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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

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What Causes Burning Sensation In The Vaginal Area Despite Using Hydrocortisone Cream?

I have a burning of outside of my vaginal area i don't have a yeast infection no type at all i was at ob/gyn doctor few years ago i am 79 yrs old but burn on outside every day they said use Hydrocortisone Cream 1% it still done stop the burning and i do a sid bath after urnine and pat with cloth i was told like chapping rubing together is there some kind of cream Etc can use this is so bad more at times and they seems think it age and thinning down there if you have a cream or something i can get i would think you could use some type that be on outside that be like water profit
Sat, 2 Sep 2023
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OB & GYN Specialist 's  Response

Vaginal tinning and burning at this age is commonly due to estrogen deficiency. As you have already consulted a gynecologist and local infection and lesions have been ruled out you can consider applying estrogen cream for a short duration and see if that works. You can also use intimate hygiene products when you are taking bath. Avoid applying regular soap / body wash. Always try to wear cotton undergarments. Keep your self well hydrated.

Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Praseetha Narayanan, OB & GYN Specialist
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What Causes Burning Sensation In The Vaginal Area Despite Using Hydrocortisone Cream?

Hello, Vaginal tinning and burning at this age is commonly due to estrogen deficiency. As you have already consulted a gynecologist and local infection and lesions have been ruled out you can consider applying estrogen cream for a short duration and see if that works. You can also use intimate hygiene products when you are taking bath. Avoid applying regular soap / body wash. Always try to wear cotton undergarments. Keep your self well hydrated. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Praseetha Narayanan, OB & GYN Specialist