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Diagnosed with grade 2 varicocele on left and grade 1 on right testes. Is it due to sex and masturbation? Ultrasound transvaginal test shows follicular retension cyst in ovary and chronic cervicitis. Any advice? Have lump on top of thigh after hernia operation. How to remove it? Operated for 15 mm stone in Gallbladder. Started pain in stomach. What is causing this pain? I am allergic to dust. Getting frequent cold. Taking otrivin nosal drop. Looking for permanent cure Addicted to masturbation. Want to know will this lead to infertility? Have a lump on thyroid. Not cured by antibiotic. What could be the problem? Having fever, pain in thigh, groin and pelvis area. CT scan showed clear. Any idea what is causing this? Prescribed diflucan for a yeast infection. Odourless discharge from vagina. What could be this? Suffering from epigastric pain. Not cured by medicine. Found highly positive for h. pylori. Worrisome Diagnosed with enteric fever. Completed medication. Having digestion and constipation problem. What to do? Have a hard mass behind belly button. Hard to touch and feeling uncomfortable. What should I do? Have an auto immune disease. Pelvic transabdominal scan done. Noticed brown specks in urine. Concerned Swelling appeared on lower part of shoulder blade, around eyes and feeling nausea. How to get cured? Have hashimoto's thryoiditis. Feeling fatigue. Got itchy red rash under ribs. Any solution? Have a lot of gas and bloating in pelvic area. What is the cause and cure? I am alcoholic and non vegetarian. Test done for cholesterol, triglyceride and uric acid. What does the finding says? Have acne on chest, back and face. Pus comes out from it. What is the required treatment to get cured? 7 weeks pregnant. Noticed blue bruise on lower stomach. Could this be a sign of ectopic pregnancy? Found a small hypodense area in the lower pole of kidney. Any ideas? Have had itchy bumps, hands and arms, red-purple welts formed on waist. What is this? Suffering from erectile dysfunction and lack of ejaculation. What is the required treatment? Biopsy showed follicular hyperplasia. Could it be cancer? What diet to be given to a patient with diabetes, grade three oesophageal varices and liver cirrosis? Have chronic anemia. Feeling tired, getting mood swings and suicidal thoughts. Cancer, leukaemia and brain tumour? 52 years old overweight with fatty liver, hypertension, type 2 Diabetes. Would new medicine cause loose stool? Feeling fatigued and have swollen lymph node. Had unprotected sex. Chances of HIV? 20 year old having PCOS. Which is the best way to get pregnant? 26 years old, my weight is 48kgs. Can I use ayurvin's nutrigain to gain weight? 20 year old having PCOS. Trying to conceive. Which is the best way to get pregnant? Thoracic and cervical spine xray indicate missing bone. What does this mean? Having stomach tightness, bloating and constipation. What treatment is required? Had diarrhoea and vomiting. Tested positive for e. coli cysts. Is it serious? Having dry mouth and stomach pain while going to the toilet. Concerned Can I use viagra after triple bypass surgery? Numbness in lower lip and tingling nose. Any cure? Diagnosed with advanced periodontitis gum disease. Suggest some home remedy Have swollen node in the crease between thigh and pubic bone. Concerned for cancer? Took 4 tablet of alprazolam .25mg. Feeling headache and pain in stomach. What are the complications? Suffering from ADHD. Will it be cured by medicine or surgery? 28 years old. Found 233 sugar reading. Feeling nauseous and light headed. Is it dangerous? Stopped taking norimin. Experiencing bleeding, back pain, nausea and fatigued. Is this normal? Noticed pink and dark blood while urination after abortion. What could be the cause? 14th day folicular reports said no rupture. What are the chances of conceiving? 77 years old having several episodes of fainting. Would it be advisable for a cat scan or an MRI? 3 year old having painless lump on the side of knee. Should I be concerned? Bag fell on the head of 2 months and 24 days child. Is there any chances of brain injury? Having pain and lump near bikini area. What cure should be done? Injured clavicle. Radiology reports states no fracture but clavicle is bent. Will it be cured on its own? 40 years old. Using copper T for last 14 years. Is it advisable to use Copper T for another 5 years? Suffering from severe headaches. Not cured by medicine. What is the problem? Feeling sore after urination, abdominal discomfort. Treated for vaginitis. What is wrong? Urine getting darker each day. Diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and blood in stool. Any suggestion? I am thyroid patient and gaining weight. Test showed no increase in thyroid level. How to reduce weight? 7 weeks pregnant. Advised ovunal SC 5000. How helpful is this? Missed periods. Pregnancy test negative. Why is naturogest prescribed. What should I do? Suffering from running nose and sour throat. Is it safe to take montek lc and budesonide nasal spray? Taking 6 to 8 pills of nurofen plus daily. Is this an addiction? Child having mild fever and cough. Cough increases after giving medicine. Suggest effective medicine Experiencing dull pain in testicle that sometimes radiates to lower abdomen. What to do? Feeling itchy scalp, bleeding boils and white deposits on head. Suggest what to do Have a large lump on the inside of buttock cheek. What are the chances of cancer? Suddenly noticed swollen testicle without pain.Feeling heaviness and pain while ejaculation. What to do? Had unprotected intercourse. Took ipill. Gaining weight. When blood HCG test should be taken? If there is a WBC in the urine of 20-25 does this indicate a bladder infection Mild hemophilia patient. Shunt placed in kidney. Is 3 voils enough for surgery? Ultrasound for thyroid and blood test done. What does the results says? Suffering from hair fall problem. What is the cure? 68 years old. Noticed small blood clots in urine. What do you suggest? 6 year son on antibiotic for uti. Having painful urination, bowel movements and stomach ache. What is causing this? 3 year old wheezing since 10 months old. How to build immunity against viruses and bacteria? Depressed. Taken different antidepressants. Not getting interest in any work. Will ECT help me? Is Dr.tea safe to reduce weight and also to reduce constipation? Developed sciatica pain after knee surgery. MRI done. Is spinal and MRI result related? Had protected sex. Blood test, liver test and urine test done. Should I consider more test for STI or STD? Which is the best place to take up allergy tests? Prescribed augmentin duo antibiotic for for fever. Started diarrhoea. Any advice? Child having white spots on face. What could this be? Suggest some medicine for hair loss Taking instamet 50/500 from last four months. How long should I continue it? Washed cat scratch with antiseptic cream. Is it necessary to get medical treatment? Semen analysis done. What does the value signify? Suggest any alternate medicine Have had progressive dizziness and extreme fatigue with headache. Looking for suggestion Suggest some medicine for erectile dysfunction Biopsy, hysteroscopy and D and C to be done. Which kind of anesthesia should be used? Prescribed zomelis 50 mg, vingose 0.3 mg for increased protein level in urine. Does these medicine affect sugar level? Have had viral pneumonia, reynaud's syndrome and sjogren's syndrome. What is your prognosis? I get blotches on neck and chest whenever I get nervous, excited and upset. How to get relief? Suffering from rolandic seizure. Skin rashes and allergy started after medication. Is this due to epilepsy or medications? I have a right lung nodule 1.8cm. Recommended a ct needle lung biopsy. What should I do? I cough up clear sticky mucous which causes difficulty to breath. What treatment should I do? Had intercourse. Took contraceptive pill. Missing periods. Possibility of pregnancy? Suffering from frozen shoulder condition. Not cured by medicine and exercise. How to reduce the pain? Semen analysis is done. What does the finding says? Having fainting episode, bladder incontinence and headache. Test showed calcified granuloma. Should I be worried? Feeling headache, dizzy, nausea and sick. Slurred speech and memory loss. What is going on? Blood test done. The red blood cells show hypochromia and anisopoikilocystosis. What does report says? Toe nail came out. There is no proper growth of nail and tiny red lump appeared. Looking for cure Experiencing tender sensation in teeth. How to get relief? Taking treatment ALL. Bone marrow test showed Leponic cell 5% and abnormal cells 15%. Reason? Tiny flesh coloured bumps appeared inside vaginal lips. How to get rid of this irritation? Diagnosed with epidiymitis. Took different medicine. Ultrasound confirmed epidiymitis. What to do now? Having irregular periods. Missing periods even after taking deviry 10mg. Tested positive for pregnancy. Any advice? Had throat infection. On medication for GERD. Having odd sensation in stomach. Concerned Treated for head lice with permetrin. Diagnosed with scabies. Have yeast infection in mouth. What could this be? Have pcod, eczema on foot and severe itching in my vagina followed with white discharge. Medication? Having problem in sternum. Feels like burning and heavy pressure. What could this be? Having mild lower abdominal pain and specks in urine. Could enlarged prostate be the cause? Have had 20/20 vision in left eye and 20/40 in right eye. Should I go for sinus surgery? Getting puffy red cheeks and dry skin after quitting smoking. Any suggestion? Noticed a hard lump under the skin. Lumps moves around while touching. Is this serious? Blood test and urinalysis done. Is this indicative of a kidney or uti problem? Had hit on toe. Knuckle is still discoloured and enlarged. Is this normal? Bleeding starts after having sex. It continue for a long time. Having pain in bowels and bladder. Is this normal? Developed a painless throbbing pain in head and hearing heartbeat. Taking metoporlol 50mg. What should be done? How to increase the sperm count? Have had tongue pierced. Taking antibiotic for lymph nodes under chin. Is it safe to put the tongue ring back? Yellow bump appeared on clitoris and stinky yellowish stuff comes from it. What could it be? What would cause a very active 14 month old to have bloating and pale yellow stinky stools? Have enlarged uterus and excessive blood loss during periods. What treatment should be done? Taken injection for typhoid fever grade I. Having severe pain in shoulder. What should I do next? Suffering from stomach ache and diarrhoea. What can be done to get relief from the pain? Developed small sized pus filled boils on nose. Not cured by t-bact cream. Is it safe to start augmentin? Suffering from flu. Having stomach ache and loose bowel movements with blood in it. Any treatment? Suggest diet for a person having high uric acid 11.3 and diabetes 48 years old. Suffering from erectile dysfunction. Feels reduction in semen quantity. Any suggestion? Noticed swelling in labia majora after having protected sex. Could this be a skin irritation? Having dry skin since childhood. What is this condition called? Pregnant. What are the precaution to be taken at the initial stage? I am HIV positive. Trying for a child. Bleed during sex. What should I do? Have got dark circles under eyes. Diagnosed with slight anaemia. Suggest some good vitamin? Suggest regarding growth and development in cdgp patient Having dry cough and throat irritation. Recommend some medicine that will ease the coughing? Suffering from indigestion intermittently, constipation and weight loss. How to get relief? 26 year old. Noticed watery semen after ejaculation. Is this normal or something to worry about? Getting acne on face whenever I masturbate. Acne gets dark after using zinc sulphate tablets. Any advice? Lump appeared on breast. Could the prednisone and it's supression of the immune system caused this? What happens if some kid taste ranbaxy volini spray? Can a patient that has been diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer be cured? Have prostate infection. Taking humaria for crohns. Started pain in penis, testes and rectum. How to get relief? I have noticeable veins on right temple. Is it dangerous? Experiencing left flank pain, shortness of breath. Ct scan showed small stone in kidney. Should I go to ER? Routine blood test done for AST and ALT. What does the reading says? Having on and off chest pain. Stress test and chest xray clear. Should I be concerned? Is it safe to eat 20 g protein bars for 18 year old? How to lose weight and how to remove fungus on nail? Trying to get pregnant. Started abnormal periods. What are the complications? 4 years child having cold and red, itchy marks on foot and hands. What could be causing this? On medication for high pluse. Why blood pressure becomes high when I am stressed? Have small pinprick cherry red marks on skin. Are these harmless? Taking proper diet and having regular exercise. Why are the platelets count low? Have cervical spondolosis, degeneration of C2/3, C3/4, lumbar spondolosis. What is the most likely prognosis? Worried due to pus filled pimple around pubic area 36 years old. Have low estrogen levels. Would taking supplements help? Having pain in chest, shoulder and neck and cyst in ovary. Feeling confused and light headed. What's wrong? Have a painful swollen perineum and small lump. Have bloated stomach. What is happening? Fingertip is amputated. Not able to bend the finger. Possibility of tendon or ligament damage? Having blurred vision, headaches, excessive sweating and blood in BM. What's wrong? Have yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. Taking diffulcan. What could be causing this? Having dull pain in groin area and stomach. What could this be? 32 weeks pregnant. Taking medicines for constipation. Feeling breathless most of time. What are the complications? Had gestational diabetes and blood pressure during pregnancy. Suggest diet chart to reduce weight Taking losar 50 for BP control. Feeling dizziness. Is this the side effect of medicine? I am taking glyciphage for type 2 diabetic. Having burning sensation in foot and legs. Worried I am not having the interest or urge to have sex. What should I do? Having pain in the testicular area and groin area. Is this related to nerve injury or spinal chord? I have got scratches and cracks on nails. Looking for suggestion Having groin pain. Scheduled for MRI. Any ideas? Taking citalopram for seven weeks for anxiety and depression. How long will it take to get cured? Suffering from vaginal thrush. Not cured by youghurt and garlic pill. What should I do to get relief? Suddenly leg collapsed while walking. Feeling numbness in hand and face. Is this a sign of TIA-mini stroke? I have growth hormone deficiency and chiari. Are these conditions hereditary? Have history of left renal cancer and lower pole removed. On dialisis. What does this mean? My blood cholesterol is 228. Do I need a doctor consultation? Test shows high SGOT and SGPT reading after alcohol consumption. Does consumption of alcohol impact the reading? Getting constricting of veins and arteries manly in the hands and arms and chest pain. What is wrong? Advise homoeopathic treatment on eczema problem Having constant pain and pressure in ovary. What is the problem and its cure? Having pain in back and neck. Any suggestion? Operated for achalasia. Diagnosed the large peptic ulcer in esophagus. Need some advice Have mild viral infection and bright red blood in bowel movements. Any thoughts? I am type 1 diabetic. Feels like flu. What to do? Suffering from reoccurring nephrotic syndrome. Suggest some effective treatment? Having acidity and gastritis. Taking histac 150. USG of upper abdomen normal. How to get relief? Have a red spot inside mouth on lips. Have I infected to HIV? Have arthritis in both knees and kidney stone in kidney. Trying to lose weight. What should I do? 4 year old diagnosed with developmental delay. What is meant by genetic disorder and its cure? Swelling on arm appeared after mosquito bite. Is this the reaction from the bite? I am asthmatic. Suffering from chest pain. Why do I feel sore while breathing? Having heart palpitations daily. Developed the pins and needles sensation in both arms and hands. Worrisome Have intermittent chest pain, hurts while lying down and coughing. How to get relief? Having acne scars. How much percentage of improvement is expected after laser treatment? Have impaired glucose tolerance. What does the reports suggest? Have white hardened spot on the top of tongue. Noticed black spots. Could it be irritation or a callus? Noticed swelling and stiffness under ear and below the joint of the jaw. What to do? Have lesions. Looking for a human skin parasite specialist Not able to walk properly. Have herniations in cervical, bowel movement problem. May I need surgery? Why am I having swollen labia minora. What can I do for this? Type 1 diabetic. Having unprotected sex and sharp pain in the clitoris while urination. Is it STD? Can trenaxa 500 be given intramuscularly? How is it applied?
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