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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

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What Could Cause Brown Vaginal Bleeding, Tiredness, Abdominal Pain, Nausea With Some Foods And Smells Apart From A Missed Period?

Hi I m 46years of age I had my tubes cut and burnt 17years ago after my son was born. I missed my period this month and last month I had my period but it was not normal it was like brown. I been feeling very tired and norsa I get sick when it comes to some foods and smells I been getting pains below now I m even feeling like movement. Is it possible for me to be pregnant. I did a test negative that was 3 weeks ago
Fri, 29 Sep 2023
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General & Family Physician 's  Response

After tubectomy followed by burning the stumps of fallopian tubes. There is very rare chance of conception. Still a very sleek chance of re-canalization of tube remains. If you are not willing for pregnancy, get repeat pregnancy test done. Consult your doctor she may give pills to induce periods.

You seem to be in premenopausal phase, where, such pregnancy like symptoms are experienced due to hormonal imbalance and irregular periods. It's advisable to take contraceptive care (like use of condom or cu T) to avoid accidental ovulation and conception these days.

Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Vasudha Jayant Athavale, General & Family Physician
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What Could Cause Brown Vaginal Bleeding, Tiredness, Abdominal Pain, Nausea With Some Foods And Smells Apart From A Missed Period?

Hi, After tubectomy followed by burning the stumps of fallopian tubes. There is very rare chance of conception. Still a very sleek chance of re-canalization of tube remains. If you are not willing for pregnancy, get repeat pregnancy test done. Consult your doctor she may give pills to induce periods. You seem to be in premenopausal phase, where, such pregnancy like symptoms are experienced due to hormonal imbalance and irregular periods. It s advisable to take contraceptive care (like use of condom or cu T) to avoid accidental ovulation and conception these days. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Vasudha Jayant Athavale, General & Family Physician