This patient was found to have suffered liver laceration and possible diaphragmatic tear, is this X-Ray proof positive of injury to the diaphragm during operation, xray was taken before living the operating room.
INDICATION: CABG, Mitral Valve Repair, post-op aortacoronary bypass
FINDINGS: AP at 1556 hours. Mitral prosthesis Endotracheal tube tip at the carina
directed toward the opening of the right main bronchus and withdrawal 1 cm is
suggested. Nasogastric tube is kinked in the distal esophagus and is not in the
stomach. Right internal jugular central line tip in superior vena cava. Basal
pericardial tube. Right chest tube in the apex of the right hemithorax. Low lung
volumes, elevated right hemidiaphragm and bronchovascular crowding.