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Hi. I Want To Get Some X Rays Of My

Posted on Fri, 26 Jun 2020
Question: hi. i want to get some x rays of my lumbar spine looked at
Answered by Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (25 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Please post it.

Detailed Answer:
Hi and welcome.
You can post it here. I am spine surgeon and imaging expert so I can see if there is pathology on these xray images
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (21 minutes later)
i would like to have these images looked at please
Answered by Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (43 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
L4 and L5 defomrity, minor spinal cord compression

Detailed Answer:
Hi and welcome.
These are bit blurred, but there are deformities mainly in L4 and L5 vertebra. May be caused by previous compressive fracture, osteroporosis or disc protrusion.
It may lead to lower back pain, tingling in legs and difficulties with bladder emptying.
At this point, I dont think that surgical therapy is required. it may be treated with physical therapy and steroid injections if intensive pain is present.
So, if you tell me your symptoms , I may suggest some other therapies.
Wish you good health. Regards
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (42 minutes later)
I can send better pictures for you to look at ?
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (24 minutes later)
Hello I will upload more pictures could you look at them for me please
Answered by Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (30 minutes later)
Brief Answer:

Detailed Answer:
Yes. There are some degenerative changes on L5 and L2 but this is not worrying. There is no compression of spinal canal which is good. I don't think that surgery is required. Do you have some symptoms?
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (17 minutes later)
Yes could you explain more to be about this I don’t understand?. Yes I have constant back pain. For years . Lower back pain . When I sit for more then 5 mins I get up and my back lower back is so stiff
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (5 minutes later)
Can you look at your previous replies please and give me a full report together of what you think it’s the problem . You mentioned different things in answers so can you review it please
Answered by Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (38 hours later)
Brief Answer:

Detailed Answer:
After seeing brighter images, I see that L2 and L5 show degenerative changes, it may be caused by back injuries in the past or by spondylitis. Other vertebras are just mildly changed but L2 and L5 may be causing your problems. Since there is no significant spinal cord compression, surgical therapy is not indicated at this point. I suggest to see rheumatologist and vertebrologist for antidegenerative therapy.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (3 hours later)
Hi. Can just explain this to me . What does it mean in laymen terms
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (1 minute later)
Hi. Could you look at the other image I have uploaded . That’s my dads back
Answered by Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Follow up consultation

Detailed Answer:

It means that his lower spine is diseased as a result of osteoporosis or injury. Most affected vertebrae are L2 and L5. So there is disc protrusion above L5 vertebra and this is causing pain and tingling. This disc is pressing nerves in the spinal canal, but this is not so severe to require surgery at this point.

He must avoid weight lifting, have calcium supplements, and consult a physical therapist for treatment.


Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Arnab Banerjee
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (21 hours later)
Can you make marks on the images to show we’re the problems are lease
Answered by Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (3 hours later)
Brief Answer:

Detailed Answer:
I can not upload images on this platform.
Please, leave your contact to customer support ( YYYY@YYYY ) and I will send it to as email if feasible.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (41 minutes later)
So if I leave you my email you could speak to me through that . My email is YYYY@YYYY . Maybe I can send you the images though there and get a Clear report frm you
Answered by Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (25 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Please mail the images

Detailed Answer:
You can mail the images to YYYY@YYYY

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich

General Surgeon

Practicing since :2008

Answered : 13888 Questions


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Hi. I Want To Get Some X Rays Of My

Brief Answer: Please post it. Detailed Answer: Hi and welcome. You can post it here. I am spine surgeon and imaging expert so I can see if there is pathology on these xray images