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I Keep Focusing On Breathing When Im Still. Im Feeling

Posted on Sun, 5 Feb 2023
Question: I keep focusing on breathing when im still. im feeling like im breathing weird. not out of breath though. I've had this before. Im so upset with myself for being a smoker for so long. Im 41F. Smoked since 15. Abt .5-1 pack a day. Quit cigs 3 mos, but admittedly have one a few times in there. Exam next month, but really worried ive already got COPD. Irony is health anxiety is worse. I start concentrating on my breathing then feel like I'm breathing weird. I do run. Up to a 10k in abt an hour, however this morning I could only do a 5k and its made my anxious.
Answered by Dr. Satnarain Bansal (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:

Detailed Answer:
In my opinion, you are having mixed symptoms of --
- Phobia of exams, Phobia of having illnesses related to lungs as a result of smoking, particularly, as you are having COPD also.
-Feeling of guilt, for you have been smoking for such a long time & also, you are still not able to stop smoking.
-Dependence/addiction of smoking
-Escape phenomenon of diverting yourself from your mental worries to observing/feeling your act of breathing.
Definitely, some of the symptoms of breathlessness or breathing difficulty may be due to your condition of COPD, but the type of breathing, you are describing ,does not seem due to your condition of COPD.
Hence, in my opinion, you are advised to see a psychiatrist for proper diagnosis & treatment accordingly.
Your treatment may be by medicines, individual counselling, behavior modification programme techniques, joining some self help groups or getting involvement with some social or religious groups/organisation may help you to some extent. However ,the type of treatment needed to you, should be decided by your doctor/ pschiatrist, who will also monitor your progress of the symptoms etc.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Saisudha Kotla
Follow up: Dr. Satnarain Bansal (7 hours later)
thank you. I have not been diagnosed with COPD yet. I know that you can not say for sure, but do you think a COPD diagnosis is likely? I do run regularly as mentioned about and it helps with the anxiety some. (I apologize if this post twice)
Answered by Dr. Satnarain Bansal (13 hours later)
Brief Answer:

Detailed Answer:
I do not think , that you are suffering from COPD. As, you feel better with act of running, where as COPD people generally feel tired & breathless with exercises.
Of course, any type of Yoga or controlled exercise including running etc. may definitely be helpful to some extent in relieving your symptoms of anxiety etc. ,but in your case, it seems another escape phenomenon to divert your attention from anxiety etc. .
Therefore I will advise you to continue with yoga or/and controlled exercise like running,jogging etc. , but you still need to consult some psychiatrist for complete long lasting solution to your problems. In the beginning, doctor may like to prescribe you some anti-anxiety drug & asess for the results.
I wish you all the best in your life. Good luck.
Note: For further follow up on related General & Family Physician Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Answered by
Dr. Satnarain Bansal

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :1975

Answered : 1487 Questions


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I Keep Focusing On Breathing When Im Still. Im Feeling

Brief Answer: Hi, Detailed Answer: In my opinion, you are having mixed symptoms of -- -Anxiety - Phobia of exams, Phobia of having illnesses related to lungs as a result of smoking, particularly, as you are having COPD also. -Feeling of guilt, for you have been smoking for such a long time & also, you are still not able to stop smoking. -Dependence/addiction of smoking -Escape phenomenon of diverting yourself from your mental worries to observing/feeling your act of breathing. Definitely, some of the symptoms of breathlessness or breathing difficulty may be due to your condition of COPD, but the type of breathing, you are describing ,does not seem due to your condition of COPD. Hence, in my opinion, you are advised to see a psychiatrist for proper diagnosis & treatment accordingly. Your treatment may be by medicines, individual counselling, behavior modification programme techniques, joining some self help groups or getting involvement with some social or religious groups/organisation may help you to some extent. However ,the type of treatment needed to you, should be decided by your doctor/ pschiatrist, who will also monitor your progress of the symptoms etc.