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Child has seasonal allergies. Coughing, congested, difficulty sleeping. What can we try besides allergy shots? Hollow sound in ear when tapping skull Are my cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglyceride levels good? Neck and shoulder pain, chest pain, throat pain. Related issues? History of smoking and drinking Taken unwanted 72, delayed periods, negative pregnancy test. How to start periods? Have constant sciatic leg pain and weird rash on shine. What to do? Diagnosed as IBS. Taken topical steroids for pimples. Should I accept the diagnosis and take the pills? Urine leakage at microsurgery site, had appendix surgery. Normal? UTI, low grade fever, chills, cold sweats, lower abdominal pain, frequent urination. High creatinine due to infection? Nausea, tiredness, done tests, high hemoglobin, high blood presssure, abdominal pain Feeling shaky after ejaculation. Pumping feeling when ejaculating. Have herpes Menopausal, taken antibiotics for UTI, pelvic pain, lower back pain, menstrual cramps, no discharge or odor Cramps during periods, sore breasts, negative pregnancy test. Normal tissue discharge? 13 year old broke his radius bone. What treatment and precaution is to be taken? Bleeding after having sex, heard popping. Is it possible that hymen was intact even after sex? On medication for birth control. Had unprotected intercourse. What are the risks? Noticed a large dark bruise on inner thigh and back of thigh above knee after hit. Concerned Rubbery mass on cheek, does not protrude, moves when pressed. Lipoma? Noticed painful lump on lower back along with scab. Pain decreased after using neosporin. Is it safe? Had unprotected oral sex. Developed sore throat. Is this an infection or STD? Noticed raised rash on penis. What is causing this? Looking for treatment Bleeding after sex. Advice? Suffering from sinus. Noticed pink blood in nose. Is this related to sinus problem? How do I regain color on hammer toe and stop thick skin from growing on it? Suffering from weakness and lack of energy. Prescribed methcobal injection. Suggest alternate medicine Pregnant. Suggestions about food and exercises? Panic attacks, dizziness, flushes, chills, faster heartbeat. Taken propranolol. Should I take other prescribed medicines? Taking Regestrone and Glycomet for PCOS. Is Regestrone a birth control pill? Yellow sticky stuff coming out of my anus Blood test showed syphilis positive. Not had sex. Chance of false positive? Acute ear pain when flying. Done mastoid operation in childhood. Can you explain this? Child has fever, rosy cheeks, not breathing well Chronic rhinitis, nasal drip, thick mucus, palpitations. Related? Bleeding for five days after taking ipill. Have PCOD. Does bleeding indicate some problem? Hair fall, used Mintop. Family history of baldness. Sweating a lot. Suggest remedy Headache, travel for long, normal eyesight, taken Saridon Throat has thick mucus, coughing, dry throat, no stuffy nose. Taken penicillin for throat infection Heavy hair fall. Please help Fever for four days Sonography shows mobile calculi in gall bladder. No history of pain, have fatty infiltration of liver Flaking skin on ankle, brown color, not itchy. Any ideas? My piercings became infected. Using hydrogen peroxide on it. What else treatment should I take? Sore throat, ear pain, cough, sour taste in tongue, swollen neck glands, headache. What could this be? Will urine incontinence affect cunnilingus? Child bumped head, crying for long. Minor concussion? Hip pain, CT scan normal, painful lymph nodes, labia swelling, inability to walk, low HCV. Any idea? Taking Prozac. Safe to take pre workout supplements with creatine? Rash in area of pacemaker implantation. Reason? Child has fever, crying, shaking, vomiting, taken Meftal P Sharp pain in left side, bruise, applied ice. Something to worry about? Neck pain, sore throat. What to do? Throat pain, cough, fever, no cold Itching in groin, spread to buttocks and waist. Darkening in color. What to do? Bleeding from penis, may be due to passing of kidney stones. Want to stop bleeding Itchy groin, spread to buttocks and waist, darkening color. What to do? Burping, chest pressure, anxiety, hypochondria. Worried about GERD Had low risk male to male encounter. Worried about HIV transmission Done tummy tuck. Nerve twitching in arm, bicep muscle weakness, thumb numbness. Permanent issue? Hemorrhoids, bleeding from rectum, painful. What kind of tests should be done? Child has yellow stools, increased bilirubin count, watery stools. What to do? Hard pimple on face, done facial. Afraid of nodular melanoma Child crying due to stomach pain, stopped passing stools or urinating. Constipation. Help Ultrasound shows baby with breech presentation. Did Flunar harm baby? Confused about pregnancy. Pregnews showed variable result. What does the test mean? Pain from neck to lower lung, shaking hands, weakness. What is wrong? Nausea, burping, done endometrial ablation, stitch in chest when running. Any idea? Does masturbation reduce height gain? Diet for height gain? Red dot on inner thigh, itchy, grew into open sore, no blood or discharge. Detergent or clothes? Diabetes, feel hot and have bowel movement when laying down to sleep. Is it IBS? Trying to conceive, have PCO, done blood test. When did I ovulate? When can one start horse riding after having inguinal hernia surgery? Child always tired, sleeping excessively, grumpy and clingy after waking up What tests should be done during the seventh month of pregnancy? Moderate acne on face. Is Isotretinoin a safe medicine? MS, MRSA, jaundice, night sweats, swollen legs, history of cancer, mastectomy, hysterectomy. Child's stool report says mucus pus cells and macrophages present. Help Seborrhic dermatitis, using Dexona and scalp lotion, sunburn spots. Possible to treat face? Painful, heavy bleeding, blood clots, weakness, night sweats, chills, swollen breasts, negative pregnancy test Hair loss for a year. Medicine? Diagnosed with bacteria in stomach. Prescribed klacid and flagyl. Is it safe to have alcohol? Wisdom teeth removal, numbness and pain in tongue, disfigured face when talking, watering eye Had bilateral mastectomy. Getting prickly sensation under arm. What is causing this? Fatty liver, elevated cholesterol, high uric acid level. Prescribed Golbi and Zyloric. How long to cure? Diagnosed with pneumonia and a GI infection. Missing bowel movement. What should I do? Snapped patella tendon, heavy wrinkles on face. How to improve condition? Hands fall asleep when sleeping on back but not on side Parkinson's disease, taking Syndopa and Pramiprex. Increased hand and leg tremors. Correct dosage? 6.5 year child having breathing problem and abdominal pain. Suffering from enlarged adenoids and tonsils. Worrisome Dizziness, unable to work, imbalance when standing or sitting. Whom to consult? Pregnant, burning and gurling stomach, abdominal burning, nausea. Can I see a gastroenterologist? 11 year old complaining of popping in knee. Should I simply treat with the RICE protocol? Ultrasound showed double layer endometrial thickness 2 cm, hypoechoic content, endometrial fluid. Meaning? Child has fever. Taken Meftal P. What should I give? Chest x-ray showed bilateral hilar congestion. Is it serious? Will I get serious side effects from taking Lisinopril? Have hypertension, dark urine Dirt bike accident, anxiety attacks, panic disorder, neck tightness, dizziness, rapid heart rate, taking Ativan Dry eye syndrome, used Visine eye whitening drops, prominent veins, yellow discoloration. Are the veins permanent? Having extremely heavy periods with large clots and severe cramps. Should I be worried? Dialysis, graft on arm, swollen and painful arm. Why is this happening? Pharyngeal contancous fistula on neck, CT scan shows destroyed hyoid bone. Surgery to repair it? Food stuck in wind pipe, stomach pain, chest and throat pain, difficulty breathing. Am I going to be okay? Pain in left eye and right eye drooping Child has red rash around vaginal area. Caused by chlorine in swimming pool? Bloating and gas in stomach, swollen and painful, not eaten much Loss of taste, burnt tongue feeling, metallic taste, feels numb. Will this go away? Cloudy urine when having bowel movement, no pain or discomfort Child has prominent blue veins on lower back. Cause for concern? Regular drinker, high SGOT and SGPT level. Best medicine? Child has diarrhea, prescribed Taxim O syrup. Correct dose? Pelvic ultrasound shows heterogeneous echo in endometrial canal, nabothian cyst. Meaning? Pregnant, heart palpitation, normal pulse, feeling off balance, blocked head, normal blood work. Cause? Taking birth control pill, missed some pills. Chances of being pregnant? Hair fall and greying hair. Due to stress, masturbation or genetics? Diagnosed with hepatitis C. What can I do to eliminate this from my system? Will taking Duromine during pregnancy affect the fetus? Social withdrawal, sleeplessness, suspicious, imagining things. History of viral encephalitis Two uteri, want to have children. What should I do? Had sex, negative HIV test, transparent discharge from penis, redness on tip of penis. What to do? Done master check up. What does my TSH level indicate? Hyperthyroidism? Disinterest in sex, blood test normal, taken Citalopram. Feel numbness in genital area. What to do? Polycystic ovary condition. Taking pills to regularize periods. Will it be difficult to get pregnant? Child has cough, cold, fever. Typhoid positive. Taken Mononcef and Amiken. Still typhoid positive Constant nausea, negative pregnancy test, have Mirena IUD. Ovarian cyst? Negative HPT, unable to smell, hungry, irritability, cramps and spotting, sore breasts, headache, nausea Anxiety, disoriented, losing balance, taking Mirtaz and Oleanz for depression. Should Nexito be given? Taken Cipro and Z pack for prostatitis. Penile discharge on prostate exam. Penis and testicle pain. What to do? Fingered girl's vagina, had cut on finger. Risk of getting STD/HIV? Throat pain while swallowing food, chest pain. Have Hashimoto's thyroiditis Had sex, taken Gardasil, late periods, spotting, on Yaz birth control, negative pregnancy test. Any ideas? Child getting fever, cough and cold frequently. Constant constipation. Worried Anxiety, hypochondria, panic attacks, constant burping, chest pressure. GERD? Child has nasal block, breathing through mouth, used nasoclear liquid. Side effect of mouth breathing? Why do we feel more sleepy and tired during fasting? Pricked finger on safety pin in shop. Worried about hepatitis B and C infection Suffering from anxiety, hypochondria and GERD. Could it be related to cancer? Want to know if the procedure for circumcision is simple and how it is done Child has white pimple on clitoris, no itching or pain. Normal? In menopause. Getting buzzing sensation in arms, feeling nauseous. What could this be? Elevated GGT, AST and ALT level. Should I eliminate alcohol from diet? Done cystoscopy, white substance on pus, stringy. What could it be? Bump on roof of mouth, popped bump, looks like blood blister. Should I go to a doctor? 30 year old, smoker. Noticed bluish discolouration on upper lip and sleepless night. What is going on? Headache when wearing glasses. Neck pain also. What to do? Child had sudden rashes on back and limbs, pain, difficulty swallowing, tongue ulcers Want dandruff-free hair, have dandruff due to dryness. Remedy? Is voluntary amputation done in any hospital in India? Consequences of procedure? Headache after delivery, taken Suminat, blood test shows low vitamin D3. Doctor in Hyderabad? Having periods after 40 days of delivery. Normal? Delayed periods, negative urine test, prescribed Naturogest. What is this tablet for? Could excessive swallowing of saliva due to anxiety make a person burp constantly? High blood pressure. Is it possible to bring it down to ideal range with exercise or otherwise? Applied Melacare, burning sensation, redness on T zone, pregnant. Should I stop Melacare? Dosage of Ondem for nausea in a child? Low sexual desire, addicted to marijuana, smoking cigarettes. Directions? Purple anus, ulcers and cuts around anus, swollen anus. Have herpes. Worried Child has pain while urinating, taken antibiotics. Suggested surgery if medicine does not work. Need advice Having phimosis problem. Is it safe to use betamethasone cream? How can a mole be removed from the skin? Giddiness, spinning head, heavy eyes and head, stomach upset, nausea. Can I take Betahistine along with Escitalopram? Ultrasound shows gravid uterus, irregular gestational sac, poor trophoblastic reaction, no fetal pole. Should I abort? Done semen analysis, shows oligospermia. Any further tests to be done? Pain while urinating, cloudy urine, constant thirst, ovarian cysts, constipation, diarrhea. What should I look for? Stretch marks on sides of waist, buttocks, and upper thighs. How to get rid of these marks? Getting fever, feeling tired and mild abdominal pain in lower abdomen after intercourse. Is this normal? Having hair loss and dandruff problem. What cure should be done? Had hit and felt pressure on the bum and back. What can I do to make my back better? CT scan showed broken tail bone. Having numbness in vagina and anus area. How long will it take to get cured? Got hit in the temple area. Red swelling appeared. What are the dangers? Does adrenal dysfunction effect the body's ability to produce the hcg hormone? Having terrible pain above belly button. What is the problem? What are the side effects of using mosquito repellent? Have a mixed thyroid nodule with vascularity. Having pain in throat and ear. Are these connected? Had unprotected intercourse. Took ipill. Missing periods. What are the risks? Hair started falling heavily. Looking for suggestion Treated for bronchitis. Feeling sleepy and noticed slimy and black stool. What is the cause? Having friction burn scars on penis. Is there any way to get rid of them? Had unprotected intercourse. Took ipill. Experiencing severe pain in stomach and thighs. Are pain killers advisable? Poked eye with umbrella spoke. Eye gets sore and red. What do you recommend? 2 years child getting frequent cough, cold and fever. Diagnosed with viral infection. Suggest effective medicine Having sharp pain in head and neck. Treated for sinus infection. Could this be a migraine? Diagnosed with chlamydia. Is it contagious through oral sex? I am smoker. Feeling fatigued, depressed and fever. Which medicine should I take? On birth control. Getting periods while having sex. What does this mean? Feeling dizziness, balance problems, memory loss, lack of concentration. Are they related to thyroid? Looking homoeopathic remedies for septic anaemia Not getting orgasm while masturbating. What are the risks? Right side of middle to lower back is sore and tender to touch. What to do? Lip started twitching after novacaine injection from root canal. Is this normal? Trying to conceive. Getting irregular periods and having heartburn. Could I be pregnant? 8 weeks pregnant. Will the fumes of bleaching power harm the baby? Sore breasts, back pain, warm sensation in arms, overweight. Worried about heart issues Pregnant, lower abdominal pain, cramps after eating, runny stools Suffering from suspected uti, back pain and burning sensation while peeling. Suggest some treatment Endometriosis, no periods for 3 months, abdominal pain, need to urinate frequently. Worried Knee pain, electric shock feeling, knee catching and giving out, patella femoral syndrome High BP, tachycardia, chiari malformation. Taking Inderal. Chest and arm discomfort. Done ECG and Echo. What is it? Unprotected oral sex, cold, chest and back rash. Worried about HIV exposure due to bleeding gums Done angioplasty, taking Telma, abdominal pain, scan shows vascular calcification in kidney. Life span? Fever, cold, typhoid positive, taken Cifron. Now weakness, blocked nose, unable to walk Suffering with dengue. Blood test done. Taking flexon. What should I do?
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