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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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What Can I Do About Dark Discoloration Around My Eyes And Face After Discontinuing The Use Of Melacare?

Hello Dr,I am 35 year old female.. I have used melacare regularly for nearly 2 month as recommended by parlour after 2 mnth my face became very it started paining while shaping eyebrow ...then afterward one of my friend recommended to stop using it...then I stopped den my skin started looking dark...nd all around eyes it is like completely has been nearly 1 still its effect is still dere....pls help me wht can I do for this darkness all around my really looks horrible
Fri, 1 Sep 2023
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General & Family Physician 's  Response

You have dark discoloration around the eyes and face. For relief apply cold compress. It will help to constrict the blood vessels and help to reduce the appearance on the skin around the eyes. Using beauty products containing a higher concentration of vitamin C will help to reduce the discoloration.

Retinoid creams also help to reduce discoloration. Ointments containing vitamin K are also helpful. Take adequate quality sleep at night and avoid stressful life. Avoid taking alcohol, doing drugs and do not smoke. Take liver tonics and avoid taking spicy, oily food. Take food rich in iron, calcium and minerals. Improve your general health condition.

Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Nupur K., General & Family Physician
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Note: Hope the answers resolves your concerns, however for further guidance of skin related queries consult our Dermatologist.Click here to book a consultation
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What Can I Do About Dark Discoloration Around My Eyes And Face After Discontinuing The Use Of Melacare?

Hello, You have dark discoloration around the eyes and face. For relief apply cold compress. It will help to constrict the blood vessels and help to reduce the appearance on the skin around the eyes. Using beauty products containing a higher concentration of vitamin C will help to reduce the discoloration. Retinoid creams also help to reduce discoloration. Ointments containing vitamin K are also helpful. Take adequate quality sleep at night and avoid stressful life. Avoid taking alcohol, doing drugs and do not smoke. Take liver tonics and avoid taking spicy, oily food. Take food rich in iron, calcium and minerals. Improve your general health condition. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Nupur K., General & Family Physician