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Unprotected sex, heartburn, nausea. Can this be pregnancy? Will a person live if he has diabetes? Red dots. Blood work normal. Not anxiety induced. What do the results of DNA double-stranded test mean? Can gastritis cause throat itching and coughing? Lump on the right side of chest muscle. What is the cause of this? Abscess on head of child that looks like a mosquito bite Feeling uncomfortable hot or cold, hip and thigh pain. Temporary relief from Arnicare Foul odor of urine, burning urination, lower back pain, frequent urination, feeling unwell Brown spots below child's navel, now black with surrounding redness, not sensitive. What could cause such an issue? Red spots that do not blanch, blood work normal, not anxiety-induced, disappears on scratching. Confused about DNA double-standed test Sudden, strong headache on top of head, down the back of neck and to the right side Penis pain during intercourse, pimples in penis, not painful. What should I do? Burning discomfort in iliac fossa region. Normal x-ra and ultrasound. No hernia. What is the problem? Lower back pain, used to go to gym earlier. Kindly advise Stiches scar on left knee. Want to know the best surgeon in Delhi Abdominal pain after eating fatty and spicy foods, indigestion, gastric problems, stools have foul smell, tests normal Itchy red splotch on groin. Applied lotrimin. Why is it still itchy? Could it be scabies? Upper respiratory tract infection, loss of hearing, painful, throat pain, temple pain, mucus drainage Have Mediterranean fever. Can someone my age get this disease? No pain or any other symptoms Sweating, anxiety, sleepiness, weight gain. Taking Bacopa. Is this a sign of thyroid problem? Have lesions on body. Are they serious? Why do they appear? Round, red, itchy spot on pubic bone. Have had only protective sex. Itchy ingrown hair in pubic area Fall from ladder, taken Motrin for pain and soreness. Lower back pain now. Need to bear down harder while using bathroom Addicted to alcohol, gutka and cigarettes. Have high BP. Done Homocysteine level test, ECG. Taking Bantop. How can I overcome anxiety? Have less height. Is there any way to grow a few more inches? Mitral valve rheumatism, mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis. Should I continue penicillin or not? What is the real risk of combining marijuana and birth control pills? Is it life-threatening? Burn due to hot water, applying Sileverex. Pinkish skin now. Which cream will speed up the healing process? Neck makes creaking and hissing noise. What is it? Tiredness, yellowish pupil, abnormal BM, dizziness, mouth dry, white coated tongue, frequent urination. Pancreatic cancer? Pre-cancerous cells, trying for baby, blood test showed low progesterone, HPT negative. Missed period. Scared that cone biopsy will harm pregnancy Muscle pain after taking Nexium. Have been taking Prilosex. Is the side effect from Nexium? Regular high fever, test showed pus cells, stomach pain and loose motion. What medicine can be given? Constipation, stomach heaviness, ultrasound showed calculus. What should I do to prevent liver and kidney diseases? Am diabetic Hematuria, red dysmorphic cells in urine, high ESR, back pain, hypothyroidism, taking Candesartan. What is the cause? Recurring itchy anus, bleeding, sore tailbone Done blood work, numbers in high range. Why should I be concerned? What are these indicative of? Pulses on belly and neck. ECG and BP normal. Worried about aorta aneurysm What causes the infection of Klebsiella keratitis? Can it be caused by doctor's hands in eye? Heartburn, nausea, stomach upset, nausea after eating, back pain, increased heart rate, stomach spasm. Any idea? Brain MRI showed microvascular ischemia in white matter. What does this mean? String of blood in stool, itchy, biting feeling, nose itchy. Do I have worms? Thoracic pain, back pain, MRI suggests hemangioma and spondylosis. Taking Ibuprofen. Should I consider surgery? Bump in upper lip, not hurting or itching, white dots. Is this molluscum contagiosum? Shoud I avoid oral sex? White lump on roof of child's mouth, firm. Any ideas? Taken antibiotics for UTI, hives on face, neck and hands. Taken Claritin. Now has fever. Is this an allergic reaction? Is it possible for upper lip to shrink and then return to normal? Suffering from depression, OCD. Needs upper denture Am diabetic. Redness after using Novolin. What are the causes and your suggestions for it? Burning vagina when touching or urinating. Baby oil not helping to stop burning. Chest itching and pain, ECG normal but fast heart beat, low vitamin D. Headache when missing or delaying food, more sweating, vomiting. Please help Abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, belly button tenderness, nausea, headache, dry eyes. Any idea? Follicular study done, ovulation cramps and discharge started. Will I be able to conceive? Done C-section. Will taking care of kid affect stitches or internal organs? Ear pain, probably due to water during bathing or change in weather. Can you suggest any drops? Feeling warm in stomach, acid reflux after eating or drinking Hand injury from glass. Painful with no movement, lightheadedness, cold sweat, nausea, tender skin. Should I go to the ER? Hurt by bus, X-ray showed convexity of lumbar spine, interdiscal radiolucency, degeneration of apophyseal joint. What is going on? Abdominal pain, vomiting, done SGOT, SGPT and blood test, fatty infiltration of liver. Family history of diabetes. What is the reason for fatty liver? Had C-section, pain around stitches, pain near stretch marks. Can I do normal household work? Taken Egitromycin for viral fever. Persisting cough, jaw pain. Eat paan masala occasionally Body pain, fever, pimples, prescribed Valacyclovir. Done blood and pus test. Want to know if this is chicken pox Panic attacks, depression, insecurity, drinking and smoking. Taking zolax. How can improvement take place? Fast heart beat, high BP, heart pulse rate. What has cause this? Itching and rash on the scrotum, chin and chest, red spots after swimming. Advise? Chronic migraine. Taken topamax, taking implanon for birthcontrol. Is there a drug interaction? Nose bleeding, low carbohydrate diet. Is this common? Alcohol, gutka and smoking addiction, high BP. Lab tests normal. Taking bantop D, lodoz, linac, franxit, basikob. How to overcome this? Painful lymph nodes in groin, bumps on anus, discomfort in genitals, acne. Have hemorrhoids. Stress related? Sores in mouth, painful to swallow. Why is there redness and pain in palms? Hand foot and mouth disease? What is the treatment for SSHL? Will single ear impairment spread to the the other? Go for steroid treatment? Chest pain and TB. Done CXA test. Afb sputum test negative. What does present X-ray mean? Localized pain in abdomen, metallic taste in mouth with leg cramps. What is wrong? Menopause, breast and abdominal pain, rash and scar. How can this be solved? Nausea, heartburn, bloating and belching, bad breath. TSH levels low, RDW high. What am I suffering from? Bleeding before periods, clots and hurting. What can be the reason, advise? Advised to have tubes tied. Possible partial hysterectomy. Why frequent periods with excessive bleeding? Over weight. Phentermine helped. Reports said non-functioning adenoma, colloid cyst or malignancy. Help? Pain in upper back. Is this GERD or acid reflux? Back pain worse after a fizzy drink. What could be the reason? Pain during intercourse, burning afterwards with light bleeding. What are the outgrowths from my vagina? Knee injury. MRI showed partial ligament tear, arthroscopy showed ACL tear. Substitute surgery? Had failed IVF. Nausea and fatigues. Issue of oestrageon or progesteron balance? Wait for pregnancy? How do I reduce the cylindrical power of a child? Exercises recommended? Painful lump under the jaw near the gland. What is it? Tingling sensation near belly button. Why is it smelling and red? Lightheadedness and sensation of passing out. Why can I smell strong ammonia? Blotting feeling in stomach. Due to digestion? How to shed weight? Suggest diet, yoga? Hair loss since years. Is it due to anxiety? How to deal with it? Wobbly walk at times, painful knees, easily fatigued, buzz in the ear, dizziness. Suggest the reasons? Fatty cysts on arm and breast area. Who to consult? Is there a side effect of preventive vaccination of cervical cancer, does it affect fertility? Side effects of the preventive vaccination of cervical cancer? Impact on health or fertility? Night sweats, fever, tiredness, stomach aches, elevated heart rate. What is wrong with me? Stomach and chest aches after fizzy drink and alcohol. Why does temperature increase? Normal? Have most of the symptoms of MS or Lyme disease. Why is there numbness, off balance, nausea? On what Cycle Day is siphene used? Positive pregnancy test. Ultrasound gave negative result. Why do I feel movement in belly? Undergone widal test. Has fluctuating fever and continuous cough. Is there a problem? Stomach pains from hunger extends long? Why is it accompanied with fatigue, nausea, diarrhea and chills? Pressure in lower pelvis after exercise. X-ray said Mild scleriosis of the sacroiliac joint present. Meaning? Trying to conceive. Had blighted ovum. Association of lipitor and sperm motility miscarriage? Been taking Bactrim DS for bladder infection. Had bladder cancer, CKD. Why is there pain in opening of penis? Weight gain, irregular periods, sore ribs, chest tightness, fatigue, headache, backache. Is this pregnancy? Had leg angioplasty. Night cramps and coldness in affected leg. Is calf and anterior tibialis massage sufficient? Child had a brain injury. Went through surgery and lumbar drain. Why are there headaches? Why do I sweat while talking in public? Klinefelter syndrome? Treatment? Sexual intercourse with a prostitute. Risk of HIV? Took amlodipine, candestatan, amitriptyline. Taking amlodipine twice will cause harm? Gum ulcers. Prescribed calvepen. Is it prescribed only for sore throat? Have transient fever. Suffered GERD and gastroparesis and diarrhea. Fundoplication partially undone. What is wrong? Taken allergry and singulair for allergy. Is there any danger or interaction? Severe heart palpitations, numbness in feet, fatigue, light headed. Why did it happen in a grocery store? Blister on lip, bleeding. Side effect of phentermine? Zilactin good choice? What is wrong? Pregnant. Taking torleva. Does it affect the fetus? Fever, chills, headache, neck pain. Why is this happening? MRI repots says multiple synechia within the capsules of hips, bilateral hip effusions. Meaning? Fibromyalgia? Throbbing pressure on temple, pulsating. Do I have an artery block or high homocysteine levels? Bruise above the hip, tender lump. What might it be, advise? Bad cough and cold. Why is there heaviness in chest and pain in abdomen? Chest cough with phlegm. Roxid and mucolit not helped. What will? Child having weakness, migraine, photosensitivity. Prescribed multivitamins with milk. Should psychiatrist be consulted? Weakness, migraine, photosensitivity in child. Prescribed multivitamins. Should psychiatrist be consulted? Lumps in jawline from abcess and on collarbone. Why is my head feeling strange? Breast reduction. Slimness without weakness. Possible? How? Low haemoglobin count. Taking raricap. Craving for icecubes. Is it related, treatment, advise? Had a PPH done for Hemorrhoids. Still feels weak, losing weight. What is it? Go over surgery? Chest pain when I brisk walk. ECG,echo normal. LAD show proximal stenosis. Taking Atorva,Clavix. How to reduce pain ? Gall bladder removed, gas, bloating, belly pain, fatigue. Awaited colonoscopy. Are thickened bowel walls through the sigmoid colon serious? Suffering from internal hemorrhoids. Was prescribed Faktu. Can I use it long term? Neck pain. Have degenerative disc disease, herniated and bulging discs, bone spurs throughout cervical spine. What is going on? No periods after stopping birth control. Trying to lose baby weight. Why do I feel lightheaded and abdominal pain? Nose bleeding, red eyes, low BP in the mornings. Can it be tumour, advise? Is my infant suffering from a bone problem? Congenial rickets? Correct treatment? Dry skin, pimples, bump on chin, darker lips. Using benzoyl peroxide. Medication to get rid of skin issues? Whit spot on bottom lip. What is it? How to treat it? Is my average blood pressure and heart rate good or bad? Bleeding, redness and large bump on stomach due to HCG shots for weight loss. Whats the reason, remedy? MRI revealed parfalcine extra-axial enhancing mass close to the vertex. Why is there loss of memory? Rashes after heart bypass. Why is the leg swollen? Sore like white pimple on inside cheeks. Diagnosed tongue cancer. What can be the reason, oral cancer? Have had diarrhea and soft explosive stools with stomach cramps. Noticed kidney bean in stools. Suggestion? Migraines, neck pain, metallic taste. Had root canal and crown done. X-ray taken. Solution? Have had migraine headaches. Why is there neck pain, metallic taste in mouth now? Connected to root canal? Anxiety, movable bump behind ear. Whats the reason, advsie? Had surgery for prolapsed hemorrhoid. Why is there pulse sensation in anus? Related to hemorrhoids? Does hylase damage lips for removal of dermal fillers? Leg pain while driving, worse in calf area. High BP. How to deal with the pain? Enlarged thyroid. Had ultrasound done. Any danger or to be concerned about? MRI done for checking injury in plantar facsia, achilles tendon intact. What advise? Colonoscopy showed ulcers in terminal ileum, Biopsy shows non-specific ileitis with eosinophilic infiltrates. Can Crohns disease be ruled out? Have asthma, taking Tilade and Symbicort, convulsions, ear problems, tonsillitis, sinus infections, headache. Do I have a genetic disorder? Had protected sex. Condom slipped. Sperm on outer vagina. Delayed period. Can Ipill have failed? Had high TSH during pregnancy. On erythocin. Suggest exercise or diet to substitute it? Vomiting sensation after food intake. Discomfort in abdomen. What can I do? Accidently consumed harpic toilet cleaner, burning throat and stomach. Remedy? How to assess prothrombin activity percentile? Normal rate? Effect on baby? Medication required? Piriformis syndrome, sciatica, no back pain, arthritis, gaining weight, done physiotherapy, taken Amitryptylene. Do I really need this medicine? Abdominal pain radiating to back shoulder, bloating. Can this be symptom of pancreatic cancer? Sore throat, dry cough, runny nose. Taken ciprofloxacin. Provide treatment and advise? Sneezing and pain in adams apple, tender to touch. Remedy? Red circle on stomach, ringworm, scar. What could this be? No sperms after sperm analysis. Is there a possiblility of getting sperms produced? White area in the nose cavity, neck and arm pain. What can be the cause? Pain and bruise on the forearm after blood drawn for lipid tests. How can it be treated? Acute back pain, swollen lumbar disc. Taking aleve, ibuprofen, tylenol, nydrocodone, tylox. Hurting calves. Are there blood clots? Used spermicide during sex. Pregnancy test negative. Concerned about being pregnant, advise? Sudden walnut-sized, hard, painful lump on outer thigh. No redness. What could this be? Could I get infected with HIV after licking vaginal lips? Child has sore head, vomiting and stomach ache Erectile dysfunction, trying for baby, not able to get erection. Can I take medicines like Viagra to help me? Stomach pain, not able to eat, white thick liquid in stools, weakness, have mental tension. Have one abnormal kidney. What is wrong? Psoriasis on legs, bump on buttocks, soft, liquid-filled, hurts to sit. Should I be worried about it? Bloated belly, bubbling betwen rib cage, soft stools, Whats the remedy? Hip replacement surgery. On iron supplements. Is iron deficiency related to the recovery from surgery? Had oral sex. Is there any chance of HIV transmission to my body if there is virus in blood? Drop in hemoglobin level, taking Dyter. Can it be due to medicine? Will undergo endoscopy to determine internal blood leakage Low BP, fatigue, pregnant. Will it affect the fetus? Generalized skin sensitivity, skin hurts to touch, shivering. If it is just a cold virus, why have I not built up immunity? Swelling and hardness below diaphram is getting larger. Removed umbilical hernia. What is this due to? Child has lipoma on lower back, fever, no cold or stomach sickness. Should I be concerned? Bitter saliva in throat after brushing teeth, bad breath after meals. Brushing and flossing regularly. Solution? Head injury, no bump, no pain. Is it dangerous to hit the head above the eyes? Headache, taking Lexapro and Vyvanse, nausea. Taken Ibuprofen and orange juice with no relief. What is safe to take? Scheduled to have rhinoplasty. Drank alcohol and used cocaine. Will I be okay or should I push back the date of surgery? Leukoplakia on throat and tonsil, have GERD, post nasal drip. Are they pre-cancerous? Lightheaded, dizzy, blurry vision, not pregnant. What could be causing this? Have GERD, IBS-D. Colonoscopy showed ulcers in ileum. Biopsy shows non-specific ileitis. Negative IgA. Does this rule out Crohn's disease? On prozac for years. Can it cause ADHD? How can I correct it? Diagnosed benign cyst on thyroid. Is the supplement OxyElite Pro safe on thyroid and adrenal glands? Breast and ovarian cysts. Done ultrasound and mammogram. Recommended biopsy. Are there other indicators to look for besides regular symptoms? Have white ring that shows on tongue. Why does my mouth become dry? Left chest pain and shoulder blade pain. What is wrong if EKG and blood work showed normal? Abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood in stools. Had hysterectomy for uterine cancer. Should I go to the doctor? Bleeding nipples after swimming. What could this be? Diagnosed with Hep B virus. How can she recover? Recommend drugs? Semen mingled with urine, tired, leg pain. Used to masturbate. Does this cause infertility and how to control it? Lost voice due to screaming and singing. Cannot sing high notes. Could I have strained vocal chords beyond repair? Unprotected oral sex. Uncomfortable feeling in glans and foreskin with dots. Is it simply dry skin? Constant hum in ear after intense exercise. Taking insulin for diabetes
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