
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (5 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Excessive gas in intestines or parasites causing the pain.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear and thank you for asking again.
I see the results of the tests you attached and all the values are normal except bilirubin which is slightly above the normal range. LDL are also slightly elevated.
This a bit elevated bilirubin and LDL don't cause any pain. Pain is not related to liver or gallbladder issues.
Amylase and lipase are within normal range which means that the pain is not related to pancreas issues.
Urine test is normal so the pain is not related to kidney stones or urinary tract infection.
PSA is normal so the prostate problems are excluded.
So the only organ which can cause the pain may be intestines. You may need to do stool test to check for parasites which may be the reason of pain. Also increased gas and flatulence can cause bloating and pain.
You may need to reduce carbonated drinks, stop eating chewing gum and smoking.
Eat slowly to prevent swallowing much air.
Reduce lactose, milk, fruits such prune, legumes etc.
You can find over the counter in pharmacy supplements to reduce intestinal flatulence and also use probiotics.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Excessive gas in intestines or parasites causing the pain.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear and thank you for asking again.
I see the results of the tests you attached and all the values are normal except bilirubin which is slightly above the normal range. LDL are also slightly elevated.
This a bit elevated bilirubin and LDL don't cause any pain. Pain is not related to liver or gallbladder issues.
Amylase and lipase are within normal range which means that the pain is not related to pancreas issues.
Urine test is normal so the pain is not related to kidney stones or urinary tract infection.
PSA is normal so the prostate problems are excluded.
So the only organ which can cause the pain may be intestines. You may need to do stool test to check for parasites which may be the reason of pain. Also increased gas and flatulence can cause bloating and pain.
You may need to reduce carbonated drinks, stop eating chewing gum and smoking.
Eat slowly to prevent swallowing much air.
Reduce lactose, milk, fruits such prune, legumes etc.
You can find over the counter in pharmacy supplements to reduce intestinal flatulence and also use probiotics.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (5 hours later)
wow thanks a lot. Yeah not going to lie.. i have been chewing gum and eat oatmeal almost every single day and thats with milk. Also i have been using probiotics since december.I dont drink sodas or anything carbonated nor smoke And so doctor incase i have parasites, what would be the procedure to eliminate them? Thanks a lot doctor xhufka
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (0 minute later)
wow thanks a lot. Yeah not going to lie.. i have been chewing gum and eat oatmeal almost every single day and thats with milk. Also i have been using probiotics since december.I dont drink sodas or anything carbonated nor smoke And so doctor incase i have parasites, what would be the procedure to eliminate them? Thanks a lot doctor xhufka
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (13 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Antiparasite drugs can treat parasites.

Detailed Answer:
In case you have parasites you may need to treat them taking antiparasite drugs.
Try to avoid eating chewing gum and oatmeal and drinking milk.
You can find in pharmacy over the counter supplements that can reduce flatulence.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Antiparasite drugs can treat parasites.

Detailed Answer:
In case you have parasites you may need to treat them taking antiparasite drugs.
Try to avoid eating chewing gum and oatmeal and drinking milk.
You can find in pharmacy over the counter supplements that can reduce flatulence.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Note: For further follow up on digestive issues share your reports here and Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Answered by
Dr. Olgeta Xhufka

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2011

Answered : 10152 Questions


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Hey I Wrote A Post Here And Dr.Olgeta Xhufka Answer

hey i wrote a post here and Dr.Olgeta Xhufka answer me and asked for test results and other things.. Basically since December if had problems with pain in the stomach area. It started as a sharp almost like a stab pain on the upper left side of the stomach.The pain has been with me since then, not the same intensity but its there. i went to the ER in december 2019 and they did a painted CT(game me a liquid to drink before the CT) and also did a blood test which came with high white blood cells.The results came back "good" but i still had the pain... Fast foward to may, im still having problems but the pain moved a crossed the belly, sometimes left side and sometimes right side.Where i mostly feel pain is in left side of the chest close to where the end of the front ribs are(i dont know if you understand the location sorry). By the way, i waited so long to go to the doctor because i didnt have insurance and now have, its a public insurance so i cant go directly to a specialist. Went to the doctor and explained everything and had me do an xray of the stomach, and a lot of other test that i put as an attachment. Basically he says im "constipated" which i honestly feel like im not because i have'nt had a problem with going to the bathroon at all.He prescribed a pill called Docusate calcium 240mg(generic for surfak stool softener) which i used for a week and had 0 effect in me. I actually went less times to the bathroom and in terms of volume went i went was normal to minimal... i went today also and he gave me another pill called stool softener 100mg(generic for colace) i honestly dont feel constipated and told him that and he still gave me the pills