Hello doc!
I really truly need any help you can provide. Excuse my bad English, it’s not my first language.
I'm fully aware that you cannot fully understand the situation without a proper diagnosis, but I’m desperate for any info or tip you might deliver.
Doc, my boyfriend has severe back pain cannot stand nor lay down nor sit or more than 2 minutes nor function properly, he's almost paralyzed, he feels relatively better when he walks but of course he can't do it all day, he hadn't slept in 4 days now, he told me he feels like he's losing his sanity, that he’s no longer stable: “It can’t get more painful…Things that cross my mind, would never cross it while normal. I’d choose to pass away if I get an option.” He had been working out for 7 years now, heavy lifting and benching and all that, I don’t know lots of information about that, he experienced this pain before in 2019 but not as extreme as right now, he’d always thought it’s sciatica. He went to a physiologist who told him it can’t be sciatica because he’s too young he’s 23years old but he’s convinced it is because he’s done some movements he found online on YouTube I guess to test it and it came back as positive, so this therapist helps him a little by relieving the pain temporarily with his massage tools, but few hours later he goes back to his what he’d describe as unimaginable pain. Then, he went to an orthopedic doctor who told him he’ll never be able to play any kind of sports besides natation, gym has been a part of his identity, he even wanted to participate in some sort of competition where you show off your progress, he’s done a x ray to his back he told him that one pelvis is twisted, that one leg is longer than the other, that discs L5 S1 S2 S3 may not exist because there isn’t much space, that he’s 167cm and not 172cm as he had always known, and finally he prescribed a bunch of drugs to kill the pain and told him to come back in 15 days if it doesn’t get any better to do an mri scan. Yesterday, he consulted another doctor to whom he showed the x-ray, she said that it’s an old school x-ray and she did another one lateral profile that showed his spine and it did look like okay discs and she told him if he doesn’t recover after the treatment he’ll need to do an mri scan in which she’ll be able to see the discs in details. He says that those drugs don’t help at all, he says because he thinks it’s mechanical pain and not inflammatory, he feels like his calf is going to explode like it’s full of blood, pins and needles.
That's all i know for now, please doc help me, so he can at least sleep some, because i read that a human being is estimated to live up to 11days if deprived of sleep, he really is miserable and so am i.