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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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After I Decrease The Dose Of Cipralex To 5mg Day

After i decrease the dose of cipralex to 5mg day after day i started to feel anxious about all the things again but i tried to avoid this feel . I feel anxious about death and even i had a small headache i feel anxious. From 5 days i was watching a drama and i like it but my mother said it is not interesting i felt so much anxious and i started to lose interest in the drama. and from 2 days i felt super anxious and had panic attack and my stomach hurt so bad and i couldn't sleep and i didn't know what is the reason and after i heard that my sister is going to start a job this the symptoms get worse and i always feel anxious that my sister is going to work and our routine and sleeping hours will change and she can't spend so much time with me i feel super anxious and this not the first time to feel anxious about this thing also i'm afraid to start a training that will help me to find the job in the future afraid to leave my family afraid that i can't spend so much time with them.I still feel anxious and my stomach hurts and i don't have appetite to eat anything and i don't want to do anything and i want to cry only. I lose interest to do anything i hate to do my daily life i find everything boring and i feel i'm not happy. I was suffer from anxiety the last year and i took cipralex for seven months and the doctor stopped it and i felt anxious again and i started the medicine again and i stopped it from 2 days and i don't know what is wrong and what should i do I'm really tired. Even i didn't think about anything i still feel anxious and nervous and still lose interest in everything i was love to do
Tue, 1 Aug 2023
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After I Decrease The Dose Of Cipralex To 5mg Day