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Have genital herpes, had unprotected sex. Worried about partner getting infected Have visual snow and pallinopsia. Anything that can help with pallinopsia? Hip bone pain, worsens after sitting for a while after a walk Lump in stomach above belly button, stinging sensation, fullness under ribcage Taken rapid home HIV test. Should I be worried about positive result? Redness in face above eye, pressure on head, taken aspirin Yeast infection in groin after sex with wife, using sponge as contraceptive. Any ideas? Burning after using veet hair removal cream on vagina. How can I stop the pain? Have chronic pain and fatigue symdrome. Muscle twitching, restlessness after withdrawing morphine. Help High BP, taking Lisinopril and Clonodine. Chest tightness, arm and shoulder pain, high pulse rate. Why can I not control BP? Have high blood sugar. Have pain in legs, unable to walk properly and stand for some time. Suggestion? Increasing episodes of choking while swallowing, coughing, wheezing. Do you recommend a swallow test? Bilateral pain in lower back and thigh, stiffness in back and knees, difficulty waking. Help Recovered from jaundice. How long should I wait to eat outside food now? How can I rid my eyes of haloed vision and star bursts after LASIK surgery? Diarrhea, hearing loss, no pain, white coating on mouth, sinus discharge, abnormal sleeping. Have diabetes Bruising and lumps on arm after falling downstairs, not sore, tender to touch Swollen ankles, puffy hands and fingers, cramping. Have kidney problem due to medication. Cause? Back ache after heat stroke, no migraine, taken Excedrin. Had rotator cuff surgery. What could this be? Have dyskaryosis. Done biopsy. Should I be worried? Cannot sit up with stomach muscles, round belly, have arthritis, had hernia. Done open surgery. Any ideas? Have congestive heart failure and COPD. Have nausea, sudden chills and shakes after taking medicine. Help Want to know about sperm morphology. Done semen analysis test Shivering hands and feet, blurred vision, tingling and numb foot, back pain, eyelash pain Stomach pain, pressure and fullness between belly button and genitals. Frequent stools, loss of appetite Abdominal USG showed enlarged liver, cortical kidney cyst. Worried Itching and uneasiness in ear if not cleaned daily. Will this affect ears? Always tired, low BP. Taking Citalopram, Amlodipine and Aspirin Abdominal USG showed enlarged liver and cortical cyst, kidney has cortical cyst. Worried about kidney cyst Will I surely conceive if I take Miprogen tablets? Child had febrile seizure. Normal CT scan. Should I continue giving Eptoin syrup? White lines on inner cheeks, swollen and painful mouth, trouble swallowing, pressure in head TVS US showed ovarian cyst with free fluid. Do I need to worry about fluid and where is it coming from? Ingested kerosene by accident. How much is harmful? Have nausea and chest burn Done prenatal test. Are these results normal? High ferritin level in blood, genital discomfort, dizziness, body pain, high cholesterol. What should I do? Any suggestions for pancreatic insufficiency? Tinnitus, sore throat and bones, sore glands in neck, tiredness. Due to cat allergy? Headache, nausea, hot flushes, constipation, heavy breasts, dark nipples, cramping, spotting. Pregnant? Done angiogram for pelvic and leg arteries. Cannot urinate. Am diabetic and on dialysis. Huge problem? Red and raw beef like stools. Should I be concerned? What can be taken for post acute withdrawal symptoms from methadone withdrawal? Red lines across wrist, itching. Applied Hydrocortizone and Benadryl. Help Have lump under ribs on right side near liver Have possible sarcoidosis, joint pain, eye floaters, optic nerve pressure. Worried Can metronidazole cause stool to become lighter than normal? Taking probiotic Why does one gain weight with a leaky heart valve? Red bump on forearm, hard, not spider bite. Worried about staph Irregular breathing and heart rate. Solution? Burning sensation in abdomen, muscle twitch. Done EMG and MRI. Cause of problem? Hard lump on knee cap, no pain or swelling. Done arthroscopic surgery to replace ACL. What is the lump? Failed IUI twice. Is natural pregnancy possible after failed IUI? Nausea, normal BP, Domstal ineffective, feeling better when lying down. What is the problem? After how many hours of taking oral MT pill will I start to bleed? At what point should I seek medical attention for minor trauma injury to back? No bruise, little pain Pain in groin and right leg Poking feeling after wisdom tooth extraction. Worried that part of tooth still remains Nose bleed, tiredness, rash on inside of leg Bloated stomach, metallic taste in mouth, sore nipples, missed Qlaira tablet. Pregnant? What should I do if my pulse rate is high? Tickling in buttocks, vaginal itching. Taken Pin-X and OTC yeast medication. What could it be? Have cobra splint for fracture. Swollen and discolored finger. Worried about healing of bone Chest pain, sore throat, ear ache, headache. Taken antibiotic. X-rays and CT scan normal. How to get rid of it? Dislocation of elbow, put in light cast, puffy hand. What can I do to unswell hand? Right leg below knee and left hand numbness, hair fall Have a growth where tonsil once was, bleeding after applying pressure Drowsiness and giddiness after using Nasivion for nasal congestion. What to do? Pelvic pain, tiredness, delayed periods, negative PT. Suggestions? Taken Norethisterone for holiday. Periods not yet begun. Any ideas whether delay is normal? Have blocked fallopian tubes. Is there any medicine to increase the level of AMH? Is it possible for a physician to be unable to rupture the membrane? Swelling under chin, sore to touch, painful, chest pain, ear pain, sinus pressure. Any ideas? Spotting dark brown after taking Clomid. Have PCOS. Done D and C for endometriosis. What is this discharge? Heavy sweating, weakness, shaking, dizziness. Help Warm sensation in muscles, tiredness, weakness, negative tests. Any ideas? Does albenzadole work for pinworm infection? How long does it take to work? Positive HPT, abdominal pain, black stools, taking prenatal vitamins, bleeding after sex. Worried How painful will needle less injection for gum to do filling be when compared to cleaning teeth? Negative beta HCG test, have PCOD and thyroid problems, delayed periods. Prescribed Meprate. What to do? Double vision in left eye after falling unconscious. CT scan normal. Reason? Diarrhea, abdominal pain, mucus and blood in stools, membranous strands. Prescribed Librax. Help Blackouts, dizziness, loss of appetite, bleeding after sex, breathlessness, headache. What is the problem? Diarrhea with blood and mucus. Sigmoid scope showed colitis. Taken prednisone. Help What foods should I avoid to prevent formation of pus? Am breastfeeding Have granulomatous cheilitis. No use of cosmetic surgery. Any treatment? Swollen and painful ankle, had plate put in, rash around incision. Can you help? Bones in back making crackling sound. What is the problem? Am addicted to smoking. How to quit? Have bad breath even after brushing teeth. How do I overcome this? Inserted nuvaring, abdominal pain, heartburn, frequent urination, headache. Pregnant? Dark spots on roof of mouth, no pain or sorenss. Worried about oral cancer Red, round, shiny spots on chest, not itchy or scaly. Hair loss on scalp. Help Hard lump on knee, no pain. Had arthroscopic knee surgery on ACL. Is it serious? Pain below belly button, taking birth control pill. Any ideas what could be causing this? Have dysbiosis and impacted bowel due to immobility after broken leg, taken antibiotics for cystitis, had candida. Help Taking more time to ejaculate during sex. Suggest medicine Lump on chest, oozing yellow liquid, breastfeeding child. Suggestion? Swollen hands and blood vessels in thumbs, pain in back, negative for arthritis and carpel. Any ideas? Does Gonapeptyl cause fits in children? Child has cerebral palsy Are Hcg drops safe to take during surgery? Can anything be done to mimize scars on torso due to childhood operation? Done tonometer test while pregnant, taken anesthetic. Harmful to foetus? Thick discharge with no odor, brown bleeding, abdominal pain, hemorrhoid pain, head shivers. Help Bleeding during urination, pain during urination. Want consultation with urinary specialist Burning sensation in arms, legs and groin. Negative for STD. History of candida. Possibilities? CAT scan of salivary gland showed stone. Taken antibiotics. Have swelling. Surgery only option? Do chromium ions have any causative relation to non Hodgkins lymphoma? Have PCOD and hair fall. Suggestions? Dry cough, tiredness, fuzzy head feeling, discomfort in ears Fever and bone pain after breaking pubic bone. Any ideas? Have osteoporosis Bump on baby's back, noticeable when winding her. Due to spinal problem? Have memory loss, cannot remember numbers and people's names Sore throat and swollen glands, trouble breathing Red spots on waistline and on pubic region, pubic hair flaking like dry skin, sore throat Does too much masturbation cause infertility? Sore yeast infection under breasts and across pubic scar. Am diabetic. Want something to cure rash Heart ache, blocks in arteries. Recommended bypass surgery or angioplasty. What is your opinion? Blood work showed leukocyte esterase, moderate bacteria, and squamous epithelial cells. What does this mean? Hip pain, swelling behind knee and elbow. Tender to touch, fatigue Breathlessness, normal bloodwork, x-ray and pulmonary function test. Arterial blood gases problem? Child has cough, clear nasal discharge and fever. Taken Piriton and Calpol. Please advise Taking Warfarin. Am I still a candidate for in vitro fertilization? Irritation and itching in anus due to white worms. Taken albendazole. Please prescribe medication Vaginal discharge, itching, skin peeling, redness, red dots, swelling. What should I do? Taken Moxclav and Combiflam for sore throat. Have blood filled bubble on tongue, painless. Could you help? White patch on face, probably due to tinea versicolor. Suitable treatment? If I take Duphaston on ninth day after D and E, will it affect next ovulation? Have bronchial asthma and high BP. No family history of asthma. Breathlessness when climbing stairs. Confused about asthma Have chronic dry cough, slimy thick saliva, bone pain, cramps on side, drowsiness. Done blood test. Help Is drinking every week harmful to body? Itching anus, taken albendazole. How do I find a good doctor who takes time to check me? Frequent hiccups, GERD. Had loose motion after taking Razo and Kipride. Can I start taking medicine after loose motion stops? Delayed periods, cramps in stomach, sore back, tingling vagina. Have polycystic ovaries. Not pregnant. What is it? Vomiting after taking Vyvanse due to hangover and eating bad food. Should I take the medicine again? Have neck pain due to spondylitis, breathlessness, swallowing difficulty, high blood pressure. Solution? Light bleeding, discharge, blood in urine, burning. UTI? Will having sex for the first time at the age of fifty-eight present any problems that I need to be aware of? Worried about abnormal hyperunion or extra growth of bone after healing of hypothetical fracture in foot Thinning of hair on top of head, negligible hair fall. What should I do? Is it safe to take Heptatitis B vaccine again if I have taken it already? Fatigue, red spots on abdomen and inner thigh, not itching or painful. What is this caused from? Lump in groin, developed pus, became painful. Not infected follicle. Help Child has boil in scrotum. Is Fucidin cream suitable? Mucus passed with gas. History of hemorrhoids, gastritis and diverticulitis Pain in middle back, groin, buttocks and legs, urge to urinate, numbness in toes, compressed thecal sac. What can be done? Pain upon touching behind earlobe, oozing pus, bruising lumps, headaches. What could it be? Want a review of anti aging skin care product called Advanced Face Firming Activator from Perricone MD Failed IUI, done follicle study, can have sex on fifteenth day. What are the chances of conceiving? Frequent heartburn during evenings. Please suggest remedies Done blood test. What does it mean and what should I do to normalize things? What diet should I follow if I have typhoid? Done Widal test, taking prescribed medication Raised artery on temple, headache. What could cause this? Pain in front of arm and at wrist under thumb, swelling and throbbing. Any ideas? Recurrent red rash on neck and chin, aggravated by heat, stress and alcohol. Burns when blushing. Any suggestions? Taken medication for malaria. Have fever, nausea, headache, weakness, loss of appetite. Needs to be checked? What will happen if tryptomer 25 mg and capit 100 pills are taken at the same time? Sudden appearance of brown and flat spot on bottom of ear lobe. What is it? Pubic area injury, soreness, hard, tender to touch. Could I have broken something or does it take longer to heal? What does it mean when TSH results are high? What does free T4 test mean? Cold, chest congestion, mosquito bite on ankle, itching. Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, throat discomfort. Help Gasping for breath, non smoker. Worried Bleeding after urinating, bloodstains in underwear. What does it mean? Stomach ache and nausea after having unprotected sex. Can I test for pregnancy after three days? Pain during periods, doctor suggested scan. Am diabetic. Worried about suggestion Child has ear infection, runny nose, no cough, sore leg. Taken Nurofen. Does she need antibiotics? Have not lost weight post delivery, hard spot in lower abdomen. What is causing prevention of weight loss? Redness, irritation and pain in penis after ejaculation, problem in semen culture. Kindly help Yellow discharge, no smell after Cesarean section. Normal? Am pregnant, have bleeding. What do I do? Child has black worms in urine. What is going on? Joint pain after quitting smoking suddenly, have sleep apnea, narcolepsy and autoimmune problems. Normal? Have irregular periods, taking Metformin, Thyronorm and Ova care. Scan shows polycyst. Done laparoscopy. Help Can seizures occur in feingold syndrome? Could I be pregnant if I had sex around my menstrual cycle? Done myringoplasty two months ago. How long should I wait to fly? Weaning off Venlafaxine, have stomach discomfort, crying a lot for no reason. Appreciate some advice Sore and red rash behind ear and along jawline. Dry skin. Rash follows line of bike helmet strap Have lump on labia majora, not painful or itchy, fluid leaking, flesh colored. Clogged cyst? Have lymphoma Intermittent chest pain and ear pain. US showed no heart blockage. Have TKR and knee OA. What to check? Reddish ring around base of foreskin, small bumps underneath foreskin. What is it? Swallowing difficulty, jaw tenderness, neck cracking, upper back pain. Is it TMJ dysfunction? Bump on knee when bending it, x-ray showed inflammation on knee and thigh. No pain. Any suggestion? Due for next depo shot, had sex. Spotting, cramping, frequent urination, white discharge, lower back pain. Pregnant? Urge to have bowel movement, sense of incomplete evacuation. No blood. How should I deal with it? Pain in fovea capitis. Any exercises to strengthen the area? Headache, cough, sore limbs, prickly skin. Worried about infection in womb after miscarrying Tingling in arm, unexplained bruise on back of arm. Related? Taking Olmezest. Had two heart attacks. Will there be any adverse effect? Occasional breast pain, continues to catch when trying to take deep breaths. What do you think it is? Prescribed Nexito for anxiety. Taken overdose, have fatigue, unable to move lips or blink. Temporary side effect? What would be contraindications and side effects on consumption of Zolfresh? Antidote? Can a child with mastoiditis fly for three hours? Painful sexual intercourse, bleeding. Pulling in tummy. Do I need to see a doctor? Weakness, dizziness, coughing and chest pain after smoking. Will quit. Want to know if anything is wrong with me Periods due, light bleeding, bloating, lower part feels harder Spasm on back, gas, indigestion, abdominal pain, irregular heart beats. Gas affecting heart rhythm? Have cervical myelopathy, done spinal fusion. Shaking arms, weakness in legs. Not happy about arms Have congenital heart block. No chest pain, breathlessness or dizziness. Want to lose weight Rash similar to roasacea on neck, crusty. Should I restart Fluorocil? Had fracture, put in plaster cast instead of hand splint. Worried about misalignment of finger
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