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I Have Been Having Constant Discomfort In My Lower Left

Posted on Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Question: i have been having constant discomfort in my lower left abdomen, and back side of lower left abdomen, bloated stomach and indigestion.
Answered by Dr. LAKSHMI (29 minutes later)
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Thank you for reaching out at Ask A Doctor,
Kindly give me more details such as age ,gender ,any medical conditions ,on any medications at present ,duration of present symptoms ,any h/o previous similar complains. As per the mentioned symptoms it indicates more of acidity induced ,hence I would recommend certain diet changes such as avoid hot oily spicy food, avoid lying down immediately after food consumption ,avoid alcohol consumption and smoking. Drink 3-4 liters water per day , have frequent small meals , exercise regularly. To help with the present symptom you could take antacid such as pantoprazole 40 mg before food twice a day for 3 days .
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Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
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General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2013

Answered : 274 Questions


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I Have Been Having Constant Discomfort In My Lower Left

Brief Answer: Kindly read below Detailed Answer: Hi Thank you for reaching out at Ask A Doctor, Kindly give me more details such as age ,gender ,any medical conditions ,on any medications at present ,duration of present symptoms ,any h/o previous similar complains. As per the mentioned symptoms it indicates more of acidity induced ,hence I would recommend certain diet changes such as avoid hot oily spicy food, avoid lying down immediately after food consumption ,avoid alcohol consumption and smoking. Drink 3-4 liters water per day , have frequent small meals , exercise regularly. To help with the present symptom you could take antacid such as pantoprazole 40 mg before food twice a day for 3 days . Kindly revert back Regards Dr XXXXXXX