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Took effexor for anxiety. Noticed cloudy urine. Blood test, urinalysis normal. Took flagyl. Cause? MRI showed multiple cervical lymph nodes in posterior cervical chain and parotid glands. Meaning? Taking antibiotic for pancreatitis. What treatment should be done? Have poor erection and premature ejaculation. Lipid profile test done. What are the findings? Was on birth control. Copper T inserted. No intercourse, missing period. Started spotting after taking modus Got brain injury after an accident. On ventilator. Undergone leg surgery. Noticed fluctuating GCS. On medication Have dry hair with no dandruff and facing hair fall. How to reduce this? Have swollen testicle and getting abdominal pain. What is the disease called? Taken tetanus toxoid after dog bite. Any chances of getting rabies? Can I drink alcohol? Took crocin for body pain. Noticed blood in urine. Diagnosed with UTI. Taking augmentin. Facing irregular period Sharp pelvic pain after ablation. Ultrasound, CT scan normal. Took doxycycline. Colonoscopy to be done Looking good shampoo for dandruff and hair loss Is there any risk associated with exposure to x-ray radiations during pregnancy? Is it safe to have glass of wine before IUI procedure? Will this affect pregnancy? Pregnant. Have dry cough, fever. On cepodem, crocin. Started getting burning sensation in nose. Prognosis? How long does withdrawal from tramadol last? Have severe pain and limited motion in arm after an injury. How to overcome this problem? Have painless bruise on hip. Any ideas what could be causing this? Nursing mother, got pregnant. Can taking birthcontrol pill cause any harmful effect on child and mother? Taking telvas. Started feeling constipation. Is this due to telvas? Missing period. HPT negative. Passing thick white discharge. Is there any chances of pregnancy? Taking Ritalin. Having anxiety attack. How to check copper level? Got hard hit on back of head and lump appeared. Started getting strange feeling. Any thoughts? Burning sensation on penis after oral sex. Tested negative for STD. Worried for genital herpes Have moles on body and started spreading. Could it be melanoma? Have atrial fibrillation. Taking nadolol, monopril, aspirin and zocor. Safe to go for angiogram test? Having chest pain with painful lump on it. What could this be? Can taking methamphetamine cause vaginal odour and brown discharge? Having burning sensation on eye. Temporary relief from genteal gel. Looking for permanent cure Taking levitra for erectile dysfunction. Started getting headache and dizziness. Do I need cardio exam? Smoker. Diagnosed with bronchitis. Feeling light-headed and dizziness. Any suggestion? Suffering from irregular period with light bleeding. Underlying cause? Suffering from shingles, neck pain and anxiety. Prescribed ativan. Recommended dose? Addicted to pristiq. What should I do to stop taking it? Got hit on leg. Have swelling and soreness below knee. Worrisome Which medicine should I take for fungal infection of nails? Developed severe cough and feeling phlegm on throat. Any solution? History of hypertension. Having seizures and extreme dizziness. Worried for stroke Having menstruation with clots and burning uterus. Should I be concerned? Took ciprofloxacin before prostate biopsy. Now on pyrexial and getting headache. Allergic to drug? Recovering from bronchitis, sinus infection. Have sjogren's syndrome. Found white cell. Lymphoma? Hot liquid splashed on face and eye. Washed with cold water. What to do next? Test showed heavy growth mixed skin flora isolated. What does this mean? Required treatment? Have bladder control issue and UTI. Is it normal to have missed period while on loestrin? Fatty mass found on kidney during lumbar MRI. Is this serious? Surgery done for fractured femur bone. Got soreness on mouth and weight loss. Any suggestion? Child has fever, runny nose and passing foul smelling bowl movement. Should I be concerned? On cast for ankle and metatarsal injury. Felt swelling and pain on ankle. Are these discomfort normal? Is it possible to become pregnant after a tubal ligation? Lasek eye surgery done. Accidentally put two drops of durezol instead one. Any risk? Widal test done. What does the finding indicate? Have black pigmentation in the middle of back and shoulder area. How to remove this? Child passing urine with black specks in it. Tested negative for urine infection. Cause and cure? Missed period. Took abortion pill. Started getting prolonged menstrual periods. What is wrong? I am gluten intolerant. Have rashes on penis head. Using antifungal lotion. Any effective remedy? Had unprotected sex. Tested negative for STD. Started feeling sick. Should I get tested again? Taking depo shot. Feeling tired and have tender breast. HPT negative. Foot surgery done. Related? Lump appeared on throat and feeling discomfort. Do I have throat cancer? Noticed blood in stool. What should I do? Hypertensive. Taking tenormin, olvance and hydrazide. Have high uric acid. How to control feet oedema? Have chronic sciatica. Temporary relief from paracetamol and glucosamine. Right medication? Taking antibiotic for UTI. Noticed red bump on labia and itching around anus. Medical cure? Child is having stomach ache, weakness and looks like anaemic. Looking for cure Reason for dark pigmentation on penis and pubic area? Had an allergic reaction to keflex. On zyrtec, doxepin. Got swelling on face, chest tightness. Chronic urticaria? Started itching all over body after taking doxycycline. Prescribed diflucan for yeast infection. Thoughts? Got bad abscessed tooth. Have expired penicillin tablets. Is it safe to take? Have polycystic ovaries. Missing period and started spotting with cramps. What is wrong? Diabetic. Recovering from gangrene on toe. How to treat dead skin? Developed silver like spot on center bottom of heel. Sensitive to touch. Used neosporin. What to do? Had a tick bite. Getting joint pain and tiredness. Could it be lyme disease? Have flu. Taking OTC chest congestion pills. Increased sense of smell. Underlying cause? Taking testosterone injections for last few years. Noticed elevation in PSA level. What should I do? Have red blotch on arch of foot, no pain or itching. Started getting bigger. Worrisome Have round itchy rash on ankle. What should I do to remove this? Noticed white specks in urine. What could it be? Sharp pain around belly button with black vaginal discharge. Tested negative for cancer. Endometriosis? Getting pressure in brain, have distended stomach. Tested clear for tumor. Family history of ovarian cancer Have throat infection with no pain or soreness. Cause? Having a suspicious mind, feeling irritable and making odd facial gestures. Required treatment? Taking protonix for GERD. Have burning sensation in arm and above breast. EKG normal. Remedy? Noticed swelling on testicle after oral sex. Taking doxylin. Oral swab, RNA test negative. Worrisome Taking medicine for cough and sore throat. Diagnosed with allergy and sensitive throat. Asthma? Have sensitive skin and darkness around mouth. Using proactive. No improvement seen. Solution? Experiencing lower abdominal and testicle pain after doing exercise. Reason? Have IBS. Taking thyroxine for hashimoto. Getting headache, found WBC in urine. What is wrong? Took plan B after unprotected sex. Started spotting with white vaginal discharge. Should I be worried? Have dark itchy rash on neck. Putting hydrocortisone on it. Looking for permanent relief Any vegetarian diet plan to reduce weight? Getting hot and sweaty all the time, head spins, have high pulse rate during exercise. Cure? Took primolut-n tablets continuously for few month. Now trying for a baby. Any complication? Have piles. Experiencing weakness, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and weight loss. Required treatment? Got dark scars on legs and arms after mosquito bite. How to remove this? Have cough, sinus infection, swollen uvula and chest congestion. Am I contagious? Why am I having pain in side of stomach? Semen analysis done for sperm count, motility and viscosity. Are the findings normal? I have gained weight after hysterectomy. What should I do for weight loss? Transabdominal cerclage done. Is it safe to have orgasm by external stimulation? Taking benecar. Blood pressure getting higher along with age. Looking for natural cure How to lower elevated liver enzymes? What are the risks? Have sore testicle. Diagnosed with epididymo orchitis. Getting pain in abdomen and leg. Relief? Getting pressure in chest, breathing difficulty after drinking alcohol. Am I allergic to alcohol? Have fever, cough, throat pain and stabbing chest pain. What am I suffering from? Have itching in anal region and pain in hip joint. Tested positive for HSV. Any suggestion? How to get relief from joint pain? Have swelling and burning in vagina with white discharge. Not cured by medicine. What could this be? Suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Taking manohexy, pipra and valporil. Why am I having hand tremors? 84 years old is having lower heart function and weakness. Treated for chest infection. Life expectancy? Is it safe to take duralast for premature ejaculation? Used Retin A gel on acne scars. Skin got crusty and started peeling. Safe and effective medicine? Using estrogen cream for menopausal vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy. Experiencing white vaginal discharge Suffering from UTI. Any alternate medicine for elmiron? Small polyp seen in left maxillary sinus. What does this mean? Have syringomyelia. Getting headache, chronic pain on arms and legs. Suspected for MS. Any thoughts? Found lump under skin between elbow and wrist. Is this the cause of concern? Suffering from heavy hair fall and dandruff. Any natural remedy? Pus filled red pimple appeared on legs and bums. Having walking difficulty. Any cure? Getting sharp stabbing pain on side of head. Taking lisinopril and omeprazole. Prognosis? Getting dizzy spells, tiredness, bloating, headache and pelvis pain. Worried for cancer I have overused bioidentical progesterone cream for few month. Now feeling dizzy. Related? Child has cough, runny nose, fever and rashes on chest. Are these allergy symptoms? Feeling tired, fatigue. Blood test normal. Now excessive sweating during exercise, stuffy head. Linked? Having sharp pain at the base of neck. What is causing this and cure? Feeling lightheaded, having chest pain and getting weird sensation on arm. Proper diagnosis? What is the dosage of the abortion pill? Experiencing severe headache. CT scan showed lesion in frontal lobe. What treatment should be done? Is it possible to transmit hiv through contaminated tampons? Renal patient. Taking renalog, cardace. Undergone health check up. Worried for high cholesterol, weight gain Got blood on hand while inserting tampon applicator. Worried for HIV transmission? Taking thyroid medicine. Experiencing high pulse rate, weight loss. How to gain weight? Any cure? Took medicine for interstitial cystitis. Diagnosed with breast cancer. Should I go for colonoscopy? HIV 1/O/2 Abs test says reactive. Western Blot result listed as Indeterminate. Due to viral infection? Surgery done for squamous cells on tongue. Swelling appeared and facing problem in eating. Relief? Severe pain in throat due to recurrent tonsillitis. Is there any permanent cure? Suffering from mild cough. Diagnosed with allergy. Noticed blood in cough and getting acid reflux Had shingles vaccine at base of spine and itchy spots appeared. Any thoughts? Suffering from IBS and collagenous colitis. What are the treatment available? On medication for PCOD. Now unable to sleep properly and started behaving strangely. Any thoughts? On bp medicine. Feeling tired, dizzy and getting headache after good sleep. Reason? Losing weight. Started feeling fatigue and weak. Endoscopy normal. Should I contact gastroenterologist? Have scars all over body. No relief from mederma. How to get rid of it? Swallowed a small bone. Will it get digested? No periods after taking ipill. Should I be concerned? Looking suggestion regarding knee replacement surgery Treated for prostate cancer, melanoma, bcc and scc. Titer test done. Have pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Concerned Child is getting bad smell from mouth and nose. What could be done? Can I use telmisaratan and atenolol at the same time? Pregnant, ultrasound showed small sac. What could be the meaning? Experiencing vomiting and weakness for last one year. Underlying cause? Mouth and throat hurts after vomiting. Any thing to do? Noticed small bump close to clitoris. History of HPV. Taking treatment for yeast infection. Any ideas? Have been on Nuvaring. Getting brown colour blood with clots. What could be this? Missed period for few month. Now started heavy and prolonged period with abdominal pain Am in a monogamous relationship. Tested with RPR. Chances of having syphilis? Is it harmful to release sperm daily? Got my ultrasound report. What does it indicate? Had meniere's disease. Now getting whooshing sound in both ears. Looking for suggestion Endoscopy done. Diagnosed with diffuse erosive gastritis. Small gastric polyp was removed. Cancer? My ears are always clogged feeling, itchy and runny. Am I suffering from any disease? Have crying spells and disturbed sleep pattern. What should I do for cure? Have 80 % diffuse blockage of LAD. Not ideal for either stent placement or bypass. Any option? Have low BP. Pap smear done. Started bleeding and found enlarged endometrium. Serious? Suffering from dimorphic anaemia. What treatment and cure is required? Have shingles for last few month. How long it takes to cure? Pregnant, no fetal heart beat. What should I do? Have cyst on ovary and polyp on the lining of uterus. Will it be safe to wait few days for surgery? Missed period. Found cervical pregnancy. What are the complication? Detected with trivival Mitral regurgitation. Scanning shows fatty liver, non-ulcer dyspepsia. Suggest Child has started vomiting blood and passing loose stools. What could be wrong? Getting blood in stool. What could be the problem? Have painless red spots on penis. What cure should be done? Have redness on penis and getting irritation during urination. Any solution? Suffering from premature ejaculation. Prescribed with Zoloft and prozak. Should I go for sex therapy? Experiencing pain in shoulder, neck and when passing stool. All medical test negative. Taking gaviscon Have sensorineural hearing loss. Is there any homeopathy treatment? Constipated. Started getting perianal pain and itching. Looking for proper diagnosis Having pulsating feeling under breast with slight burning sensation. Cause of concern? Suffering from acute insomina. No relief from zolfresh and trazonil. Facing memory problem. Proper cure? Missed taking birth control pill and missed period. Now started spotting. What is wrong? Have TB, acid reflux and feeling something struck in throat. Noticed blood in mucus. Any solution? Taking glyciphage and glyree. Suffering from high SGOT, SGPT and acidity. Cause and cure? Addicted to masturbation. Suffering from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation Diagnosed with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis. How long it takes to cure? Have copper IUD inserted. Had unprotected sex. Missing period, getting brown vaginal discharge Suffering from depression. Taking oleanz and getting side effect. Should I continue it? 27 years old. Have less facial hair growth. Is there any treatment available? Having abdominal pain with feeling of passing stool after having lunch. Underlying cause? Noticed warts on neck after delivery. Started spreading. How to get rid of this? Feeling shortness of breath. X-ray showed right apical pleural thickening. What does this mean? Child has itching all over body. No signs of dryness or rashes. No relief from anti-allergic. Advice? Feeling the pulse in arm. Resting EKG normal. Should I be concerned? Having mild chest pain, jaw pain and feeling nausea. EKG and blood test normal. Prognosis? Child has bilateral symmetricalT2, ischemic and unable to speak and walk. Proper treatment? Have MS, fibromyalgia, arthritis. Got cold hand, mottled skin. Suspected for thoracic outlet syndrome Felt presence of a foul odour in the nostrils when bending. What could this be? 71 year old. Started feeling extremely cold in hands and feets. Remedy? Can hearing loss cause depression? Have itchy rashes around eyes. Noticed floating vitreous fluid in eye. How to treat this? Getting abdominal discomfort while doing abdominal exercises. Is this normal? Taking atorvastatin, clopidogrel, aspirin and metoprolo. Will it be safe to take pure MDMA?
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