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Reddish bumps on the penis. No pain, no itching. Remedy? Can Vitamin D deficiency cause neck weakness? Burning sensation and difficulty in holding the head up. Anxiety? Weight loss, severe fatigue, hair loss, high calcium level, loss of balance, coughing. ENT, cardiac, body scan all normal. Suggestion? Have suffered from depression. Been taking Venlaflaxine. Why do I have ache in my joints and muscles, have hot and cold sweats? Am I okay? High TSH, LDL and glucose levels in the blood test report. What to do? Pregnancy ultrasound showing blighted ovum, poor decidual reaction, lag in gestational age. Should I be concerned? Did medical abortion and D&C. Reduced bleeding. When is my ovulation? Had a quad by-pass and pacemaker in the past. Feeling stuffy head, headaches, dizziness. Need help Is it safe to use Super growth height booster? Non movable lump in the jawbone. Neck discomfort, throat pain and breathing difficulty. Overweight, smoking addiction. Spot in CAT scan Erectile dysfunction after removing wisdom tooth. History of hemorrhoid surgery. Suffer from ear pain and hearing loss Hard benign growth inside the nose in the CT scan. Have headaches. Taking Verapamil for Wolf Parkinson white. What are the surgery complications? Having depression with crying spells, violent behavior, self harming ideas. Help? What are the effects of drinking alcohol? Suicidal tendencies after infidelity. How can external social influence of thoughts be avoided? Newborn baby having jaundice and black stools. Is it due to bilirubin levels? Bloating, stomach discomfort. Done colonoscopy. Light yellow feaces. How can it be solved? Nebivolol for palpitations. Should I play sports? Is it safe to run around and exercise? High levels of uric acid and cholesterol. Suffering from pain and swelling in legs and knee. Need diet advice Is it normal to feel pulse at the back of the head externally? 16 month old not able to walk without support. Is there a problem? Vomiting water, stomach spasms in pregnancy. Normal? Having large internal hemorrhoids. Difficulty in bowel movement. What is the treatment? Severe nausea, headache and diarrhea during menstruation. On birth control pills Reddish mucus in stool. No blood. Medication? Is Rhizotomy or Gamma knife a better treatment for Trigeminal neuralgia? Edema in the legs. Pregnancy test negative. EKG and blood test normal. What could be causing edema? Throbbing headache, swollen veins above ear Child has fatigue, fever, lost apetite, runny nose, sore throat, eye pain. What can be done? Having radio-frequency denervation done.Why am I still experiencing pain and tightness? With zantac should my stomach act up? Urine test detected blood. Microbio test said Haemoglobin or myoglobin pigments found in urine. What does this indicate? Had viral illness that shut down ovaries and pancreas and went to menopause. Why do I have skin eruptions and fatigue? Have bumps on soft palate. Why are they getting bigger? Is this an allergic reaction? Class IV internal hemorrhoid. What are the treatment options? Have a protruding disk in vertebra. Have had pain in upper chest and collarbone which intensifies breathing. Can I get a breast reduction? Injury on the left calf muscle, bruise. Should ice be applied? Had steroids cycle. Why am I getting sore and sensitive nipples? Can I get an input? Kidney transplant patient. Is it safe to start HCG diet? Bump on back over spine. Why is it fluid filled? Does a dark brown color denote something fatal? Child has a soft bump on scalp which is hard. Can it cause hair loss? X-Ray of the chest view shows calcified foci left side with Bronchitis. Is it an ailment? Feeling jittery at night. Why does it wake me up from sleep? Prescribed Remylin D. What is its use? Are there side effects? Nausea, salivation, head pressure. Taken antibiotics, laxatives. Is it sinisitis? Has hepatitis C, thyroid problems as well as fibromyalgia. Why is he always tired? Does he have lack of energy? Diagnosed with right parietal ring enhancing lesion, cysticercosis and a case of seizures. Medicines for how long? Want to get pregnant. How many times can choriomon 5000 be taken? Heartburn with swollen face. Why is he unable to move it normally? Is this an emergency? Why do I experience shivers below left chest. What can it be if I have normal BP and diabetes? Prescribed Primolut N tablets to stop abnormal vaginal bleeding . To have pap smear. Will it affect birth control pills? Red itchy marks on body after sleep. Are they bugs? Are they hives? Is it allergy? Solutions except anti-histamine? Right hand locked and moving very little. What is wrong with me? Burning sensation in my feet and palm. Why does it increase with increase in sugar intake? What chances of having a baby are reduced by smoking and drinking alcohol every night along with stress? How to be oneself healthy & active. Advise? Have primary liver cancer wrapped around the hepatic nerve and partially blocking the bile duct. Had put up a stent. What now? Developed light brown vaginal discharge. Why is there occasional show of blood? OCD since childhood. On fluoxetine. Can I get a list of suppliers? Liver enzymes fluctuating. Why is there weakness in legs, heaviness in head and difficulty in concentration? Need a doctor? Take paxil for anxiety and OCD? Ecstasy drug caused serotonin levels to reduce? Can I get limb lengthening? Infant not having a bowel movement. Why are they soft and dark? Is laxopeg safe for a baby? Erectile dysfunction. Taking tenochlor. Is antihypetensive medication causing this? Had two veins removed from leg. Have soreness where the stitch is and a lump with a white spot. Is it normal? Liver results stated raised GGT, lipid profile erratic. On norvasc and lisinoprol. Am I okay? Vaginal bleeding. Taking chantix. Smoking. Whats the reason for vaginal bleeding? Prescribed anti-inflammatory and brace for sprained wrist. Why is it getting sore? Why does tendon feel tight? Can an Anal Fistula cause low white blood count? Have been on atenolol. Can I stop it? Going for stress echo and EKG. Still worry? Isn't hypertrophic union only a temporary process? What is the meaning when you say the bone still grows out after the union and result in lengthening? Problem of piles. What surgery is best to solve piles? Bulging of the veins on the wrist, hurts when touched. Why is this happening? Fainted after harsh talks. Is it her personality that changes mood after harsh behavior? Have purple circular ring-like bruise on breast with a dot in middle. Can it simply be a bug bite? Or is it something else? Have two external hemorrhoids. What are the different ways to treat? Heel bone fractured, fibula cracked. Should I get the cast re-fixed? Big muscle with ball head on testicle bag, mild pain after ejaculation. What is wrong? Have pimples on the shaft of penis. Why are there brown spots and burns when I urinate? What are they? Current glomerular filtration rate is 61. Is the kidney function ok? Pregnant and stopped prenatal viti due to inability of a bowel movement. Why is my appetite bad? Stomach infection during pregnancy. Taken ornidazole, ofloxacin, azee, betnesol, cetirizine. Suggession about sideeffects? Is there any side effects of using Super Growth spray to grow tall ? Numbness in right hand, overweight. Is this serious? Urethra itching, white discharge from penis. Taken flagyl, doxycycline. Is this chlamydia or trichomoniasis? Loss of consciousness, de ja vu & auditory hallucinations, difficulty in memory. MRI showed generalized brain atrophy. What now? Painful whitish lumps on lower leg bone area, shooting pain through leg, unable to stand, straighten leg. Reason? Vaginal sex. ELISA test negative. Is there risk of HIV? Unable to clear chest, feels like a ball of mucus. Why is voice hoarse? Is it due to smoking? Frequent leg and back pain in different parts of body with swelling. What can I be suggested? Back injury, numbness in the lower back. Are kidneys damaged? Missed period and irregular in nature. Had unprotected sex and took contraceptive pill. Why was there spotting? Tested positive for HSV-2. Trying for weight gain. Will ensure plus have any effect on the outbreak? Unprotected vaginal sex. Suggested PCR DNA for HIV test negative results. Should more tests be done? Knee injury led to pain. Why is it getting intense? Why is the swelling not leaving? 17 yr old doesn't speak to anybody, doesn't listen, does what he wants. How to deal with him ? Began having urethra itching, white discharge from the penis. On flagyl and doxycycline. Additional Rx to cover infection? Yellowish discharge from testicles with crawling sensation. What can be the reason? Have a feeling of heart beat in throat and chest. Should I be worried? Chest Xray showed bulky hila, lymph node, vascular dysfunction, breath shortness. What does this indicate? Lower abdominal pain, which started after having ramipril for hypertension. Why do I still have loss of appetite? Sensation of trickling in the body, water dropping on skin, twitching. Whats the reason? Do the contents of Super Growth spray cause any side effects ? What are some psychotropic herbs? Heart transplant surgery done. What will be the lifespan? Persistent pain in lower right back. Could it be a back injury or strain? Treatment? Can laryngitis harm the unborn baby? Stomach pain, diverticulitis, appendicitis, bloating, dark stools. Can this be a ruptured apendix? Foreign-body-like sensation in proximal esophagus, endoscopy done. What should be the next step ? Suffering from severe backache. What can help me? Transverse lie with ROA in the scan in pregnancy, mild hydramnios. Can the baby change positions? Underwent cervical spine surgeries, had shoulder surgery, have severe PVC's. Beta blocker has side effects. What can I do? Is cervical lymph nodes on the right side of neck related to Klippel Fiel syndrome? Cutaneous amyloidosis diagnosis. Skin discolouration, dark forehead and hands, dry skin. How can skin be lightened? Abdominal pain which moves to testicle. CT, Urine test and USG scan said mild fullness of renal pelvicalyceal system. Further? Closed eyes, non responding, no pulse. How long would it take for a blood clot to travel from heart to brain? Neck hurt around Adam's apple. Why does his jaw, ear also hurt? Why does he have trouble sleeping? Exfoliative keratolysis. Is there a natural cure for this? Diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, fever, painful cramps. Whats the cause? Bumps around vaginal opening. Are these symptoms of HPV ? Wokeup with shaking of lips, legs and hands, upper lips turned purple. Reason? Pregnancy in uterus, lower abdomen and shoulder pain. Is it ectopic pregnancy? Missed periods, had sexual intercourse. Taken Unwanted-72. What could be the reason? Difficulty in getting erection, occasional drinker, habit of daily masturbating. Any medication to overcome this? Trouble in swallowing, feeling of tightness in windpipe, difficulty in breathing, acid burn. How to get relief? Can pimafucort directly be used on the penis, or only it has to be used on skin? Black out, numbness in right thumb. Can this be symptoms of stroke or nerve compression? Conception problem. Prescribed with Ovaa shiled tablets, Clomifene citrate, N Acetylcysteine, Astaxanthin. How will these medication help in conception? Resting heartbeat, rises after eating, fluctuating BP. Cause? Tingling sensation in right shoulder, high BP. Suggession and treatment? High wbc count, low lymphocyte, pregnant. Can this be either due to cancer or HIV? Smoking, sore throat. Prescribed amoxicillin. Ear pain and neck. Can this be throat cancer? Delayed periods, spotting, no bleeding, mild cramps, giddiness. Is there a possibility of being pregnant? THrobbing all over the body, diagnosed neck spine curvature problem, limb and shoulder pain. Reason? Tinnitus, hearing loss, PCOS. Taking celexa, doxipin. Is this serious? Vasectomy done, bruising along the groin. Taking poston forte. What is causing the pain? Feeling of electrical sensation on multiple body parts, anxiety, fear, health related worries. Taking Xanax, Lamotrigine. Anxiety disorder history. Treatment? Problem with sexual intercourse, no penetration. What should be done? Pain in joints. Suggested knee replacement surgery. How much is the recovery time? Have radiating pain in left arm, wrist, little finger at night, What could be the reason? Allergic coughs, cold, fever. Advised azeflo nasal spray, montair. What are the long term effects of these medications? Persistent bright red marks on penis glans, increased frequency of urination and dribbling. Reason? Anxious, tired nerves, mild tremors. Will neurobion forte help? Any other remedies? Suffering from nausea, fatigue, frequent headaches and sore breasts. Is it pregnancy? Lower abdomen pain, masturbate. Done Ovulation test. Taken Fertomid. Is there any side-effects of medication and masturbation? Diagnosed with fatty liver grade 2, stomach pain, tiredness. Suggest proper diet and remedy? Itching on penis and sides of it. What medication is recommended? Flaky red skin around mouth. Using Carmex. No relief. What could be the reason and treatment? Large hard lumps over forehead after exercise, migraine. Whats the cause? Feel breathless, choked while eating due to the juice of the food I eat. What can this be ? Had crowns and veneers to fix two teeth. Will the new treatment change the look? Depression. Prescribed with Clonazepam, Escitalopram, Mirtazapine, Pantoprazole, Risperidone. History of insomnia. Is there any addictive side-effects of these medication? Abortion. Is there PCOS or some other hormonal imbalance? Prescribed deviry for amenorrhea. Is pregnancy a cure for this probelm? Pain in shoulder, viral gastroenteritis. CX spine MRI done. What is the treatment? Pregnant, tired, dull, loss of apetite. Is it common during pregnancy? Having severe back pain while sleeping. History of bladder and kidney infections. How to get relief? Sprained ankle, fracture, ankle exercises done. Anything else for cure? Damaged arteries, wounds not healing, varicose veins, diabetic. Had surgery of nerve near abdomen for better blood circulation. Treatment? Nose and head injury, headache. Taken panadol. Should further treatment be provided? Want to conceive. Have light brownish spotting, spasms on left side. Pregnancy test done. Reason and indication? Extreme fatigue, dry mouth, blurred vision, hair loss, frequent urination, lost apetite. Tests normal. Reason? Sperm analysis done. Taken paternia, moxoza. Can it show improvement? Should medicines be continued? Jaw pain, bruises, lump under left jaw, stuffiness, facial pressure. Advise? Giraffe skin pattern by drying. Applying creams and exfoliation. What can this be? General overview of blood tests. Advise? Migraine. Taking medicines. Will it affect the baby since breast feeding? Prominent bilateral vascular markings. Done Chest X-ray. What does the report indicate? Constant back pain and difficulty in wakingup. What are the causes? Painful bump on buttocks, itches. Appears and clears. Whats this? Have been diagnosed with IBS. Painful bouts of excessive gas, stress. Had gall bladder removed. Treatment? Burning pain in upper right thigh and legs. Had cardiac catherisation. Is it due to this? Deficient orbital bone and sunken eyes, migraine, twitching eyes. What is happening? Have high blood pressure, headache on right side, dizziness, laziness. Does it require immediate medical attention? Milky discharge from breasts, not pregnant, not breastfeeding. Should I be worried? Dark brown bleeding since eight weeks. Is this dangerous? Problem with erection, hot and swaeting after lost erection. Worried, suggest? Taking Elleste Duet. Can I delay my periods? Left eyebrow not in level with right after raising them. Is this paralysis, bells palsy? Irregular heartbeat in a child, nasal polyps, inflammed head and neck. Can this be cystic fibrosis? Excruciating abdominal pain, gas, belching, diarrhoea, headache. Taken Tums, Malox, Benedryl, Nexium, Prilosec. Treatment? Itchy mole on back, whitehead with puffy pattern, edges pink. Should it be of concern? Burning, itchy scalp, neck, face, arms. Done Brazilian Keratin hair treatment. Taken Benadryl, Nortriptylene, Aspirin, Pepcid, Allegra, Flovent. Xopenex. Treatment? Does eating lemons affect atacand medication and BP? High blood sugar after food. What is the line of diagnosis and treatment? Numerous brown scaly patches in low sun exposure areas, photosensitive. History of mild mixed collagen vascular disease. Reason? Breathing difficulty while trying to swallow. What could be the reason? Had an ECG because of experiencing heart palpitations, sinus rhythm, hypothyroid. Why is ECG abnormal? Fractures, dislocations, left lateral thigh bruised, tender lump on bruised area, impossible to lay on left side. Should I be concerned? Hair fall problem. Prescribed folli grow, biotin, n acetylcysteine, eskon, finasteride. Does these medicines affect the liver and hormones? Oozing from the belly button area, red and inflammed, diarrhea and pain. Whats the reason, advise? Shrinking clitoris, problems in sex. How to solve this? Child passing blood in stools. Whats the reason? Miscarriage, cramping, bloated stomach. Pregnancy test negative. Why is the uncomfortable stomach feeling? Hard lump getting bigger in size at the back of the neck. No pain. Could this be cancer? Warm sensation in the rib cage area spreading to under arm, marginal heartburn. Reason and treatment? Stiffness at the base of ribs, abdominal pain,quick digestion. Cause? Headaches, stress, muscle pain, fatigue. ECG, treadmill, BP, Cholesterol tests done. Taken Citalopram. Family history of heart disease. Side-effect of medication? Gum between two incissors swollen and painful. Is the shifting of wisdom tooth causing the gum pain? Letters looked sharp, then fuzzy during eye exam, couldnt recognise letters. Has vision gotten better or worse? Ovarian cyst removed. Done MRI to cheack the healing progress. What are symptoms of having ovarian cyst? Had a right hip replacement surgery. Knee and hip muscle contractions, painful. Recommended quinine. How much tonic water should be consumed?
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