I have had an upper respiratory issue for the past year and a half. I ve seen an ENT but I don t think they took the issue as seriously as it feels to me. I ve constantly had issues with my sinuses and the back of my throat. I sometimes have an inability to swallow, bad post nasal drop, or just a really tight throat altogether where I can t even swallow unless my head is pointed straight. Recently I ve also had a lot of fluid in my ears and pressure and an extremely sore throat, but I ve came back negative on my strep tests. They said my tonsils looked slightly enlarged but didn t seem like they could be the issue. They gave me an allergy test to which I came back very allergic to everything I was tested for. I have been getting treatment for this for about 4 months now. With that said, my allergies rarely manifest as the conventional symptoms like itchy eyes or a runny nose, so it seems odd that they could be the cause for these issues. What could possibly be going on? I ve been dealing with this for so long that I m really tired of constantly feeling like this and it s very bothersome. I d be more than glad to give as many more details as necessary. Thanks!