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Diagnosed with acute leukemia, young patient, unwell for few days. Information and treatment ? Eye pain, early stage lattice, floaters, increased pain, burning, itchiness. Treatment ? Lump in anal hole, piles, blister, fluid inside, foul smell Is it normal to have cramps in calf 3 weeks after fracture and cast fitted to knee ? Is an irritable cough related to a possible high BP from being physically active? Yellow sclera, stressed. Help? Chest pains, shortness of breath, painful, difficult to talk, CFS, blood clots. Treatment ? How can erectile dysfunction since 3 years be treated with no change with herbal supplements ? What could be the cause of swollen lymph node under the chin, right shoulder and front wall of vagina ? Does TMJ cause tingling in hands, dry and heavy eyes and heart murmur ? Is the feeling of tiredness, weakness and dizziness be due to withdrawal from Klopin ? When does fluid in the cul de sac become concerning to a diagnostician? Rhinoplasty, nose disfigured, swelling. Cause? Rash on penis spreading, red, smooth. Suggest? What is the impact if Netoporal and Lisinoprol intake is stopped suddenly ? BP 117/90, anxiety, OCD. Dangerous? Is there a possibility of death in repeat C-section ? Does slightly high blood protein level cause repeated infections ? Lymphoma, chemotherapy, no radiation, bedridden, spreading cancer. Recourse? Is surgery the only possible treatment for Hydrocele and how safe is it ? Unprotected sex, norlevo emergency contraception, brownish blood discharge. Pregnant? Is it Ok to try for conception with a boil on skin of penis with possible blood discharge ? How can non itchy, painless, skin coloured bumps on arm, chest and legs be treated ? What does "AST - 31, ALT -42 and Gamma-GT -19" mean in blood test results ? Is it safe to try Pixel perfect lazer for dark and deep under eyes ? Is it just bruising if I develop a lump after an injury? Enterococcus Faecillis bacteria, semen culture, pain in penis tip, fatigue. Treatment ? Lower abdominal pain, delivered a baby, stretchy discharge, water in abdomen, inflammation. Related? Lethargy, travel sickness, tension headache, sore tongue, fluctuating BP. Treatment ? Cyst in left lobe, neurocysticercosis, on bendex, steriod, levopil, frazium. Serious? Highly stressed, highly allergic, node near groin, lymph node, stomach virus, headache, diarrhea, muscle and joint pain, perspiration. Serious? Can a fungal or bacterial infection cause small painless and slightly itchy eruptions with genital herpes ? What is the method to terminate early pregnancy? What could be the cause of dizziness while relaxing while on thyroxin medication ? Extreme constipation,frequent urination,muscle ache,potassium deficiency,klonopin,tonsillectomy What is the reason for liquid stools along with Chron's disease? Does a painless lump inside rectum near the anus require any treatment with history of hemorrhoids ? Is it okay for my infant boy to never had an erection and a history of UTI? Is a blood pressure reading 87 / 47 normal ? Loss of erection during intercourse, stress. Cause and cure? Can "doxycycline and lactic acid bacillus" capsules be used to treat UTI ? Can ulcers and raw throat cause dry heaves and strips of blood in vomit ? How long does it take to get marijuana completely cleared from the body with IgA Nephropathy? Groin pain,testicular pain,epididymitis,urologist Will the self removal of dry puss from the wound in the elbow be ok? Is the semen analysis report normal and is there possibility of conception ? Ferritin level of 292, family history of blood disorders. Treatment? Is headache with dizziness, jaw numbness nad arm tingling related to angioplasty ? Are opioid analgesics prescribed for depression symptoms? Sinus histiocytosis,hemosiderosis,oncologist,chemo,radiation.Cancer? Acne scars, dermaroller treatment, laser treatment, subcision. Suggest? How can sexual pleasure be attained when semen is released ? How can redness, hot and burning sensation in hands and feet be treated with history of chemotherapy ? White bump on tongue,canker sore Bloated stomach,shortness of breath,ultrasound,metabolic blood test Left bundle branch block, skin peels,callus, symptomatic, paranoia Does pelvic ectopic kidney prevent a vaginal delivery and increase the risk involved ? What does "Septal myocardial infarction" in EKG report mean ? Feeble pulse beat,quiet blood pressure Hot wax on chest, burns, bleeding, very painful, norco Chronic headache, topamax, weight loss, IV drops, reglan, depakot, DHE, magnesium, LP, blood patch, undetectable CSF during spinal tap, mild ehlher-danlos, chiari malformation. Cure? Trauma of ear drums, infections, tympanoplasty, CT, fluid and nodular membrane, thick mucus drainage, keflex. Medications? What should I do to treat burns on my breast? What could be the cause of swelling in both parotid glands ? Played golf, temperature 107, hearing blood flow in the neck, wrapped in cool towels. Causes ? Diagnosed type 2 diabetes, blood test, glucose level. Treatment ? Is a black line down the center of the testicles possibly a vein ? Creatine level, different reports, dialysis, diabetes, vein enlargement. Suggest? Does doxycline make implant ineffective? Weakness, parasites in stools, irritable bowel, gastro problems. Treatment ? Will the bursitis heal if the spur is not removed surgicaly? Why am I not able to have penetrative sex? What can I do to cure male breast gain? Parkinsons disease, syndopa, dotiph, gabantin forte, qutan, pramirol, delusions Should I see a doctor after pain due to a massage? How can I know that I am infected with HIV? No erection, tension, stress, penis size 2 inches, erectile dysfunction. Treatment ? Why is my eyesight fuzzy after waking? Leg pain, numb, surgery, pins and needles in buttocks and testicles, sharp tingles in toes Why do I have recurrent rash under the foreskin? What are the causes of repeated spells of dizziness ? Uneasiness, bulging tummy, cramps, stiffness, spotting How is wax from the ears removed ? What do I take for a burning sensation in the vagina? What are the causes for low blood pressure and low pulse ? What causes yeast infection behind the foreskin in males ? How is H Pylori and nausea treated ? What causes excessive vaginal discharge in women ? How are swollen lymph nodes behind the neck treated ? Compounded tablet of test, finasteride, letrox, erectile dysfunction. Compound effective ? How is gangrene on the tongue treated ? How are skin allergies to condoms treated ? What causes light pain and soreness in testicles ? Is CT scan or ultrasound better to detect kidney conditions ? How is swelling from bikini waxing treated ? Ginette, menstrual cycle, acne. Recommended? How is Pruritis ani treated ? What causes the body to be cold after death ? Is bursitis associated with knee weakness ? Pain below and behind right ear, under right eye, right foot. Reason? Total cholesterol 271, HDL 63, LDL 169, triglycerides 195. How to lower naturally? Would xanogen be safe to take while taking enalapril ? How is bloated stomach cured ? How are cysts in the testicles treated ? Vaginal thrush, delayed period, itching, uncomfortable sex, burning HIV transmission through clothed genital rubbing What is the dosage of abortion pills I need to take ? How are panic attacks and generalized anxiety treated ? Vet, handled a dog, rabies, didnt touch saliva, blood and not bitten. Vaccination required ? What medications and techniques may be used to increase level of sperm count ? What are the complications after plastibell surgery ? How is swelling in lymph nodes under the ears treated ? How is diarrhea due to infection and vitamin deficiency treated ? What are the complications after root canal surgery and how are they prevented ? How are bulges on the forehead treated ? How is vaginal pain during penetration prevented ? What medication do I take for dry skin on my testicles? How is back pain after drinking alcohol treated ? Dark pigmentation, face, neck, forehead. Derma roller good to use ? Is my sperm count enough for pregnancy to occur ? How is enterobacter infection treated without antibiotics ? Can neosporin be applied to dissolvable sutures ? Backache, taking Tema 20 for BP. Shelcal500 advisable? How is a ruptured ear drum cured ? How is median rhomboid glossitis treated ? Monkey nail scratch, fever, no pain, no itching. Rabies infection ? Broken neck, extra weight, high blood pressure. Diet for weight loss ? How is tinea cruris on the penis treated ? Multiple anal fissures, surgery, faktu, cremalax. Surgery a safe option ? Is it good to take vegetable smoothies with raw spinach ? Single dose of Azithromycin 500, chlamydia infection, infection persists. Treatment ? How are hydroceles in the testicles treated ? What are the side effects of hcg diet ? How are heart palpitations and chest burning controlled ? How are delayed effects of concussion treated ? What causes elevated liver enzymes ? What can I do for vaginal and pelvic soreness? Is there a chance of getting a second heart attack in hospital? How can I get rid of raised shiny bumps on my penis? Why are antibiotics not treating urinary tract infection? Diseases contracted from needle pricks other than hepatitis and HIV Can home remedies treat vulvovaginal gingival syndrome? What is the remedy to decrease stammering? Why do I have breast pain after surgery? Will I get pregnant if I have not taken birth control regularly? Lump in neck, headache, breast cancer What could be the reason for a lesion in the left cheek? What is the cause of a lump in my neck? Is it safe to play sports if I have infectious mononucleosis? How can persistent rashes be treated? How can a lump on the forehead be treated? How can the size of labia minora be reduced? Do I have cancer if I am diagnosed with chronic cystitis? Dry skin, rarely acne, red itchy bumps, taken methylprednisolone, bactrim, hives Is it dangerousif Vagisil cream enters the vagina? Vomiting, stomach ache, headache, light pink urination, negative pregnancy test Can I be recompensed for post surgical complications? Why do I have constant headache? Is it ok to take nortriptyline while trying to conceive? Frequent urination, irritation in tip of penis, drops of urine leaking Do I have cancer if my lab results are abnormal? How can tendonitis be cured? Lumbar pain, stomach discomfort, orange stools, headache, itchy anus, taking fish oil Faint line in urine pregnancy test, taking Deviry. Periods re-start? Will I fail to have children if my uterus wall is thin? What is the cause of a lump under my tongue? Penis itching, pimple, hardened ball Is fatigue and weakness related to anxiety? Forehead bulge, growth hormone problem Can air pressure cause growth in a cyst? What causes extreme tiredness and fainting spells post workout ? What do you advise for constant lower back pain? Bipolar disorder, Parkinson's disease, schizoprenia. Due to Divaa OD and Tolaz? Should I soak my ripped toenail in soapy water? Is synovial cyst curable? How can I cure inability to retract foreskin? What could be the cause for swollen glands in my neck? How can I prevent recurrent stroke? How can attention deficit disorder be treated? Low heart rate, 53 bpm, lightheaded, dizzy, chest pain. Anxiety or bradycardia? How can I get relief from bladder infection? Sticky urine, no burning urination, irritation in urethra. Cause? Should the medication for thyroid problem be safe in order to concieve? What is an alternative for Acitrome ? Loss of 1 inch in erect penis length. How to get back old size? Is fluttering of the eyelid treatable by natural medicines? Does Alzheimer's disease have an association with thyroid? Is an itch over my shin bone treatable? What are the possible causes of bumps under my tongue? Should I be worried about an enlarged uterus? White patches on labia majora, no blood flow, cracking skin, soreness Breast pain, dizziness, induced by stress, echocardiogram at 6 weeks ok How can back pain be relieved? How can slimy white discharge and itching in vagina be cured? Can I cut off a growth under my tongue? Can Coumadin, Toprol and Atacand affect sperm health? No energy, not depressed. B12 or nutritional supplement helpful? Can edema be the reason for a lump in the head? Blood hcg test not pregnant, sore breast, bleeding, back pain. Miscarriage? What would cause blood blisters on my soft palette?
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