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How To Get Rid Of Constipation?

Posted on Fri, 17 May 2024
Question: I occasinaly have constipation and have to strain pretty hard to have a bowel movement. They are packed balls and are sometimes very large. I notice that sometimes I have a little blood on the movement or on the toilet paper. I have had this for several years. Once my movements are softer and normal size I don’t see anything Is this something to be concerned about. All other movements are normal and I dont ever seen blood
Answered by Dr. Sunny Madar (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Need once physician visit to rule out fissure or piles

Detailed Answer:
Hi dear
Need few tests like cbc ,tsh,calcium,abdominal film,anotectal studies.these tests will help in diagnosis and rule out severity. Avoid opioid if any taking. laxative in long term are dangerous for health only in acute conditions when needed under prescription only. Diet should have increased fiber intake ( natural such as fruits,vegetables,cereals,or citrucil for short term treatment via prescription)increase fluid intake at least 8 glasses of water daily.milk and products minimized and avoid coffee,tea,alcohol. Probiotics drugs can help too. Once physicians should checked for piles or fissures too. Do yoga and Learn sky breathing exercises I have seen practically in many patients via diet yoga fluids and sky breathing treated alone. Hope this helps please let me know for any queries
Note: For further follow up on related General & Family Physician Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Answered by
Dr. Sunny Madar

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2017

Answered : 1191 Questions


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How To Get Rid Of Constipation?

Brief Answer: Need once physician visit to rule out fissure or piles Detailed Answer: Hi dear Need few tests like cbc ,tsh,calcium,abdominal film,anotectal studies.these tests will help in diagnosis and rule out severity. Avoid opioid if any taking. laxative in long term are dangerous for health only in acute conditions when needed under prescription only. Diet should have increased fiber intake ( natural such as fruits,vegetables,cereals,or citrucil for short term treatment via prescription)increase fluid intake at least 8 glasses of water daily.milk and products minimized and avoid coffee,tea,alcohol. Probiotics drugs can help too. Once physicians should checked for piles or fissures too. Do yoga and Learn sky breathing exercises I have seen practically in many patients via diet yoga fluids and sky breathing treated alone. Hope this helps please let me know for any queries