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Medicines and Side Effects Questions & Answers

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2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
I suddenly had a shooting pain in the neck and head one afternoon after taking lunch. This was followed by faining for a few seconds. I became completely normal in an hour. When I visited the doctor, he said BP was slighly on the high side. I was already under medication taking AMLODUC 5 MG . The...
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
I have arthritis and My medicines were prescribed by doctor of Saaz tablet for 5 days and Saaz DS for 3 months... By mistakely I took Saaz tablet for 3 months and Saaz DS also 3 months.. Now what can be the side effects of taking more medicines... Please kindly help me..?? Will it effect my...
8 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
How frequently can I take i-pill. In my first 4 months of marriage.. our contraceptive failed atleast thrice and I took i-pill for three consequtive stuff. Is it ok or should I switch to ocps. Also, my understanding is i-pill once a month destroys the egg.. so a second unprotected sex in the same...
11 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
Hi, I received the depo povera shot 3 months ago. Since then I have had three eye infections. (Burning, severe sensitivity to light, excessive tearing of which the only relief was a strong bacterial drop. also I wear contacts.) could they be related?
8 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
I have started to have small round dark purple bruises on my hand, arm and leg (at the moment total of 5, not huge number) but haven t bumped into anything. I am 65 and have been presuming they are just age related and don t want to go to Dr. for such a small thing but just thought I d check. I...
7 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
Is oxelite pro safe and can it be taken with Loestrin 24e tabs (birth control)? I m a 36 year old new mom to my 6 month old baby. I wan to make sure this product will not cause me any harm. I did start taking it for the first time. The only thing I ve noticed is a bad headache, but I m not sure...
9 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
hello. I have been taking a Hydrochlorothiazide for about 2 weeks but blood pressure didn t stabalize, so my doctor decreased the Hydrochlorothiazide to 12.5 and added 2.5mg ramipril. I ve always had a glass of wine with supper, but now with taking both, will it be ok to.
9 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
I have been taking lisinapril for about two years and I seem to have many allergies .could this come from the medication?My allergies include itchy skin , sneezing, scratchy sore throat. And rebloodpressureally if I am careful using salt I think I can control my
6 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
I have just been prescribed Clarythrimicin for tonsillitis. I have had a seizure whilst taking them , could the tablets be the cause of the seizure . Last seizure I had was 22yr ago after having my son , and have had no more since . Until taking these tablets . I have now stopped taking them .
7 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
I have just started taking Parafon forte for muscle spasms on Tuesday. Today I have a rash on my face, mostly on one side that is a little bit red and swollen and a little bumpy. I wouldn t normally think it was a big thing but because of the liver toxicity issues with this medication I want to...
2 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
Hi. I am on Doxycycline for 7 days due to a severe infection. 200mg the first day and 100mg each day after. I have complex medical conditions and multmorbidities, but the risk of doing nothing was great. I can t tolerate many other antibiotics or these ones pose a greater risk for me. Doxycycline...
2 1 Mon, 3 Jun 2024
hi I’ve had gallbladder surgery over twenty years ago I was put on Colistapal 5mg because of diarrhea issues I’ve been on it for quite a while now years even and now believe it’s causing me to have bad breath and body order either because I have hard stools which may mean constipation even though...
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hello doctor, I had intercourse last two weeks, and I use to Pregnancy stripe to test myself last week, it was negative. So I tried it again this morning then it appears positive, pls can epforte works for me because am suppose to see my period today or tomorrow
7 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
had cough so i had to postpone my surgury .i have cough only when i get up wet cough and irritation.had antibiotics and cough syrup no use my surgury is on tuesday so worried is enthesia safe in cough as i dont have cough al the day only when i get up
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hello doctor I am having maniers decease for 6 years. Iam taking zolfresh 5mg for sleep disorder. But now anxiety also is there for which triptomer10 mg is suggested. But good sleep not I take triptomer 10 and zoftesh 5 mg together. Any interaction? I am 65 aged
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hi doctor last week i feel dizzines and weak and i taught i had an stroke..i am taking amlodopine almost 2months .and i go to clinic my bp is 160/100 and then i rest my bp going to 130/ doctor change my medicine in lossartan d he said stop amlodopine...can i use lossaratn in the...
6 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hello I have question regarding contraceptive injection , if my period started on 12 of this month and I took my first injection on 17th and it was my last day of period , will injection work immediately or it will take 7 days now before it will start to work?
10 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
i just finished my period and was supposed to start taking my pills again on friday but i decided to wait another week to start the pills because I don t want to have my period on vacation in april. Is that ok to do or should I wait till I finish my next period?
8 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Good day! I am worried because my menstruation was delayed for 3weeks but before and after my expected arrival of my menstruation I suffered from cough and cold and had been taking medicines. Would it be possible that the medicines I take the cause of my delayed menstruation.thanks
7 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
hi last month i changed from microgynon to cerazette, i have missed my pill twice during the pack and am bout a week late, i have done this before on my last pill many time over ten years and my period always came on time, i also keep getting a sickly feeling on and off in my throat do u think i...
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