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Drugs ingested, meow meow, mephedrone, drug clearance Traces of albumin in urine,can kidney be donated? What is the reason for breast pain, soreness and tenderness? Dull headache, nausea, numbness, traumatic head injuries, subcutaneous tissue injury What is the reason for unsual weight gain after pregnancy ? What is the reason for change of the penis colour due to masturbation? Does multiple accidents without warning cause UTI? Herpes whitlow,6 outbreaks,blood infection,infected finger is red and wrinkled Can sinus,sore throat or allery cause pounding pressure in the head? Is injesting marijuana during idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis safe? Nausea,acid reflux,heart beat fast,discomfort Urination, thick discharge, urethritis, UTI, prostatitis, sexually transmitted disease Stomach pains,mediterranean flu,5 weeks pregnant Can you suggest a good place and treatment plan to cure scleroderma ? Low blood sodium, taking cozaar for hypertension. How to raise sodium level? White spots on tonsils, strep throat, tonsillitis, removal of tonsils Lumps in vaginal area 2 days after sex Duplex test, plaque build up, block in blood vessels, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke risk Strong cramps after protected sex Atkins diet, high protein diet, stopped periods, not pregnant, result of diet ? Does the effect of Next Choice emergency contraceptive stay for 24 hours ? What treatment must be taken for yellow mucus discharge from the anus ? Why do I hear a click sound in the throat while swallowing ? semi or no erections in morning,good erections while masturbation Woke up from sleep, urinated, defecated in bed, no other symptoms, cause of concern ? Cold,sore throat,yellowish phlegm,left side of trachea hurts Why does my 3 year daughter have a wet feeling in her pants, while it is actually not so ? Unable to ejaculate,penis weak while intercourse,depression How to overcome erectile dysfunciton inspite of taking Cialis? Why do I get frequent pain in right testicle while playing football ? Erectile dysfunction, married. Treatment? How to prevent recurrance of chest infections in 2 year old who is lactose intolerant? Strep throat,red and swollen gums How can I prevent from tearing of penile foreskin post intercourse? Excessive anxiety after flight,hypothyroid Large bump on head after fall,bruise from head to nose,bump soft to touch What could be the cause of sore throat, stuffy runny nose, cough and sore muscles? How can I overcome the smell of aftershave in my breath swallowed in sleep? What is the impact of elevated APTT and PT results in pregnancy with history of 5 abortions? What type of scan would be ideal for diagnosis of bulging disc? What could be the cause of persistent cough since 6 months, body pain and nausea in mornings? Increase in height in 25 year old male Overweight,fatigue,dizziness,blood pressure 130/90 in 12 year old Sex life in diabetic patient Could an eye infection be cause of recurrent fever while teething in 6 month old ? What pain management can I do for pain in shoulder? Unprotected sex with stranger,rashes on penis Elbow pain, software engineer, tendinitis, rest, immobilization, NSAIDs Benzodiazepine, opioid analgesic, used to induce anaesthesia, halothane Gall stones, gall bladder wall thickening, cholecystitis with cholelithiasis, surgical removal Gram cocci in clusters, vaginal infection post sex, sexually transmitted disease Blurred vision, headaches, poor blood flow to brain, branch retinal vein occlusion Is thyroid treatment necessary while on sb12 injections? Pain in legs, colds, viral infection, medication, nutrition What could be the cause of pain in breasts with history of hysterectomy and breast implants? Kidney stone, septicaemia, galactosemia, idiopathic fanconi syndrome, liver enlargement Can an STD or HIV infection be transmitted due to oral sex? What is the cause for testicle ache and cheese like semen appearance? How to treat a painful swelling in ring finger post dog bite ? Lump in epigastric region, bloating, abdominal pain, hernia, GERD Hurt abdominal muscles, musculoskeletal pains, hernia, intestinal motility Is it possible for milk of magnesia to cause bloating and weight gain? Belladonna, phenobarbitol, nicotine patches, smoking cessation Why does the penis become hard after sex and small during intercourse? Pain in right ear, dizziness, pus pocket under tonsil, formed from ear ? Unprotected sex, rubbed genitals, no ejaculation, plan b, chances of pregnancy Masturbation addiction, protrusion of cheek bones, estrogen deficiency, osteoporosis 37 weeks pregnant, numb hands, difficulty breathing, frequent contractions, labor ? Could an inserted mirena coil be the cause of bloated stomach and abdominal pain with bleeding? What is the permanent solution for treating foreskin cracks in the erection stage? Why is the tongue ring hurting the teeth? Contracting HIV through oral sex Which is the safe pain killer for hydrocele? Can levothyroxine and diuretics cause high levels of triglycerides ? Does taking Betacap for migraines impact pregnancy? Hepatitis C, orange clots in urine, lipiduria, steatorrhea High Lipase, abdominal pain, peptic ulcer disease, acid production in stomach HCG 500 calorie diet, gall bladder polyp, low thyroid, overweight, safe diet ? What does "sphenoid sinuses are unremarkable" mean? Leg injury, swelling, fracture, ligament tear, soft tissue injury What could be the cause of fainting post fluttery feeling in stomach upto the throat ? Chapped lips, flaky skin, blisters, red marks, numbness, neosporin treatment Headaches, antiphaspaolipid syndrome, injection clexane, pregnant Constipation, diarrhea, IBS, loperamide, peppermint oil treatment Herpes on penis base, valcyclovire, blisters, dosage of medicines Photosensitive epilepsy, triggered by CRT screen, PSE, no seizure for 6 years Is cough with yellow mucus discharge post oral sex an ARS symptom ? Indent in lower calf muscle, swollen ankles, muscle twitch, sprain Blisters on penis, premature ejaculation, swelling, infection, balanitis Is delayed periods a sign of pregnancy ? Is a black and blue mark on anus be due to a broken blood vessel? Menopause, HRT, lifted heavy bags, pain in groin, tenderness, lumps TVS, endometrium thickness 4.2mm, echogenic focus 3.44mm in cavity, pregnant ? Could medications for delaying periods cause less bleeding and delay in periods in consequent months? Does low aminolytic fluid during 19 weeks of pregnancy impact the foetus ? Can it be treated ? Semen analysis, sperm count, motility, pus cells, epithelial cells 3 weeks pregnant, punching stomach, no bruise, pain, spastic diplegia, cerebral palsy Breast augmentation, heart stopped, allergy to anesthesia, repeat surgery possible ? Can punching the stomach during 3rd week of pregnancy cause Spastic diplegia in the child ? Could stomach flu cause stomach cramps, black stools, headache and lack of appetite? Breast augmentation, second surgery, temperature, infection, tissue fluid, bruises Could I be pregnant though urine pregnancy test shows negative ? Is light head pressure possibly due to stress or weather changes? What could be the cause of numbness and soreness on left side of face? Orgasm and ejaculation without erection, possible ? Chest pressure, pacemaker, at rest, light exercise, angina ? Thrush, urine infection, itching, burning, discharge, rash, yeast infection Does history of vertigo cause frequent chronic attacks and dizziness? Constipation, impacted stools, stool softener, laxatives, liquid diet Orange colored urine, stools, nausea, loss of appetite, seasonal or food related symptoms What does "biapical pleural thickening through the lung apices" in CT scan mean ? Muscle mass, lack of facial hair, male breasts, testosterone, hormonal imbalance Rheumatoid Arthritis and its treatment Can a woman be brought to orgasm by massaging certain trigger points on her muscles? Is a second pregnancy possilble with improper bleeding due to PCOS? Can infection post medical abortion cause foul smelling watery discharge ? Excess muscle in wrists, working in horse stable, wrist bandage, compression belts Phimosis, topical steroid, circumcision, specialist recommendation Is it critical to bleed the air out of an injection ? Bells palsy, minor trauma, medication, platelet function, bleeding, bruises Rashes on inner thighs, fungal infection, tinea cruris, boils around groin, fuconazole tablets Stroke, weakness in limbs, aphasia, diet changes, physiotherapy, age a factor for recovery ? Dry cough, running nose, chronic conditions, safe to give Levolin syrup ? Eye weakness, viral infection, nerve weakness in eye, bells palsy No period for 9 months, high prolactin levels, microandenoma, hemmorhagic mass, emergency ? Is pregnancy possible with inconsistent pregnancy test results and heavy bleeding ? Can Plan B cause spotting and blood clots in urine ? Salt in Chinese food, tachycardia, pulse rate 150, BP under control How can genetically obtained dry skin be treated ? Diabetes, high BP, renal failure, serum creatinine high, loss of appetite, vomiting Stomach pain, stools with blood, hemorrhoid, gastrointestinal bleed in colon, esophagus Heart spasms, medication, caffeine, dehydration, stress, exercise, anxiety, electrolyte imbalance Does diabetes cause pungent smell in nose and stool and amnesia ? What could cause a cracking sound from throat and swelling between chin and throat? Does cocaine overdose cause critical damage to heart ? Foot pain in both feet, testicular cancer, chemotherapy, adderall, disc changes, neuropathy Spinal lesion cyst at L3 vertebrae, small cysts, medication, big cysts, surgical removal Is an abnormal pap smear, watery and bloody discharge a sign of cervical cancer ? Are there any home remedies to treat acute pain down arm and back during 19 weeks pregnancy ? What can be the pea sized lump under the skin to the left of my clitoris ? How can gamma and beta rhythms be analyzed ? Oral sex with sex worker, protected sex, tests for HIV, contraction of HIV possible ? Chest infection, coughing, fever, aspiration pneumonitis, bacterial pneumonia Itchy vagina post sex, yeast infection, vinegar soaked douches, lotrimin creams How can jaundice be cured ? Masturbation addiction, memory loss, poor concentration, remedy for penis enhancement What is the cure for a bald spot on the back of the head ? Subdermal lymph node or lipoma Pain in the left side of the chest How can numbness, discolouration and swelling in right hand be treated ? Can a tampon left inside for quite some time cause any harm to vagina ? Not sexually active, leakage of seminal fluid during the day, normal ? Is glucose level of 252 an indication of severe diabetes ? Shift work sleep disorder, lack of concentration, headaches, lack of energy Cerebral palsy, gagging problem, recurring problem, reflux problem What treatment can I take for an on and off pain in the penis after hurting it ? Allergic reaction, ibuprofen, facial swelling, redness, treatment with benadryl Severe back pain, muscle pain in body, tragus's swollen, red, painful, headache What treatment can I take for severe abdominal pain with swelling and blood in stools ? High blood pressure, lipid profile, sugar, kidney tests, specialist and medication for treatment Does Diabetes cause fatigue and weakness ? Cervicalgia, pain while sitting, travelling for 15 hours by plane life threatening ? Is Lasik a good option for a power of -9 on the left and -7 on the right eye ? Overweight, weight watchers diet, bells palsy on face, crocodile tear syndrome Rubbed eyes, itching, allergic conjunctivitis, trauma, penetrative injury Is chronic bronchitis contagious ? Jaundice, SGOT 1810, SGPT 1966, strict diet, now normal levels, alcohol consumption Stomach upsets, diarrhea, dehydration, weight loss, mucus in stools Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, 5 out of 24 lymph nodes extracted, chemotherapy the right option ? What is the cure for heaviness in the abdomen in the prostrate area ? US medical culture, rejection of orthopedic osseointegration, lags behind in technology Is TB a contagious disease ? Can you suggest some good hospitals for treating hepatitis B ? Does a thick uterus cause complications during pregnancy ? What are effects of overdose of Tylenol PM ? Codeine, cough, severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, clammy skin, sweating Regular periods, sex, unwanted 72, cycle disruption, pregnancy chances Erectile dysfunction, normal erection during masturbation. Treatment? What can be the reason for changes in the childhood mole suddenly ? High prolactin, pituitary tumor, stopped medicine, weight gain, hair loss. Related? Bloating, back pain, taken Lactulose, tired, heavy, painful periods Hepatitis B, 100 virus/ml blood, HBVDNA PCR positive, HBeAg negative, wife infected? Is a yellow pus like discharge from sore anus a sign of STD ? Do anti perspirant roll used on beard cause baldness in the area ? Is lucozade advisable for a type 2 diabetic ? Can incisional hernia cause bulge under right rib and chest burning ? Blue veins on labia majora, redness, white spots, burning, abdominal pain Abdominal pain, lymph node swelling, muscular pain, painkiller causes gastritis Can usage of durex performa cause erectile dysfunction ? Distance runner, runner's knee issues, bruised painful knee after run What are Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections ? Laparoscopic surgery, ovarian follicle cyst, dull headache. Normal? Is it critical to get a tetanus injection post scrapping due to rusted nail or metal ? Is there a natural remedy ? What are the side effects of Implanon ? How can recurrent urinary tract infections with history of prostatectomy be treated ? Anal pain, external hemorrhoids, cannot move or stand. Home treatment? Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation. Physical or mental problem? Is it OK to have mild spotting post 118 days of pregnancy ? Is a recurrance of jaw cancer at stage 2 fatal ? What dietary precautions will help in case of diarrhea and vomitting during 9 1/2 weeks of pregnancy ?
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