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This Is Regarding My Mother, She Is Having Cold And

Posted on Tue, 21 Feb 2023
Question: This is regarding my Mother, she is having cold and cough Alergy tried many Home remedies but It's not going away
Answered by Dr. Dr. (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
As explained below

Detailed Answer:
Hello, and welcome to 'Ask A Doctor'

Thanks for posting your query. For allergy I would suggest you to follow as given below but the sure cure is not avoid the allergen as much as possible. She can take:
Tab. Montek LC 10mg 0-0-1 × 10 days AF
Tab. Sinarest once or twice a day as and when required.
Steam inhalation with 2 drops of eucalyptus oil for 20 mins thrice daily.
Fluticasone nasal spray 1 puff to each nostril once a day for 1 week and later taper it by alternating it for a week
Salt water gargling
Adequate fluids 3 to 4 lts per day

I hope this helps. Please feel free to discuss further if any.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Follow up: Dr. Dr. (20 days later)
Daily intake of Tab will not effect or disharm body or can cause any Alergies or Side effects?
Answered by Dr. Dr. (34 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
As explained below

Detailed Answer:

No there is no side effects in taking the tablet daily. She can take ut as and when required.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to discuss further if any.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Answered by
Dr. Dr.

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2011

Answered : 1032 Questions


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This Is Regarding My Mother, She Is Having Cold And

Brief Answer: As explained below Detailed Answer: Hello, and welcome to 'Ask A Doctor' Thanks for posting your query. For allergy I would suggest you to follow as given below but the sure cure is not avoid the allergen as much as possible. She can take: Tab. Montek LC 10mg 0-0-1 × 10 days AF Tab. Sinarest once or twice a day as and when required. Steam inhalation with 2 drops of eucalyptus oil for 20 mins thrice daily. Fluticasone nasal spray 1 puff to each nostril once a day for 1 week and later taper it by alternating it for a week Salt water gargling Adequate fluids 3 to 4 lts per day I hope this helps. Please feel free to discuss further if any. Regards,