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Elevated heart rate and low blood pressure. Taking Pur bloka and Cozar. Side effects? Overweight. Difficulty in conception. What is the treatment? Acute pain in the leg. MRI showing degenerative disc changes, nerve compression and annular tear. Advice on surgery Coughing with blood, had cold, loose motion, fever, chest pain. Is this serious? Feeding ghee to an infant. Is it a good diet? Rashes on testicles due to heat and sweat. Medication? Heavy drinker, has severe mood swings,mixes anti depressants with duramine. Are mood swings effect of drug ? Pain in the back, neck, shoulder and arm. ECG normal. Increased heart rate. Cardiac problem? High pulse, nervousness during pregnancy. Suggest remedy for it? Abdominal pain, back pain, groin. Ultrasound, CT scan and X-ray done. What can be the cause? Have leukemia, low thrombocytes, done chemotherapy with Cytarabine. Can this disease be treated? Blood clot in lungs, swollen throat, vomiting. Failing kidney and heart. Need advice Phenomenon of hexagons appearing in the light after waking from sleep. Why does this happen? Is it safe for a CHF patient to get tattoo? Abdominal pain, GERD, gastric disease. How will the pain stop, help? Premature ejaculation, quick erection. What is the remedy? Doubts, habit of asking re confirmation questions. How to stop this ? Yellowish teeth. Smoking addiction. Any other treatment other than teeth enameling? Hard bumps on face and neck, no pus. Is this a carbuncle? Itching and skin rashes after exercise. Allergic reaction? Takin zolfresh since two years and have sideeffects. Indicate way to get rid? Sperms not functional. Can pregnancy occur, method to heal? Painless, colorless bump in groin, under the skin, sore after squeezing. What could this be? Experiencing hematuria after sex and exercise, grains in urine. Having edema ,pelvic pain. Causes ? Non-penetrative sex, wet discharge, taking oral contraception, abdominal pain. What are the chances of pregnancy? Inflammed gums, sore throat, bleeding. Diagnosed with strep throat. Any connection between the two symptoms? Abnormal ventricular relaxation in Echo report. Heart failure? Stress, anxiety, frustration. How can this be solved? Abdominal pain, tight pressure, muscle contracted, cannot slouch, shortness of breath Suffering from acidity. Is it safe to take Nexpro? Tightness in throat, difficulty to swallow, excess saliva, difficult speech. Why the tightness ? Irregular periods and abortions. Done hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Endometrial TB and cornial blocks found. Treatment? Have neurocysticercosis, taking Levipil and Frisium. MRI shows sinus. Dizziness, imbalance. Please review Side effects of prolonged use of birth control pills Frequent hamstring muscle pull. Advise to avoid it Addicted to Tylenol, forgetfulness, withdrawal symptoms, lower back pain, migraine, blurred vision Severe low back pain, massive headaches, take 19-23 tyleno at night to sleep . Any bad effects ? VDRL. Penicillin treatment has to be taken. For how many days the treatment lasts? Regular treadmill use. Does it cause joint problems, is running or jogging better, advise for weight loss? Unprotected sex. Negative for HIV ELISA test. How accurate is this test? On IVF, advised to take Gonapeptyl. Is it safe to take ? Capsules to increase cheeks Three months pregnant, frontal hemispheric epidermoid cyst. Taking encorate. Will the child be affected? Need diet advice to increase height Hurt knuckle after a fall.Pain while extending, clenching, weird circular knuckle motion. Should worry ? Done blood test, taken antibiotic and steroid shot. Vomiting after taking pills Diabetic, kidney stones, erectile dysfunction. Taking metformin, gliclazide, voglibose, hemiplasia. Advise? Not fresh after long sleep, sleepy everytime. How can freshness be gained? Red spot above ankle, swelling, hard bump. Blood test, MRI and X-ray done. What can be the swelling, treatment, advise? Mild fever with leg ache, did go for trek, quit smoking. Are these related ? Penis feels hot after masturbating, no red, sore to touch, burning. Worried about STD or bacterial infection Light headed, extremely tired, pain in hand, toes. Taking ibuprofen. What can be reason? Headache, painful neck glands, hurting shoulders, shivers, sneezing, diarrhea. Is this viral infection? Pain in the joints, hands, shoulders, freezing, swelling. Can this be rheumatoid arthritis? Duration, course and diet while taking the Rabies injection Black pimples on face, taken teriforce. Can apply femcinol cream? Watery right eye, paralyzed lips. Is this early sign of stroke? White spot on forehead left after injury stitches. Can it be treated? One baby with C section, had previous abortion, pregnant again. Is it safe to go for abortion pills ? Dizziness, fatigue & vomiting during pregnancy Became pregnant, taken Cytotec, Varginal. Did the pills not work because they have expired? No period since two years, trying to conceive. Diagnosed water in uterus. Advise? Painful Inflamed knees at night, diagnosed with arthritis, have symptoms of prostatitis. Is knee pain related to prostatitis? Have hashimotos and adrenal exhaustion. Can go for Tdap shot without any concern? Black spots on tongue, cold sores. Cause of spots? Vaginal discharge after holding urine for too long, lower abdominal cramps Rectal culture report of child. Any concern and what does it mean? Swollen tender lump / lymph node on back, pain in skull when moving neck. Is this normal? White spots on penis shaft, frequent masturbation. No discomfort or itching. No STD. How these spots go away? Hard lump on throat, had sore throat. What could cause this? Bio chem test results. Have acid indigestion and regular alcohol drinker. Are they normal? Back pain mostly in morning Have sexual thoughts, am masturbating. What are the side effects of eating cashew nuts? Will having sex make me lose weight? Suffering from acute acidity and gas. Permanent solution ? Infection on the skin of penis, dry areas. Treatment ? Baby not able to walk, even after seventeen months Frequent cough and cold. Doctor advised use of Budate inhaler. Can be used when triggered again ? Stomach pain and reduction in baby movements, prescribed gas tablets. What is the cause? Ultrasound shows prominence in renal pelvis. What should I do? Can it cause scarring in kidneys? High fasting blood sugar level, protein in urine. Need advice to overcome this problem Frequent running nose and sneezing, frequent ear wax., symptoms increase in A/C. Is it allergy ? Want to delay periods. Prescribed Sunolot. Want to minimize side effects of nausea and headache. Confused about dosage Got cut by scissors on nose. Does HIV spread through scissors? Had mitral valve repair, have cirrhosis, high Gamma GT, water retention. Is it risky to drink as it will hamper recovery? Is it ok to travel by car during early pregancy ? 10 year old, lethargic, has dizzy spells, not eating, feels cold. Any reasons ? Loss of power in lower limbs after lying on back for three hours Elbow fracture, cast removed, pain in bending hand. What steps can I take for complete rehabilitation of hand? Can ingestion of a probiotic for a toddler cause stools to be white clay like ? Torturous esophagus found in endoscopy. Have occasional mild ache under breastbone. Cure ? Painful scalp, some hard spots near crown region, at the back of head. What is this ? Skin hanging under my tongue, one is irritating. Should I be concerned ? Echo says mild pulmonic valvular regurgitation, left atrium mildly dilated. Should I be worried ? Food to eat for patient with high blood sugar Chronic bacterial prostatits, burning urination, taken antibiotics, itchy thigh, acidic urine. Suspecting kidney stones Can complex ovarian cyst with septae & echoes be cured using Doxy1L D Forte ? Any side effect ? Breastfeeding baby. No periods. Had unsafe sex. What are the chances of pregnancy? Report says disc protrusion with large right posterolateral extruded disc fragment with caudal migration. Meaning ? Rotten meat smell. What could this be? Sleeping excessively. Feeling groggy, dizzy. Xanax helps. Had a normal hearing test. What is wrong? Top right side pain. CT says Mild mucossal thickening right side sphenoid air cell. Treatment ? Ultrasound of liver shows dark spots, tiredness, vomiting, stomach pain. What could it be? Child has rash, fever, strep negative, peeling skin. Taken antibiotics for ear infection. Want second opinion Fullness in esophagus when eating, stomach feels empty even hours later Periods late, some symptoms of pregnancy. Could I be pregnant ? Chest pain, jaw pain, neck and arm pain. Doctors unable to find cause Experiencing night sweats more than usual. Should be worried ? At what stage should a perianal abscess be drained? Do antibiotics help? Armpits hurt while coughing, radiates down to right arm and elbow. Reasons ? Child has white stools, constipation. Could probiotics or holistic health remedy be causing this? On Lisinophril for High BP, 18 year old. Is it ok to take centrum with Lisinophril ? Chest discomfort, belching, no shortness of breath. Have GERD. Is this a heart problem? Had tubal ligation. Have pregnancy symptoms, pelvic area pain. Scared of ectopic pregnancy. Is it possible to get pregnant? Hear heart beating in right ear when I bend over. Reason ? Wearing dentures, have abrasion in gums, no bleeding. Worried about oral cancer White piece of stuff in crack on top of clitoris, bad smell. What could it be ? What does mild cortical thinning in the left kidney mean? Shaky feeling, neck pain, numbness in limbs, cold, fever. Is there anything I can do? Shaky feeling, have g6pd enzyme deficiency, headaches, joint pain. Is it getting worse ? Oversleeping, dizzy feeling after waking, taking Xanax, MRI normal. What is wrong with me? Sleeping excessively. Feeling groggy, dizzy. Xanax helps. Had a normal hearing test. Am I okay? Daughter not well with high temperateure, temperature not reducing. What to do ? Will crystal bubbly show up in a urine drug test? Want to gain weight. Do I need any check up? Should I take Liv52? Developed an inflamed area between scrotum and anus. Severe itching. Why is there a bump? Are they warts? Calcification in basal ganglia, widening of cortical sulci, prominent ventricles. Suggest a solution Will have gastric bypass operation. Will meth leave smoke in lungs and affect operation? Abdominal and testicle pain after vigorous exercise. Is it hernia or testicular torsion? Mucus in stools, straining during BM, had hemorrhoid excised, have skin tages. Had fistula. What is your take on skin tags? Is there an eye drop to keep eyes clean and relaxed? Eyes water after driving or sitting in front of PC Prescribed Dubagest and Duphaston during pregnancy. Will it have side effects on mother or child? Want to quit smoking. Want to know about electronic cigarette. Addicted to alcohol Dry, unproductive cough. Chest x-ray clear. Sneezing when coughing. Taking Lupicof. How do I proceed? Have low mean platelet volume. How do I increase it in natural ways? Had herpes attack, multiple black spots on face. What medication will remove the spot? Had abdominal ultrasound cavitation. Now found out that I am pregnant. Could fetus be harmed? Back and neck pain, tension knots, stiff arm, bump in neck, shoulder blade stiff and swollen. Have tension headaches Skin irritation on leg, itching, burning. Applied Neosporin and Ring guard. Breastfeeding baby. What to do? Getting dark circles under eyes quite frequently Child has motor delay, not able to crawl, tends to stand up with support. Karyotype normal Had miscarriage. Antibody and thrombosis test normal. No chromosomal abnormality in products of conception. Next step? How do i know if i have a hormonal imbalance? Have irregular periods Swelling, redness, bruising and soreness after injecting speed into arm. Applied ice. Is it infected already? Upper back pain, chest pain. Pains to swallow solid food Head injury, skull tissue infected after removal. Is it safe for me to fly? What are the risks? Red blotches on arms and legs. Disappears when lying down or taking a shower. What is this? Have stage 1 mucinous ovarian cancer. Overweight. Is Herbalite safe to use? Have hypertension, taken Amtas. ECG showed slower heart beat. Blood test showed SGPT and SGOT. High uric acid. What could be the reason? MRI report shows changes in cervical. EMG report normal. Have lower back pain like vibrations Have gall stone. No vomiting, diarrhea or pain. Should I go for gall bladder removal surgery? Child is teething. Has pus from gums. Eating normally. Has impetigo on chin. Will antibiotics clear up gum problem? Neck pain, not able to sleep, reduced diet. Is it spondylosis? Swollen parotid glands, loss of hearing, buzzing in head, sinusitis, asthma, productive cough, scarring in lungs Bump with raised skin, burning, pain, redness, tingling. Any suggestions? Gall bladder removed. Sore and swollen testicles. No hernia. Gurgling sound in scrotum. Is it possible that air became trapped in my scrotum? Bleeding during intercourse, straining during bowel movement. Taking birth control. Ultrasound normal Low immunoglobulin, red dysmorphic blood cells in urine, stricture in bulbous urethra. Is it thin basement membrane disease? Have body aches, chills, high temperature. Advil helps. What else can? Suffered general anxiety disorder. Developed insomnia. Have high BP. Anything more effective than lexotanil? Control BP? Took medication for flu. Can I have bladder infection? Why do I have loose motions with burning urine? Dizziness, right ear clogged, clear mucus, eyes stiff. On advil. Why do I feel lethargic? Smoker, taking flax seed oil, red meat. Exercise daily. Have hypothyroidism. Normal to have high cholesterol? Have high LDL, HDL and cholesterol levels. Can they be controlled by diet alone? Unable to swallow water or food. Have rare esophageal motility disorder. Why is there a whitish powder around nails? Grayish and bluish patches on buttocks. There is no pain or swelling. What can it be? Does low IgM have any serious concerns? MRI showed no changes in C levels. What can be wrong? Delayed and irregular period. Suffered postnatal depression, have anxiety issues. Why do I have rapid heart rate and weakness? After masturbating developed a blister on penis. Neopsirin helped. Masturbation led to another blister. Help? Noticed a green stain on stool, before period. Washes off. Should I consult a doctor? Severe abdominal pain. Cramps keep fluctuating. Tests showed mesenteris lymphadenopathy. What causes this? Infant has recurring fevers. Red bumps all over body. Issue with blood cell count? Could be leukemia? Suffering from hair loss. Suggest a doctor? Suggest a diet? Discovered a series of perfectly circled patches of dry skin that spread. Ring worms? Lupus? Can HIV spread from an unaffected person? Can pregnancy be possible with condom? Anal sex dangers HIV infection? Taken milk thistle supplement. How long to wait to take diazepam? Suing a hospital. Need a reviewer. What to expect for the damage done? Keep getting heart flutter mostly at night. Feel an adrenaline rush. Why does it keep happening? Menstrual period irregular. Had a sticky black discharge. Had few cysts and crohns disease. What is wrong now? Knee pain, weak quads. Orthotics haven't helped. Knee clicks. Why is this happening? Swollen parotid glands, loss of hearing, sinusitis, asthma, joint pain, muscle cramps, sleeplessness, bloating. Is it lyme infestation? Suffering from rheumatoid. On medication that do not help. Information about epsom salt baths and apple cider vinegar? Infant diagnosed with Salmonella after black runny stools, cranky behavior. Antibiotics did not help. Sign of spreading infection? Heartburn sensation, chills in evening, cannot sleep. High BP, prescribed hydroxyzine. What shall I do ? What causes a brain frenula ? Had shaved the public area, had protected sex with condoms, vaginal fluid at the base of penis. Am I safe ? High cholesterol, prescribed Rosvustatin, Left drug, cholesterol under control, sugar normal. Should continue pills ? Raw skin between both legs, applying Soudocream. Type 2 diabetic. Advice ? Does HCG give more sex drive or less? Other side effects? Cause problems with OCD? Mild sensation in the chest. ECG normal, advised Combiflam for pain. Should I worry ? BP 132/ 79, pulse 112 for 220 lbs, 6'1 boy. Is it normal ? Blood pressure level & pulse rate concern. Normal? Heart rate speeds up when position changed while sleeping at night. What might this be ? 7 week infant has a green patch on tongue, gastric reflux, sticky stools. What can this be ? Intake of alcohol/caffeine makes me tired, disoriented. Have reactive hypoglycemia. Is avoiding the only option ? Was on Provigil a month, a week on Vyanese, getting hives that go with benadryl cream. Is SJS a side effect ? 90 degree bend of penis when erect, burning sensation, its straight up. Advice ? Tightness in my chest, lightheadedness. Had open heart surgery. Took nitro that gave these symptoms ? Little bumps on left labia majora with slight itching and swelling. Treatment ? Had antibiotic for serious ear infection.Now low back pain, pain in organs around hip, found a blister. Ideas ? Have a mole that feels soft on shoulder. Started bleeding after scratching it. Get it removed?
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