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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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My Mother Is 74 Years Weighing 49kg And A Pckd

My mother is 74 years weighing 49kg and a pckd patient on dialysis twice daily for last 2 months.Was diagnosed of Hiatus hernia several years ago.
Recently she was prescribed Nexpro rd20 in the morning and nexpro 20mg in the evening before food due to complaint of nausea,acid in the throat and stomach bloating
Still her symptoms continue but lesser degree
Sliaght nausea and throat acidity is reduCed but not resolved .stomach remains bloated severely after lunch.If any kind doctor can advise.Current gastro who.prescribed these medicines appointment is available only after 15 days.So request for guidance
Tue, 1 Aug 2023
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My Mother Is 74 Years Weighing 49kg And A Pckd