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Does taking hard liquor cause stomach pain, nausea, black stools and pain in neck near shoulder ? Interstitial Lung disease, high fever, low BP, chills, low WBC count, lung damage. Treatment ? Small bumps on vagina, spreading, stopped birthcontrol recently. Treatment ? What can I do to relieve skin rash? Bloating, incomplete evacuation, constipation, blood in stool, unable to urinate completely. Treatment ? Why is my skin peeling and itching? CLL, Hashimoto's, mononucleosis, myocarditis, enlarged spleen, low testosterone, pneumovax Is there an operation to correct deformed nails? Endometrial mycobacterium, DNA-PCR, laparoscopy. Conceive? Am I getting tingling due to Zoloft? C-diff, constipation, flagyl, metamucil. Questran with flagyl? Should I be concerned about redness and flaking in my knee? How do I stop the sensation of pins and needles on my face? How much will a PET scan cost in India? Red patches, yellow crust. Ringworm? Numbness in hips and thighs Athlete, intense training, nutritional plan, stomach pain, stool in intestine Can I get infected with a re-inserted butterfly needle? Should I continue to take lisinopril for blood pressure? IVF, no HCG. Pregnant? Should my eye be bleeding after injury? How best should I start using progesterone cream? Why one feels abdominal pain during sex ? How can a painful swelling on the neck be treated? What should I apply to a rash on my son's scrotum? Epicondylitis, finger stiffness, swelling, pale hand, arteries and veins bulging, high BP, x-rays, bone scan, EMG, physical therapy. Diagnosis? Why does my breast lump move? Mirena IUD, sore hips Is it a miscarriage if I am bleeding a lot? Carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle swelling, low vitamin D, high urine white count, Cipro, Advil. Diagnosis? What is the diagnosis for extreme back pain, headache and fever? Why is the white blood cell count in my urine high? Masturbation, acidity, heartburn, body pain Which doctor should I see for vomiting white mucus? What is the cause of mild pain under the armpit? Abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, burning chest Eyelid infection, pimple, stiff jaw, dizzy, antibiotics PCOS, sperm count What does my semen analysis report mean? How can I get rid of pimples in the pubic area? Can it be dangerous to eat the yolk of a rotten egg? Doctor's note, dog Two C-section deliveries, tubectomy. Implications of reversal on mother and child health ? Should I get irregular periods checked? Is it OK to have a light red or dark orange on wiping tissue after urnating ? Should I worry about a fleshy lump left after an injury? How to treat a sharp pain in eye when closed due to punch while playing ? How can I get rid of pain in my arms? Gastric troubles, at night time, swallowed plastic object, dairy diets. Treatment ? Gum disease, loose teeth, deep cleansing, tooth extraction, severe dental problems. Treatment ? Hysterectomy, abortion, one child. Chances of getting pregnant through IVF ? Does taking Jack3d supplement have any psychological side effects ? Dizziness, reflux problems, tightness in wind pipe, smoker. Causes ? What dose of anti-depressant should i take for anxiety disorder? 33 weeks pregnant, throat infection, loose motions. Suggested treatment ? Is it normal to have fluctuation in blood pressure ? Sex, thrush symptoms, fluconzale tablets. HIV possibility ? What tests are required for proper diagnosis of prostate infection ? Can type 2 diabetes be cured permanently ? Is it possible for blood samples to change from one period to another for SR and CRP ? Is pain in lower neck any side effect or allergy to Clarithromycin and methylprednisolone ? Drag just below liver, hepatomegaly, GB polyp calcification. Treatment ? How can mid back pain radiating to shoulder and jaw in aneurysm patient be treated? Chest pains, left shoulder, back pain, left arm pain, burping, dizziness, headaches. Causes ? What could be the cause of numbness on left side of neck ? How to treat sudden rashes on hands, fingers, feet and inner thighs that are itchy, burning and tingling ? How can rectal bleeding and gritty feeling in stool be treated ? Headache for 3 days, advil, not stopped, toe curling. Treatment ? Sexual intercourse, bleeding from vagina, fever, nausea. Pregnancy chances ? Anal fissures, anal pain, soft stools, blood in motion, diarrhea. Treatment ? Can living on coffee help in weight loss with irregular periodsand poly cystic ovarian syndrome? How is anxiety disorder treated ? How can I improve my sexual performance? Are heavy snoring, shortness of breath with coughing and dry throat causing speechlessness symptoms of any disease ? Partner not interested in having sex. Reasons and solutions ? Periods completed, spotting during sex, pain in back and abdomen. Bladder infection or pregnancy ? Is it safe to expose a 2 week old child to thyroid cancer patient undergoing radiation therapy ? Bump on neck, cold and cough, blood work normal. Inflamed lymph node ? Can an oral thrush pill treat white tissue like discharge and itchiness persistent for 2 days ? Can a major heart attack and stroke cause damage to left hand side, peak in troponin levels and sleepiness ? Can surgery for cervical spinal stenosis cause spasms in right hand and forearm with history of arthritis ? Why do I have a persistent bitter, metallic taste in mouth with white, furry tongue ? What are the natural remedies to treat black eye ? How is numbness in hands and feet treated ? What are the complications post pancreas and gallbladder surgery ? How is costochondritis treated ? Pain in upper back, minor pain in body walls, muscular pain. Treatment ? Placenta abruption, belching, stomach burns, diarrhea, lower back pain. Cramps, stomach pain, lump near c-section scar, blood from rectum How to treat pain and swelling due to leg injury ? Frequent headaches, cheek pain, pounding like a heartbeat, grinder by profession. Treatment ? Pap smear normal, bad odor post sex, chronic issue, bleeding post sex. Treatment ? What causes heart murmurs and increased pulse rate ? What is the risk of infection after getting scratched by a dog ? What is the treatment for balanced thyroid hormones ? Does drinking brandy from a rusted flask cause health hazards ? What are the causes of general weakness and soreness of the body ? Can a blocked testis tube be reopened surgically or otherwise ? What are the side effects of oxyelite pro ? Is 559 HCG level too high for 4 weeks? Is it possible to get a false negative on a pregnancy test ? Blunt trauma stroke, blood clotting in curative artery, moving into brain. Possible on turning head ? How is ear infection in children treated ? How is azoospermia treated ? How is premature graying of hair controlled ? When should I have intercourse to get pregnant ? How are migraines cured ? Squats, weight lifting, shallow breathing, hyperventilation, asthma attack. Treatment ? Open pyeloplasty, ureter reconstructed, throbbing pain in the operated area. Time needed? How is lichen planus pigmentosus treated ? Irregular period, hair fall, spotting, PCOD. Solutions and treatments ? Neck pain, numbness, permanent headaches, fever, carpal tunnel, high BP. Reason? Can I get pregnant with adenomyosis ? Brown red semen, no urine discoloration, no pain while ejaculating. Causes ? HIV positive, painful lines in tissue between skin and rib cage, soreness. Treatment ? Blood in urine, frequent full bladder, lower abdominal fullness, urologist. Bladder tumor or cancer? Frequent vomiting, appendix removed, blood filled vomit. Treatment ? Weakness, fell down stairs, body heat, jolts, headaches. Causes ? How is globus hystericus and GERD treated ? How can I get pregnant if I have polycystic ovary syndrome? Photo sensitive, fuzzy vision, needles sensation, headaches. Type of seizures ? De Quervain's disease, right wrist, twisting motion, swelling. Long term fermentation will help ? Urinary tract infection, urex prescribed. Sudafed the cause of infection ? Pressure in chest, heart attack symptoms, no reason, low platelet count. Reason for attack ? What is implantation bleeding and does it indicate pregnancy ? What medications must be taken to cure erectile dysfunction ? How should stress be controlled ? How is gastritis treated ? Fever, on paracetamol, urine infection, found white cells. UTI? What are the options if you are travelling and taking prescription drugs ? Open compound right ankle fracture, pain in foot, pseudogout, on colchicine. Brace recommended? Where can a person get an angiography operation done ? Semen analysis, pus cells, non motile 60%, abnormal 40%, sperm count 110 million/ml Skipped period, next lasted two weeks. How to stop it? Is atopic dermatitis associated with leukemia ? Do I have an allergic reaction to herbalife products ? What are the normal readings for ABI testing ? Does spotting indicate pregnancy ? How is chronic sinusitis and headaches treated ? Grey beard hair, IPL laser treatment. Better laser technology? How can nerve compression be tackled ? How is glossitis treated ? Brain cancer survivor, Swollen neck gland, delayed period, vaginal discharge How is post traumatic cheeks swelling treated ? How is candidal intertrigo treated ? Leg injured, pain in groin, detains physical activity Jack3d, 3 scoops, tight chest. Drink lots of water? On librax, breast feeding. Affect the baby? Severe itching on legs, bruises, on antihistamine, OTC creams, stiff neck, lump above collar bone, low hemoglobin, heavy period. Tests? What causes dizziness, weakness and shortness of breath ? What does hypocellular dwarf syndrome mean ? How is hymenal blood different from menstrual blood? Bruise on breast, right arm tingly. Cause? Am I pregnant if I feel tired and nauseated? How is contact dermatitis treated ? How is excessive hair loss treated ? Hx of rheumatic heart disease, mitral valve prolapse, pacemaker placement, severe cough, SOB, weakness, pneumonia, on Z-pak, Levaquin, CT scan, scar tissue, on amoxicillin. Suggest. Head injury, dilated eyes. Visit pediatrician? Diabetic, hypertensive, CAD, severe LV dysfunction, regular dialysis, eye infection, ophthalmologist, puss removed, culture and sensitivity test Why do I have green stools and blood in my urine? What should one do if food goes into the wind pipe and one gets choked ? Less lubrication, itchiness, excessive discharge, vinegar smell, low-trace leukocytes, negative nitrites, negative blood. UTI? Low rectal temperature, vomit. Normal? Does mensovit plus avoid pregnancy 10 days after missing period? When does the level of eosinophil increase? Delayed period. Pregnant? Suggest abortion pills. Staph infection, abscess on neck, pain, swelling. Emergency? Inhaled a fly. Possibilities? How is cough, cold and flu treated in children ? Is a semen analysis result of 21500 mL correct? How is blood pressure controlled through diet and medication ? Why does my daughter get frequent stomach pain? What does 10% sperm motility indicate ? Am I pregnant if I feel dizzy and get migraine? Ovarian cancer, constipation, pleio-morphic adeno carcinoma cells. Treatment ? Rhinoplasty, swelling in nose, tender to touch post operation. Treatment ? Is it possible to have children with a penis length of 4.5 inches? How is infection and pharyngitis treated ? How are prolonged menses treated ? Is it lung cancer if a fuzzy area is seen in the chest X-ray? What are the reasons for fainting attacks? How are sun burns treated ? Are tiredness and nausea signs of pregnancy? Saliva milky brownish, acid reflux, on nexium, hypochondriac. Serious? Stabbing pain under ribs, on upper left quadrant, occur while bending, sore to touch. Treatment ? Angina, tennis player, stent in coronary artery. Angina due to RBBB ? How are breast lumps treated ? Low appetite, eating disorder, weight lose. Suggest. TB, endometrial tissue, mycobacterial DNA PCR, premature ejaculation. Treatment ? Is it normal to have headache and feel shaky while pregnant? Paragastric lymphadenopathy, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Patiki eye rash on shin. Treatment? How is eye infection in diabetics treated ? Can touching the vaginal lip with precum cause pregnancy? How are labyrinthitis and sleep disorders treated ? Is it possible to remove the Mirena coil without operation? How to relieve pain in the scrotum ? Which specialist should I see for anencephalic pregnancy? Quitting smoking, pain in spinal cord, loss of self control, pain in shoulder, back. Treatment ? Should I take injections for IVF treatment ?
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