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Pain in the lower abdomen and back, swelling in ankles. Have hematuria and high ESR and CRP. Cystocopy shows large stricture with bulbous urethra. Any advice? Small black pin dots in the vaginal area. No pain, no swelling. Should I be concerned? Dizziness and confusion, feeling of low blood sugar levels after long time without food. Is this hypoglycemia? 16 year old with a tight frenulum, pain while retracting foreskin. Will the insurance cover for penile health treatments? Dry ashy looking area in the vagina. Is this a problem to be treated? Feeling discomfort above the rib cage after child birth, no pain. What are the reasons? Irregular periods after child birth, reduced menstruation. Had Caesarean delivery. Need treatment? Trying to conceive. History of regular periods. Is reduced menstruation a cause of concern? Ear fullness and head congestion. Taken bactrim, Amoxicillin . On Tekurna for hypertension. History of vertigo. MRI needed? Unwanted pregnancy.What are the ways of early abortion? What are the side effects of mosquito repellents? Painless bumps in the vagina. History of herpes. No discharge or crusting. Are these sore bumps or warts? Infant with high fever, coughing fits, shortness of breath. Given antibiotics for pneumonia. Coughing up thick sputum. Is it some other disease? Severe vomiting with diarrhea. Is it food poisoning? Acute leptrospirosis. Have chronic post-treatment symptoms; vertigo, fatigue, headaches, night sweats. Who can help? Fatigue, frequent multiple canker sores, nausea and fullness in chest after eating. Are these symptoms related? Bleeding after stopping Norethisterone. Trying to conceive. History of miscarriage Pus in the urine and pain while urination after intercourse. History of HIV positive. Medication? Having chondromalacia patella in both knees, overweight. Need advice on exercises for pain management Chronic scrotal pain. Hernia and torsion tests negative. Doppler and scan report normal. Mild varicocele detected. Permanent solution? Made physical contact about 10 days prior to menstrual cycle. Possibility of pregnancy. Can i-pill be taken, its consequences? Concerned about the swollen tonsils and lymph nodes. Having heart palpitations Getting headaches after Lumbar puncture. Is this normal? TMT showing strong positive. Elevated cholesterol levels. History of heart diseases and diabetes. How risky is the report? 3 year old having strong fishy smell in urine. Had urinary infection weeks ago. Is this a recurrence? Had joint pains and fever. Taken medication. Joint pain persists. Further treatment needed? Stress, body soreness, cramps, cyst, unusually high libido. On psychiatric multi-medication and supplement. How to get relief? White flap under the tongue, soreness in mouth and tongue. What could it be? Had a tattoo done and nipples pierced. Took hydrochlorothiazide and multivitamins. Developed skin rashes. Due to body piercing or vitamin intake? Malformed coccyx, enlarged. Have thinner bowel movements. Had a c-section delivery. Worry now? Delayed periods. Urine pregnancy test negative. Prescribed with Dogest. Is it a safe medication? Side effects of Human Growth Hormone. Are they non-reversible? Heavy mucus flow, mild tinnitus, sinus pressure and low energy. Had surgery of straightening septum. Suggest? Persistent headache, screeching noise inside head, bleeding nose, nausea. What could be the reason? Suffering from Constipation What are the transmission methods of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia? Painful pimple like ulcer hanging from upper gum. History of COPD. Are these related? Is there any contradicting effect of consuming coconut oil as a supplement along with Coumadin? Causes for recurring hard bump on the forehead? Swollen scrotum with burning sensation, lower back ache, flu like symptoms. Had rashes on the thighs. Suffering from headaches, pain in the eye. Sinusitis? Had removed small basal cell sarcoma. Are these related? Pregnant taking Augmentin for cold. Developed burning and itching in vagina. Any home remedy? Infant having granules in stool after taking antibiotics for ear infection. Is this a concern? Skin rash, cracking and peeling skin in the testicle and anus area. Should i be worried? Pain under the rib cage. History of elevated liver enzymes and chronic lymphatic thyroiditis. Done thyroidectomy. Taking Oxy elite pro Stiffness in the calf muscles after taking alcohol, swollen feet and hands. X-ray normal. Taking Amphetamines salt combo Endometriosis. Had light pink discharge. Due to birth control? Is this a miscarriage symptom? Yellow, smelly vaginal discharge. Diagnosed with PCOS and IBS, no STI. Advice wanted. Red spot on upper outer thigh, numb, very itchy sensation around the spot, overweight. What is this rash? Irregular period. Had taken a birth control pill. Is this the reason? Suffering from severe itching and burning, enlarged veins on body. Suggestions? Chest tightness in the morning and night. Should I be worried? Numbing in the head, pressure behind eyes, stress. On antibiotics. Is it due to sinusitis or stress? Burning sensation under rib cage, burning sensation in breast. Child is snoring and has sleep apnea, no cold or infection, Fluticone prescribed. Had tonsilloadenoidectomy. Mild diffuse cerebral volume loss and small vessel ischemic changes in the MRI report. Does this indicate Dementia? Severe diarrhea. Took Immodium. On soft diet. Should I go to the doctor? Looking for doctors treating adult ADHD and OCD in Hyderabad. Feeling lump in the throat. Tonsils not enlarged. Need advice Anal fissure, severe pain, doctor suggested anal dilatation. Want to know the negative effects of it. Have typhoid fever, taking treatment. Does this fever affect the fetus? Have costochondritis, pain after wrestling, minor headache. Want to treat the problem. Child having itchy skin rashes like bumps on the whole body and tongue. What is the treatment? On prozac for depression and anxiety. Constipation after wellbutrin. Have vomit and cold sweats. Enema will help? Is there an emergency medication against HIV infection? Condom broke during intercourse. Taken Duovir . Will it help? Caecal carcinoma, metastatic around bowel lymph node. Is there any chance of getting cured? Swollen toe and foot with itching from ant bite. What is the care to be taken? Can i take pepto bismol while on adderall? Early fall during sex. Why is it happening and why? Sun burnt. Itchy pimples over forearms, reddened and getting worse. Is it psoriasis or eczema? Long lasting cough. Blood tests stated raised ESR. Meaning? Is it TB? White dot on penis, treated with peroxide, no pain but tender. Painful intercourse due to dryness in vagina Other cure for porcelain gall bladder instead of open surgery? Rash on legs, high BP, allergy to Bactrim, low potassium level, reaction to sun. What is the cause? Abnormally suspicious spouse. Is there a self remedy? Had I-pill. Resulted in irregular period. No pregnancy symptoms. Did I have implantation bleeding? Had unprotected sex. Took pill later. Had thick white discharge. Take a pregnancy test? Neurogenic disorder, pain in muscles. Metabolic disorders? Taking Progesterone for cystic glandular hyperplasia but no reduction in bleeding. Will I conceive? Botox treatment for migraine availability. Safe and effective medication to relieve pain? Endoscopy revealed fundal erosions in stomach. Have constipation and heat burn. Why is it happening? Feeling weak, dizzy and nauseous after radial nephrectomy. Obese with lipodema. On medication for thyroid problem Pregnant with contractions and painful hips. Have SPD and been dilated. Going into labor? Hand swollen and numb. Unable to close. Also pain in neck. Why did this happen? Pregnant. Small amount of blood in urine, no pain. Should be worried? Taken Rabipur injection after dog bite. Do I have to take Globulin injection? Abdominal pain and sensitivity. Blood in stool, rashes, GERD, heart burns. Investigate further? Numbness on face and neck, twitching of eyes. Diagnosed with Spinal stenosis Abdominal TB. What precautions to maintain while sex? Have a dull pain in chest and have chills. Why? Been on microgynon pill. Noticed headache around period, now dizziness and sickness. Normal to happen? Vomiting, fever, loss of appetite. Had taken antibiotics for strep throat. Is it a relapse? Swallowed an over dose of domstal, acocontin and odoxil. Anemic. What are the effects? Ultrasound of heart. Pressure at a single spot, soreness and redness. Can I be burnt by ultrasound? Child having high fever, chills and headache. Prescribed with paracetamol for viral infection. How to manage fever? Stool in white. Was suffering from loose motions. Took eldoper. Reason? Had a vertigo. Tool oxetol. Experiencing it again. What is causing it? Waking up with shaking hands. Related to Nyquil? Okay to take vitamin B complex and b-12 with amphetamine salt combo? Infant with fever and chills. Took crocin. Temperature not improved. Meftal P syrup recommended? Severe muscle knots in back and neck that pain and have stiff neck. Took valium. Not helping. What will? Suffering from spells of weakness, feels better after sleep. Need treatment? Red sore lump on child's neck. Why is the color darkening? Due to cold? Had sex. Will partner contract yeast infection that I had? Deformation of facial structure after using cream, facial muscle pull. How can the healing process near the nose be accelerated? Afraid of gastroparesis. Family history of stomach flu. Have anxiety disorder and taking Zoloft and Xanax. Cold sweat on back, legs and vomiting. Had congestive heart failure, bladder cancer and both knees replaced. Why the symptoms? Chronic headaches, night sweats, cough, body aches. Increased WBC levels. Referred to haematology. Why? Safe to start taking oxyelite powder while on champix? Had Cardiogenic shock after Aorta bifemoral bypass surgery. What were the survival chances? Has progressive diabetic related kidney disease. Had a stroke, now paralyzed. Has rashes that itch. Cause? Severe stomach pain. Am I just dehydrated? How to help myself? Old age, has fever and shivers. Appetite is poor, weight loss drastic. What to do next? Slightly elevated blood pressure, low heart beat. Feeling dizzy when working. Is it normal for my age? Shortness of breath due to exertion. Using Plumicort, Servent and Albuterol. Need advice on exercise and dietary modification Irregular periods. Prescribed with Susten. Urine pregnancy test negative Too much alcohol, throwing up persistently. Maxolon not helped. Sensitive stomach can be fed with? Black circle with pinkness inside of cheek. What could this be? Had hormone imbalance. Used androgel when testosterone went down. Will guggul help? Retry androgel? Enlarged prostrate, blocked urethra. Has been catheterized with a bag. Taking Panadol. Is surgery option better? Suffering from low blood pressure, blood in urine. Causes and treatment? Suffering from cancer. Pain in abdomen and head. What is the cost of Nubain medication? How to minimize radiation from body? How to help lung? How to reduce lung fibrosis? Foot baths in clay help? Urine smells like yeast. Used boiling water with enfamil. Is that the right way? Worry? Low grade fever with no other symptoms. What can be done? Will surgery cure cataract completely? Need information on cost of the surgery Unprotected sex, withdrew and on birth control. Pregnancy likely? Why complaints of stomach discomfort? Developing feeling for opposite sex in teenager. How to counsel? Taking Cremafin plus for hemorrhoids. Have Asthma, Myasthenia gravis and Ventricular bigenie. Will there be any medication interactions? Had blood drawn. Had a sharp pain from arm to wrist. Why is it not healing? CT scan of sinus said polypoid area of mucosal thickening. Meaning? Why do I have headaches, nausea? Dry and scaly skin. Using atogla cream. Use liquid paraffin skin? Other remedy? Is the discoloration of stools after taking beetroot normal? Polyp-like growths in vagina, pain during intercourse. Any natural medication? Unable to control masturbation in a young teenager boy. How can he be helped? Have vessels in armpit that is raised, is slightly hard and tender. They are? Blood in semen and have an enlarged prostate. Taking warfarin. Is medication the cause? Sore throat during pregnancy. Also feeling weak, sick and pain when swallowing. Tonsillitis? Harm the baby? Information on Crohn's disease? Taking prednisone for VKH syndrome. Having swelling on face and neck. Need advice on tapering the medication. Chances of recurrence? Lack of concentration issues, not able to communicate doctor properly. What should i do? Use of cannabis in treating itchy skin How do I know if I have ADHD? Suggest treatment? Experiencing chest flutters. Above breast bone. Getting worried. What is it? What can help? Fungal infection in toe nails. Permanent solution? Underweight extremely. Tried all supplements, not helping. Dexa had adverse effects. Safest steroid for women? Taken Bifilac, Norflox and Bactrim for urinary tract infection without knowing pregnancy. Will the medication affect the fetus? Cheeks sinking in and turning blackish, weight loss, stress. Is it Addison's disease or Cushing syndrome? Pain while urination. Abnormal urine test report. Treatment options? 21 year old having elevated heart rate without strenuous activity. Is it dangerous? Indigestion, nausea, acidity and bloating. Are the symptoms due to stress? Will frequent ejaculations keep prostrate cancer away? Does body absorb non-ejected semen? Child taking antibiotics for pneumonia. Sudden nose bleeding. Related to pneumonia? Pain in the back. Non-obstructive renal calculus in kidney. Cure? Delayed periods. Suggested Duphaston. Is it safe to take this medication? Can it be healed by diet and exercise? Have Ovarian cancer. Need information on Next Generation Photodynamic Therapy. Recurrent sore throat. Taken antibiotics. Can kissing be a reason? Urinating too often and vision blurs. What is causing? Birth mark on cheek which is now red. Caused by over growth of blood vessels. Remove by pulse? Blood test report has abnormal SGOT level. Working out extremely. Is this the cause? Pulling feeling in right leg. Why is it happening? Can be cured by ice pack? Dizziness, black outs, high BP. Why is it happening again? Why am I bruising easily? Loose motions, cough, jittery stomach, weakness and clammy hands. On biaxin. What is wrong? Pregnant and exposed to TB infected person. Has coughing now. Can she be infected too? Discomfort in abdomen after using someone else's tooth brush. Chances of Hepatitis C? What are it's symptoms? Heart races while smoking. EEG and blood work said excessive adrenaline. Heart issues? Heart palpitations while lying down, high BP. Vagus nerve irritation? Due to stress? Why do i have a sore lump that swells up face and a stiff neck? Can celebrex cause this? Noticed sores on penis, discoloration. Had unprotected sex. Herpes, psoriasis or eczema? ECG showed Right bundle branch block. Have extreme dizziness. Related? On birth control pills, have menstrual cramps accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite. What is wrong? Have brown spots on scrotum, spreading to face. What is it? Pea sized hard lump on vaginal wall after a delivery. What is it? Infant's stool was shriveled and hard immediately after bowel movement. What could cause this? Can I get dried semen on hands? Can taking levaquin for Bronchitis delay my period? Reddish, sticky and glossy rash on testicles. Can it be STD? Has prostate cancer, did radiotherapy, rise in PSA. Has cough and breathlessness. Due to bicalutamide? Strange sensation on penis tip, swollen. Had unprotected oral sex. Why am I also tired and weak? Sinusitis. Have drainage in throat mucus that stinks and is yellow. Taking augmentin can cause headaches? Tender breasts and pain. Started bleeding. On dronis. What is causing this? Had D & C due to miscarriage, bleeding after surgery. Can I get my period with this HCG level? Why is neck and spine cracking? How to prevent it? Is it misaligned? Need spinal adjustment? Lightheaded, low BP. Stroke has affected speech. Is everything okay? Changed bowel habits. Nauseated, bloated, reduced appetite, itchy skin. Why is stomach gurgling after food? Bump on forehead. Is getting itchy, red and sore. Should I seek medical attention? Pre-mature birth, kept in NICU. Suggested ibugesic plus syrup. Medicine safe? Low grade fever, fifth virus, sweating with cold. Is the temperature low? Body pain, swelling on stomach and face. Had uterus operated. Related? Red spot on belly where I got sunburnt, white bumps over abdomen, symptoms of viral illness. Coughing with clear mucus, wheeze afterwards. Have bronchitis. On inhaler and nasal spray. Worry? Child diagnosed with molluscum and eczema. Can a dog cause this? Fatigue, irritability, leg muscle weakness, blood work showed elevated lymphocytes. Family history of brain cancer. Inflammation of joints. Pain in hands. Had a cortisone injection. Also have ulcerative colitis. Suggest diet? Irregular period. Light period blood, heaviness in stomach. Tubes are tied. Menopause? Chest vibrates. Have angina. Do I have a heart problem? Accessory navicular region pain, muscle twitching, taken Indomethacin. Can this be gout or nerve problem? Tumor in ovary. Done Value Unit, CT scan oh whole abdomen, ultrasound, urine test. Reported big size. Help? Male body, slim with breast growth. What tests should be followed?
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