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Dark chocolate in achalasia Vaginal pain with discharge with blood after delivery, no infection, yeast Constant tiredness, instantaneous drain effect, stomach pain, SGOT, SGPT Mole on leg, looks like a Spitz Nevus, dried up Change in the complete physical checkup in 2 months Pinching feeling in chest, erratic heartbeat. Why? Red urine, taking Ferrous Sulfate pills for low iron. Is it blood? Brazilian wax, thrush, non-sterile waxing equipment, vaginal candidiasis Anxiety, bandaged hand, duputren contractures, sertraline side effects Round crater on top of penis and underside of foreskin Congestion in ears and nose, persisting dizziness, cold. Took sudafed and antivert What is the reason for Hypotension in dysautonomia with mitral valve prolapse? Why am I always severely exhausted? Chronic throat irritation,cough,difficulty in sleeping,acid reflux Red blisters on body, high fever, urinary infection, respiratory infection, constipation, gas Swelling on finger. Took Valtrex,but swelling seems to spread. Took Baxtrim, no help. Any other treatment ? Suffering from chronic renal disease, elevated creatinine and urine levels, fatigue, sleeplessness. Advice Endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography, gall stones in bile duct Abscess near anus, yeast infection, itching in the anus. Taking augmentin. Due to medication? Severe bladder pain and spasms,urethra closed off,severe adhesion problems Had intercourse during the ovulation cycle. Why do I have odorless discharge and delayed period? Am I pregnant? Mebendazole, intestinal worms in stools, medication, allergic reaction Echo-gram showed moderate hypertrophy, tricuspid regurgitation, aortic insufficiency, diastolic dysfunction, mild pulmonary hypertension. Help? Sudden drop in BP, lightheaded, tired, hysterectomy, on estrogen, hormonal imbalance Foreskin left rolled back after frenuloplasty. Should be trying to bring foreskin forward? Why do I have long irregular cycles? Ultrasound showed ovarian cysts. Pregnancy not likely? Chronic depression, decreased libido, escitalopram, fluoxetine, side effects Can allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, breathlessness be the symptoms of asthma? Monticop, Nasal Spray can help? Why is it worse in winter? Can GERD cause chest pain and shortness of breath? What can it be if EKG, stress tests came back normal? Mosquito bite red lumps, itchy, prurigo simplex, scabies Can the bump on libia majora be due to clogged hair follicles? Can a gardasil vaccine be of sufficient help? Swelling and bruise on foot and ankle after an injury. Is running advised? Followed a slow carb diet. Over ate on cheat day. What is the shaky energy that I experienced? Rheumatic arthritis patient,asthma,severe osteoporosis,loss of appetite Took unwanted birth control pills after unprotected sex. Why has the bleeding not stopped? Why did I vomit? 3 year old having vertical red lines from belly button to neck. Had diarrhea. What are these lines? Taking amoxicillin for throat and ear infection. Diabetic patient. Sudden increase in sugar levels. Due to medications? Lam with chylothorax, thoracic duct ligation, removed pleura, leaking after surgery Chronic MCTD, corticosteroid, pulmonary hypertension, antidepressant pills Period for 15 days, heavy bleeding, birth control, infection in vagina, pap smear, fibroids Frequent colds, allergies, allergic rhinitis, reactive rhinitis Saliva smelling like vinegar, white spots on tongue, reflux, feeding problems Child ate mud, vomiting, diarrhea, cant eat liquid diet, cysts, spores, fungus, chemicals ingested Stomach pain, cold, loss of color in lips Pubic hair, armpit hair, small penis at puberty, late bloomer, hormonal disorder, genetics Acne on face, foul odor, pustules, rashes on penis base, skin flaking, itchy anus Does working in an AC room cause drowsiness, sore throat and irritation in eyes ? Amyl nitrate splashed into nose and throat. Cleaned with water and induced vomiting. Anything else to do? Joint pain, fatigue, mental fog, depression & no libido since long. Have raynaud's disease, family history of lupus. Low testosterone level. Any concern? Breathing problem & irregular heart beat during sleep after consuming alcohol. What causes this? End stage renal disease,peritoneal dialysis,multi nodular goiter Pain in shin bone, swelling, negative for blood clotting. Reason? Dark spots, glycolic peels, becker's nevus, laser treatment, hydroquinone cream Brain surgery ,aneurysms clipped,decline in sexual interest and function Erection problem,premature ejaculation Ringing sound in ear, feeling of liquid presence, sensation of being drained. Had recurrent ear infections. Is diarrhea a side effect of acenocumarol medicine? Are there chances of developing meningitis from Epstien Barr ? Triple by-pass operation, moderate consumption of whiskey, side effects, benefits Twin pregnancy. One of the fetus having enlarged heart, intestinal abnormality and smaller in size. Survival chances? Benefit of four chamber heart view on 20th week of pregnancy IV level skin, fraxel laser treatment, pigmentation from acne, upper lip fairer, skin darker Glans penis turning purple. No pain. Is it normal? Heart palpitations, fluttering in neck, stress. Echo and EKG normal. Anxiety related? Is there any treatment other than ECT that can help in bipolar illness? flu,bronchitis,chronic cough,right chest pain,hurtful taking deep breath Glaucoma,degenerative disc disease,herniated disc,rheumatoid arthritis,headache,weakness,kidney disease Abdominal pain, abnormal result for SGPT and gamma gt What should I do to overcome body odor and also smelling breasts? What apart from pine tar can help? Having headaches, breathing problems, muscle pain, seizures, short term memory. MRI, EEG normal. Have Lyme disease. Suggestions? Medical symbol for the word umbilicus On HGC diet. Having pain in the kidney. Should I be worried? Green discoloration on tongue, smoking, infections, use of mouthwash with iodine, drugs Blurred vision, rapid heartbeat, high BP, syncopal episodes, seizures Partial unprotected sex. If the partner experienced nausea, chills and weakness should I express worry over STD? Severe exhaustion, excessive sleep, hot flushes. Have CLL. Symptoms due to menopause? Planing for baby, dont get orgasm. Frequency of intercourse? Stomach discomfort,outbursts on penis,itching,sensitive to touch,dark sticky spots,peeling of skin Unprotected sex, unwanted 72 ECP, delayed periods, side effect or pregnancy ? Can ulcer in the stomach cause crampy pain under the rib cage? Sleeping, spasms in the head, tension headache, migraine, ibuprofen Heaviness,pushing feeling in vagina Is my semen analysis report normal ? Fasting blood sugar 100, panic caused spike in level, low HDL, not pre-diabetic Epididymal tail calcification, azoospermia, blockage of reproductive tract Itching sensation under the skin around pacemaker. Is it a problem? What treatment can I take to develop my facial hairs? Can it be treated without transplantation? Serum HCG test, pregnancy, depo injection, false positive, repeat test after 3 weeks of delayed periods What are the broken blister like things on the penis which look like red spots after sex? Suffering from fever, headache, fatigue and vomiting. Medication? Underarm pain spreads to left breast and arm Menstrual period since 15 days,dark brown with lots of clots,using implanon Severe pneumonia,kidneys not functioning,cardiopulmonary arrest due to mucus plug Severe painful boils near buttock,stomach problem Head cold led to rashes, joint pain and swelling. Strep titer high. Viral strep? Related to high liver enzymes and high iron serum? Knee replacement surgery Diet advice for gastritis? How long it takes cipramil drug to show in blood or urine test? Back,hip,knee,left leg pain Smoker, alcoholic, lymph node enlargement, lymphomas Non-healing sebaceous cyst on the temple area. Lab test found malignant cells. Will it spread if removed? Citalopram, Pregabalin, effects on breathalizer results Extra systole from heart. BP, cholesterol, ECG normal. Reasons ? Turp surgery,masturbated 5 days after surgery 4 month old having white sticky vaginal discharge. Is it normal? Semen on underwear, wet, infection transferred 3 hours later, possibility ? Diffuse fatty infiltration of liver,body mass index is 30.7 Uncontrolled nausea,lower abdomen cramps,extreme fatigue,missed birth control pills,chances of being pregnant? Blurred vision, Citalopram pills, atenolol daily, synthroid, work under fluorescent lighting Otitis media, Meniere's disease, Vertigo, Tinnitus, inner ear problems Is sudden weight increase in child linked to abnormality? Is it a disorder, disease or deficiency? White dry lump on the penis. What is it? Why has a month old bruise not healed in a baby? What can be the cause of a prolonged back pain? What are the odds of it being cancer? Feeling of hair stuck in throat,tiny bumps on uvula,no pain Lump at the bottom of vulva, bleeding, oozing. Swab was normal. What can it be ? Mild heart attack, gone unnoticed, infarction in the EKG Leg pain, low grade fever, low energy, muscle strain, viral fever Fatigued and have tachycardia, low iron stores in the body. Is this sickle cell anemia ? Rattled breathing,unable to clear throat,blocked,trouble breathing,fever,unable to eat in 8 month old Candesartan cilexetil for high BP, improvement, same dose of Indian tablet, BP shoots up Lower left abdominal pain near kidneys, urinary tract infection, anomalies in kidneys Is it possible that oxidative stress causes permanent effects on facial skin ? No erection during intercourse, diabetes, anxiety, normal erections on waking up Had sex while infected in throat. Are itchy red spots on the penis signs of same infection? Does viral meningitis infection impact the development of cervical or lumbar spondylosis ? Why am I getting constant cramps and lost the desire for sex ? Strong throbbing feeling in middle of chest Type 2 diabetes, kidney disease stage 3, painkillers the cause, renal failure Dark spots on toe tips, melanocytic nevus, no need for treatment, unless change in size Testicular pain,lower abdominal pain,inguinal pain Hydrocele,no pain, taken hetrazan. Surgery? Infection in foreskin,irritation between scrotum and anus,tingling sensation Why do I feel pinching in heart though I am on medication for panic disorder? What can be the reason for puss filled pimple on left lower lip? Does raised bilirubin level in blood indicate any liver dysfunction? Trapped air bubble, upper part of lungs, quick heartbeat, fever, burps irregular periods,fever,body pain and unhealthy before periods,overweight Swollen head after hurt against wall,sore to touch,bump Pressure and soreness in back of throat,ear pressure,acid reflux,red and swollen lower throat Eczema on legs,growing black rash on thigh under skin Bleeding bump at back of head after getting hurt,nauseousness while eating,left eye blurry Why do I have inverted nipples and yellow crusty layer inside nipples post pregnancy ? Stomach pain, acid reflux, side effects of Adderall XR 30 mg Gluten intolerance, parasites, starry night marks, effects on liver White spot on penis, grown to ulcer or boil, simple cyst, congenital embryonic variation Does usage of metrogel void the impact of SPF 15 on face? Is the bacteria that causes pinkeye and bronchitis same? Is delayed periods post unprotected sex a sign of pregnancy? Pain in left shoulder,sharp pain to arms,pressure in chest near left shoulder,breathlessness, Medications to increase weight Combiflam tablets, back pain, safe to give to small children, side effects What can be the consequences of a seizure incase the patient is left unattended? Is tingling sensation on lip and heart burn a symptom of any STD or HIV related disease? Is white discharge in the mornings a symptom of any sexualy transmitted infection? Taste of salt in mouth after drinking water,tea,juice Masturbate 2-3 times a day,clear discharge in early mornings Burning sensation in glans of penis after sex and orgasm, priapism, infection, friction What dietary changes do I need to make to avoid bleeding in stools? What dietary changes do I need to make to avoid bleeding in stools while on medications for constipation? Lyme disease,rocky mountain spotted fever,babesia,bartonellia,tired,lethargic,IGG positive for HSV 6 What could be the cause of lump formation on the outer ear leading to pain? What medication and vitamins can I take for an inflamed retina post cataract surgery? What are the survival chances for liver cancer with hepatitis B and diabetes? Are diarrhea, constipation, bouts of blurred vision and tingling sensation symptoms of any disease? What can cause low bleeding during menstruation with negative urine pregnancy tests? Is it possible to be pregnant though the urine pregnancy tests are negative? Colonoscopy, sissel polyp, bleeding, constipation Is it possible to analyze the patency in case of sex with multiple partners? Forgot to take a break after 21 days using birth control pills Headaches, sore throat, ear pain, allergies, chronic pharyngitis How to prevent delayed motion sickness during travel in s a 9 year old ? Gout symptoms, flourical, kidney stones, hives, rashes, loss of appetite Can low iron levels cause fainting, dizziness and low blood pressure ? Are there any risks of getting tattooed post aortic valve replacement surgery? Precancerous light brown spots, actinic keratoses, cryotherapy, Imiquimod, RF ablation Miscarriage, trying to conceive, ovulating, CT scan radiation, postpone trying What could be the cause of prolonged bleeding for 2 weeks during menstruation? Fainted, dehydration, on pill, low blood pressure, transient hypoglycemia Flucloxacillin, stabbing pains under right ribs, reaction to drug White spots on lips, Oral candidiasis ( thrush ), Herpes simplex infection Low BP, CFS, dysautonomia, causes, treatment Does taking caffeine prior to work out cause nausea and muscle cramps? Can a strong course of antibiotics cause itching in vagina and penis post intercourse? Are chills, fever, diarrhea and lower back pain symptoms of flu? What could be the cause of blood and mucus in stool with stomach disturbance? Blood spot in eye, subconjunctival hemorrhage, trauma, medication usage, high BP Dull pain below ribs, acid reflux, musculoskeletal pain, rib fracture Does very hot shower cause the breasts to get splotchy? Rectal pressure, tail bone pain, no problem in bowels, inflammation, infection How can a bad athletes foot be treated inspite of taking medication? What can be the cause for sweet smelling bowels during constipation in a child? Can the medicine applied to the anus cause side effects? How long does it take for the injury of the knee cap to heal? ADHD medicine, Adderall, plaque buildup, heart attack, strokes caused by this medicine ? What is the reason for dropping BP with the pacemaker in the heart? Infertility treatment, kidney failure, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, success rate of IVF Does a cream cause swelling of the lip with yellow crust and discharge? Masturbation, early ejaculation, anxiety about intercourse, tension, nervousness Which is a better procedure for abortion? Severe hair fall, overweight, antidepressant drugs responsible ?
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