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No periods, no pre-menopausal symptoms, no pelvic pain or fatigue. History of gum infection Sleeping eight hours, working variable timings, short tempered, grouchy, tiredness, no energy Diagnosed with initial cervical spondylosis, pain has receded, blood in stool and urine. Could you help me? Taking Depakote and Paxil, given Valium for muscle spasm, taken Advil also. Lips trembling. Medicine interactions? White flakes on fingernails, come off while scraping. What is this? Raised, red dot on breast, MRI showed indeterminate enhancing lesion. Could this spot have registered on the MRI? Have premature ejaculation, irritation in penis and stomach upset during wet dreams. Do I need medical treatment? Pain in index finger, elbow, shoulder and wrist, may be repetitive strain injury. Is it safe to use hand gripper for muscle strength? Taking Warfarin for mechanical aortic valve. Is there any interaction between HCG Dr. Simeon diet and Warfarin? Have osteoarthritis, painful joints of fingers and thumbs, X-ray shows serious case, prescribed Naproxen. Does this serve to delay surgery? Irregular periods, brown discharge, now pinkish discharge after bowel movement. Kindly advise Had concussion, headache, dizziness, taking Ibuprofen, neck pain, hurts to move eyes Blood in stools even after using stool softener, mucus in stools, gas problem, discomfort in stomach. Have reduced smoking Burning sensation on soles of feet, sensation of socks being bunched up under balls of feet. What causes this? Am pregnant. Want to know about yoga or physical exercises to prepare for normal delivery Have flu and am pregnant. Can I take Zinnat? Pain in hip where it joins leg, occus when walking suddenly, hip muscle fatigue, knee pain when moved outwards Had skin tags removed with liquid nitrogen from neck and shoulders, reappearing. Do they ever stop appearing? Diagnosed with hepatitis B. Is this curable and are homeopathic treatments effective? Passing urine frequently at night, drinking water in the morning, no pain while urinating. Is this normal? Stomach rash, itchy, not taking medication, no change in diet. Any suggestions? Prescribed Sofradex for ear infection. Have history of ear problems. Should I take eardrops or go for natural products? Forearm injury, movable lump, little pain What is the risk if a person has taken ten tablets of Nexito? Has leg pain and insomnia Am overweight, have underactive thyroid, legs burn immediately after exercise, light headed. Scared to continue Elevated BP in the morning, nausea, mucus in nose and throat. Ultrasound showed mass on kidney. Had removal of gall bladder Twisted testicle during bowel movement, testicle pain. What could cause this pain? Family history of constipation, now have soft stools, frequent acidity, blood in stool, taking milk of magnesia. Symptoms of which disease? Indent on thigh after falling from horse. Do I need to worry about anything? Pain near right shoulder blade, have done push ups after a long time Testicle pain when touched, size of right testicle is larger than left testicle Have chicken pox. Can you suggest when can we plan for a baby and what vaccination do I need to take before conceiving? Delusion, paranoia, not sleeping, wandering about, talking to oneself, taking medication for diabetes. Had breast cancer Planning for liposuction surgery. Could you please guide regarding it? Diagnosed with endometriosis, have painful periods, PMS symptoms, taking conception supplement. Could diet change delay periods? Is there any medicine to clean a child's ear without using ear buds? What's the best treatment for allergic rhinitis? Am pregnant, getting angry frequently, crying a lot, taking stress. How does this affect the unborn child? Have acute asthma, taking Omnacortil but have side effects. Want to stop it. Suggest steps to make the process easier Done blood test for tiredness and frequent bruising. What does my result mean? Have cyst, headache, blood vessel burst in eye. Had pituitary tumor removed. Is it possible that the cyst is growing? Had unprotected sex, no periods. Should I take Mitegest? Is Levogastrol typically taken before or after meals? Have abdominal discomfort, acidity and bloating Am pregnant, do not want to continue, taken Registrome, no periods yet. Can you help? Tonsil hanging, discomfort in throat, bleeding, bad smell in mouth. What do I need to do? Spasmodic breathlessness when climbing stairs, taking Bisoprolol, done R-test. Anything else you can recommend? Done CBC test, have acid reflux, coughing up blood. Had UTI treated with Macrobid. What questions should we ask the doctor? Irregular heartbeats, not painful, discomfort. Any suggestions? Diagnosed with molluscum contagiosum in pubic region, cryotherapy done. How can I reduce scarring? CT scan shows bilateral kidney stones, have nausea, pain. Is there any legitimate justification for urologist's appointment? Bruise in leg, purple dot in the middle, painful Child has grand-mal seizure. Done OT, speech and play therapy. What to do next? Upper right back tightness, may be tendonitits. Family history of spinal stenosis and arthritis Behavior like bipolar disorder. Is there a hormone pill that can make her feel better? Weight gain after taking Prozac Taking Neurotin for burning mouth syndrome. When will it start helping? Is 104 pulse rate dangerous? Child has asthma, taking Claritin and inhaler. Chest pain, constipation, pneumonia, ear infection and coughing Possible torn ACL. Is there a risk of DVT while travelling? Feeling shaky and weak, chest pain Red spots on inner thigh with white center Done liver enzyme test, drink a lot Feels like passing acid instead of urine. What can I use to calm my skin? Suffering from colitis Have had sex with two different men, am pregnant. Want to know if my husband is the father Diagnosed with lupus, fibromyalgia and RA. Have joint pain, chills. Taking Lyrica, Cmbalta and Meloxicam. What is going on? Stuffy nose, diagnosed with staph infection, taken Mupirocin, pain under eye. CT scan showed hypoplastic frontal sinus. What could it be? Stung by bee on foot, lymph nodes behind ears swollen, itching like a mosquito bite. What should I do? Fallen from ladder, bruise on thigh, soft and burning bump Child has numbness in lower face and fingers. History on non-febrile seizures. Caused by benign rolandic epilepsy? Is Pyoderma gangrenosum an STD? Is it curable and contagious? How can I reduce hair fall? Using MX-5 solution and Hairguard shampoo. Taking Nuforce for skin infection Dry and numb upper lip, red rim around the top of upper lip. What do you suggest? Dry lips and lip area, itching at times. What can I do? Have osteoarthritis in heels. Done acupuncture. Is this good? Can you help me with medication for relief? White patches on scalp after shampooing, not dandruff, irritation. Suggest a solution Thigh injury, swelling, painful to touch, done icing and taking Tylenol. Want to get it checked What is the best time to put Copper T? Want details How can I tell if my eardrum is ruptured versus just being clogged with wax? Blood on Q-tip Bleeding from ears. Is it anything serious? Want diet plan to reduce weight without carbohydrates, high protein and minerals. Am working out regularly Light periods, negative pregnancy test, bloating and swelling of breasts. Am I still pregnant? Have PCOD and hypothyroid. Taking Gestofit. Need to know chances of becoming pregnant Sneezing continuously after waking up in the morning. Suggest something Have PCOS, gaining weight, have sedentary lifestyle. Kindly help me Want to treat PCOS through diet and exercise. Is taking Metformin a must in order to help PCOS? How can I reduce my tummy? What cancer could cause a low WBC count? Done blood test Headache, taken medication without effect, taking Combiflam. What are the side effects of long-term use? Headache behind eyes, chills, sweats, low temperature, back pain, fatigue, nausea. Any suggestions? How can I minimize stress? Have problem concentrating, making errors Had miscarriage. Taking ovral-L. Is it safe to discontinue ovral-L to prevent pregnancy? Having urination problem. Ultrasound and uroflometry normal. What is causing this? Having burning sensation in penis and bladder after urination. Taken medicine. Reoccurring again. Worried On pill. Started diarrhoea. Should I skip the pill free period and continue to the next pack? Pregnant. Infection on molar. Blood and pus coming out. Is there any harm to baby? Diagnosed with microvascular ischemic disease of brain. On medicine for high cholesterol, diabetics. Any suggestion? Feeling extra skin growth near anus, hurts to touch. Is that cancer? Waist size increasing. What should be done? Having pimple problem. What treatment should be done? What means a result of ant tpo ab at 1iu/ml? Is there someone with anti tpo 0iu/ml? Diagnosed with prediabetis and mild fatty liver. ECG showed mild left axis deviation. Is this a serious condition? Chances of getting STD by using common bathroom? 5 year child having rashes on stomach and legs. Looking like lumps. No medical history. Concerned Diagnosed with C5/6 disc degeneration with disc prolapse. Feeling pressure in throat. Could this be related to bulging discs? Had intercourse during periods. Started spotting. What is the problem? Having blood pressure between 90 over 55 all day. Is this ok? Removed mirena due to severe cramping. On Loette. Had unprotected sex. Chances of pregnancy? Having chest pain, difficulty swallowing, sweating, feeling dizzy. CT and MRI normal. Any advice? Having diabetes. Leucoderma spreading on face and skull. Suggest some medicine? Hysterolaparoscopy done. Had intercourse after periods. Started bleeding again. Is it normal? Have PCOD. On ginette 35. Gaining weight and feeling breathless. What could be the problem? I am diabetic. Had surgery and pin placed in leg. Not cured by antibiotic. Could it be staph infection? Elevated AST level. Liver ultrasound normal, hepatitis tests negative. What is causing high AST level? Diagnosed with mono and an enlarged spleen. What should I do? Fetal hypoxia and acidosis at birth. MRI showed abnormally long T1 and T2. How to get cured? Is it safe to give farex to a 13 year child? Have right sided groin pain. Have had bi-lateral hip replacements done. X-ray clear. Any suggestion? What causes trigestrel birth control pills to fail? Suffering from stomach pain, loose motion and feeling weak. Is it safe to give imodium? Had endometrial ablation done. Have an AICD. What type of hysterectomy will be safe? 3 month child having stringy stool with white spots. Should I go for medical check up? Having pain and stiffness in neck. X-ray and MRI normal. Could it be lymph node? Liver function test SGPT high. On tonact tg and heptral 400 mg.Can both drugs be taken together without any side effects? Taking valium tablets for bone fracture. Can I take 3 tablet at a time? Feeling muscle spasm below heart. Taking treatment for broken bones on feet. Looking for cure Feeling tired, shaky and headache. Urinalysis and blood test fine. How to get relief? Suffering from tinnitus. Are there any natural cures? Which specialist should I go for? Having friction burns on foreskin. How to distinguish between friction burns on the penis or herpes? What is the normal size of penis? How to stop bedwetting of a 13 year old child? Feeling dizzy, vision blurred, headache and ringing ear. Will it cause ruptured aneurysm in brain? I am diabetic. Checked for liver. Prescribed zevit, udiliv 300 mg and evion 400 mg. Is it safe? Having shooting pain in lower ribs. Achy and painful to touch. Ultrasound normal. Worrisome Had intercourse after periods. Taken pill. Started bleeding. Does smoking affect the effects of ipill? Pregnant? Suffering from erectile dysfunction. I masturbate a lot. What should I do? Suggest some medicine Noticed black specks in stool. What could be this? Have had fibroid removed. Taking levothyroxine 0.025 mg. Getting heavy and painful periods. Is thyroid medicine affecting the hormones? Not having periods since 2 years. Feeling tender breast. Is this a normal syptom of menapause? Having lower abdominal pain. Having periods. Can I go for scanning. Looking for advice Nonspecific punctuate focus of probable chronic microhemorrage within the left superior temporal gyrus. What does this mean? Had hit on leg. Noticed lump above ankle on inside of fibula bone. Should I be concerned? I am circumcised. Had intercourse. Test showed traces of bv in urine. Given metrondiazole. Is it safe? Has colon cancer. On coumidin therapy. Blood seen in bowel movements. Could coumidin be the cause? Diagnosed with prurigo nodularis. Having one nodule on back of hands. Chances of spreading? Having fever and mild cough after working outside in hot temperature. Any cure? Having sore and painful neck. Could it be an ear infection? Having frequent bowel movements. What is the cause and the cure? Getting numb, tingly feeling in arm and middle fingers. Why would this be happening? Sudden pain in breast, back and arm. How to get cured? Not able to get orgasm during intercourse. Has defibrillator and on medication. Looking for suggestion Have keloid in one fingers. Getting itchy and burning brown residue under nails and on skin. What is this? Noticed painful lump on vagina. Should I take antibiotic? Could it be STD? Have ringing in ear after eating. Having back pain, feeling fatigued, bowel movements problem. Looking for suggestion 7 month baby having peach fuzz blonde hairs on genitalia. Should I be worried? Advised 1200mg magnesium and taking 400mg magnesium. How will this affect on body? What is the meaning of free fluid in POD. Is it a major problem? Missing periods. Pregnancy test negative. Diagnosed as chronic inflamation on the lining of cervix. Given antibiotic. Concerned I am 10 weeks pregnant. Is it safe to use hair removal creams in the genital areas? Having tingling sensation in nose and lips. Looking for your opinion Pregnant. Ultrasound not showed gestational sac. Fluctuating HCG levels. Diagnosed with missed abortion. Am I still pregnant? Semen analysis showed less sperm count. Taking s-numlo 5 mg. Will it affect the sperm count? Noticed blood during bowel movement. Blood stopped when on medicine and repeats again. What's wrong? Having chest pain, coughing with phlegm, feeling throat irritation. Reduced through yoga. Any advice? 10 weeks pregnant. Will eating chocolates have any affect on baby? Having motion sickness and hand paralysis. What is causing this? Should I go for medical check up? First molar decayed and broken. Can it be restored? Child having hives, fever, red and itching ear. What is causing this? Suffering from boils and swollen, painful spots in perineum. Tender to touch. Suggest some remedy Using nicotine patches and chewing gums. Is there a better way to control smoking? Have swelling in ankle. Test showed slightly high SGPT, SGOT and high cholesterol. Any suggestion? Chances of getting HIV in unprotected sex? Getting itchy boils on feet after wearing shoes most of the day time. Looking for suggestion Ultrasonography showed cysts in ovary. Suggest some natural remedy Having stomach pain after eating food. What is the problem? Having stone problem in kidney. Looking for medicine details Sperm test showed borderline levels of peroxidase positive cells identified as polymorphonuclear leukocytes on PAP satined slide. Concerned Have severe gastritis. Suggest a diet plan Having diabetes. How to maintain it? Smoker. How to quit smoking and what tests should be done to check status of body parts? CT scan done. Have dukes b colon cancer no lymph node involvement. What treatment should be done? Having loose motions few minutes after eating. How to get relief? Advise the name of medicine which clears the human intestinal parasites Having PCOD. Had intercourse. Getting abdominal pain, gastritis. Am I pregnant and can I travel? Suggested citralka syrup for urinary tract infection. When to take this liquid? Feeling freezing cold, congestion, very low fever and leg pain. What's wrong? Having high blood pressure. Not cured by medicine. What to do? Having pain in leg and hip. Diagnosed as traped nerve. Not cured by medicine. Any treatment? Notice blood leaking after bowel movement. What could be this? Feeling dizzy. Diagnosed as microvascular ischemic brain disease. What are the complications? Had nocturnal seizure in sleep. Noticed sore jaw after waking up. Could this be a nocturnal seizure? Child having fever and vomiting, feels tired and sleepy. Is this a reaction to the chlorine? Taking geslutin of 200mg to regulate the periods. Not cured. Started feeling sleepy. Worrisome Had skin infection on wrist. On antibiotics. Pus coming out after squeezing. What should be done? Have stomach ache. Feeling bloated, nausea, tired, getting worse after eating food. What's going on? Have small hard round lump in eyelid. Tender to touch. No redness or swelling. What to do? Have had chronic diarrhoea. Having pain under ribcage and belly button. Is this related to spleen? Have tender swollen nodes in groin area after cervical lymphadenopathy. Do I need a lymph node biopsy? Have skin infections. Getting dark round scar spots. What is causing this and how to get cured? Gone through histroscopy and got TB PCR positive. On forcox and AKT 4. Will these medicine harm baby? Red rashes on penis head. Swab and HIV tested negative. Is it a yeast infection or STD? Taken first dose of abortion pill. Bleeding not started. Is this normal?
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