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Hi Im A 55 Yo Male. I Have Been Suffering

Posted on Wed, 24 Jun 2020
Question: hi

im a 55 yo male. i have been suffering from low thyroid for about 6-7 years. i was takibg 2.5 grains of nature thyroid daily. earlier this year i had an episode or atial fib so they suggesting moving to levothyroxine (T4) instread of the naturethroid. ive been taking 200 mcg of levo for about 4 weeks now. i got a TSH test on friday and my redults were low. they were .03 which indicated too much thyroid med. my dr recommended reducing the dosage to 100 which i did the last three days on sat, sun and today.

Today i am feeling very anxious, short of breadth, tired and feel like theres a lump in my throat. i also take 12.5 mg of metoprolol to keep my heart rate low to reduce another a fib episode durong covid.

can these be symptoms resulting from reducing thr thyroid med by 50%25?

what are your thoughts? thank you.
Answered by Dr. Mirjeta Guni (4 hours later)
Brief Answer:
About levothyroxine dose;

Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for asking!
I have gone carefully through your concern.
It is a very short period of dose lowering to cause symptoms.
Usually, it takes weeks to feel the symptoms of under dosage if the dose you are taking is not the right one.
So i would not attribute the symptoms you have actually to the levothyroxine dose.
Hope the information will help.
Best wishes,
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Mirjeta Guni (4 hours later)
ok so what would be the cause ?
Answered by Dr. Mirjeta Guni (29 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Differential diagnosis:

Detailed Answer:
Hi again,

Of course, a detailed clinical examination is necessary.
Most probably anxiety disorder, but other pathologies such as pulmonary thromboembolism should be ruled out.

I would suggest seeing a physician for a clinical examination.

Best wishes,

Note: For more information on hormonal imbalance symptoms or unmanaged diabetes with other comorbid conditions, get back to us & Consult with an Endocrinologist. Click here to book an appointment.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Arnab Banerjee
Answered by
Dr. Mirjeta Guni


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Hi Im A 55 Yo Male. I Have Been Suffering

Brief Answer: About levothyroxine dose; Detailed Answer: Hello and thank you for asking! I have gone carefully through your concern. It is a very short period of dose lowering to cause symptoms. Usually, it takes weeks to feel the symptoms of under dosage if the dose you are taking is not the right one. So i would not attribute the symptoms you have actually to the levothyroxine dose. Hope the information will help. Best wishes, Dr.mirjeta