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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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How Should Bronchitis Flare Up Be Treated When It Has Lead To Constant Cough?

Hi, I ve had a bronchitis flare up since the last week of August. My PCP prescribed a Z-Pack (light thin blood in flem/mucus), benzonatate and cough syrup with codeine. Once the bronchitis symptoms calmed/got better and I stopped using the cough syrup and cough pills, my constant coughing resumed. I was also sent for a chest x ray which was neg for pneumonia. What other options do I have or what should I suggest to my PCP on my next visit on 10/4?
Wed, 1 Mar 2023
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Pulmonologist 's  Response

If your visit is in April, I doubt you'll be able to handle this. Sometimes, a chronic cough could be due to post nasal drip or allergic cough. It will keep waning and waxing without proper treatment of the drip. You can start Levocetirizine daily with a steroid nasal spray.

Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Gaurav Ghatawat, Pulmonologist
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