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Had developed a sore on eyelid, it is painless and mouth less. How to cure it? Child has red spots on the palm of hands, some for them look like pimples. Should I be concerned? Had bit lower lip and tore some skin. It is sore and red. After applying salt turned yellow. Cure? I haveHave tender breasts and moody, suffer from headaches, period is 2 weeks late. Could I be pregnant? Had a temperature, crown put on with painkillers. Have lump under tooth and jawline. What to do? Child having pain during urination. Noticed red shaft. Not circumcision done. What to do? Have had 7 abortions due to sexual abuse. Trying to conceive. Had HCG, left tube spasmed. Had IUI and start IVF Getting severe stomach pain, cramping and flatulence after evening meal. What does that mean? Pain in the opening of the anal hole while passing stool, no blood in stool, small soft lumps. What can it be? Had unprotected sex who is not virgin. Can I have STD if I will have intercourse with another man? Jaw reduction surgery done. Feeling numbness in lower lip. Should I consult neurosurgeon? Passing clear liquid with yellow small spots. No fever or pain. Taking imodium. Any suggestion? Vomiting with loose motion, burning sensation and pain in the stomach with cold. Underlying cause? Having a medical abortion, vomited after taking mifepristone. Should I repeat or carry on with misoprostal? Addicted to internet pornography, do hand practice. How to get rid of it without epilepsy medicine? Clusters of dark coloured moles on the shaft of penis. Am I having HPV? Want a more manly voice. Kindly suggest some medicine? Had unprotected oral sex and protected vaginal sex. Now experiencing cold. Worried for HIV Have vertigo. Having severe imbalance and dizziness. Took Meclazine. Suggested Brandt Doroff exercises. Discogram procedure showed large annular tear with pain. Taken cortisol shoots, no relief. How to cure it? Have fever and cold. Presence of blood and pus cell found in urine test. Sign of urine infection? Found lumpy white discharge around vagina and anus. Temporary relief from medicine. Safe remedy? Had blood in mid cycle, tender breasts. Have IUD. Sonogram showed thick uterus lining and follicle. Meaning?s Taking Methylprednisolone but suffering from constipation. Are they any OTC medications? Facing problem of pre mature ejaculation. Difficulty in erection, unable to hold erection. Medication? Felt hot on palm and foot. Any ways to solve it? Feeling dizzy and getting migraine headache. How to get relief? Taking baby aspirin. Advised to stop for fibrogastroscopia test. Side effects of suddenly stopping aspirin? Constant low back pain, pins and needles feeling in feet. Foot feels asleep when crossed. MRI normal. Chances of MS? Getting angry, suicidal tendencies are growing. Having problem with wife. Want to run away. Advise? Started feeling rough on gum and found small white bits on it. Should I be worried for cancer? Varying palpitations with dizziness and light headed. Blood work is very normal, great cholesterol and increase sodium. Is it anxiety? Blood test showed low RBC and average WBC level. Could this be chronic myelogenous leukemia? Sternum pain , worse after exercise. Had CABG. On plavix and xeratto. Relief with heat and ketopropin. Suggestion? Have painless hard bump on gum and under tongue. Is this a serious problem? Have fever and headache. Noticed pimple around vagina and anus. Using clotrimazole. What is causing this? Fluctuating HCG level, spotting mid cycle, pressure in pelvic area. Home pregnancy showed faint line. What else? In menopause, problem with flatulence. Having bowel movement, had constipation. Taking advil. Permanent cure? Diabetic. Blood test done. Found slightly high urobilinogen value in urine. On asocol. What to do? Osteoarthritic pain has escalated after hip replacement. Having constipation, bowel polyps removed, pain in rectum. Suggest? Child is having hard bump at the base of skull. Easy way to remove this? Bleeding profusely from vagina, ordered some blood tests. Is a pregnancy test included in that panel of tests? Experiencing pain in lower back and leg. Brain MRI and blood test normal. Multiple sclerosis? Have had bad diarrhoea, tummy is always rumbling and a lot of gas passing through. Cure? Use morphine sulf mg only when needed and then stop. Is there such a thing as having withdrawals for that short time? Have severe fatigue then it improves to moderate.Taking cortidol ACTh, magnesium. How to improve this condition? Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. On anti psychotic drugs Riz Plus, Tesaril. Hallucinations and delusions are there. Suggest? Private is all red and itches. With scratching it feels better. Itching on vulva and huts. How to cure it? Have red raised skin with clear pus pores on arm. Using neosporin on it. What could this be? Trying for a baby. On medication. Ultrasound showed normal endometrial, myometrial exhoes. Is this normal? Was getting periods regularly. Having delayed periods. Pregnant? How long does it take Methylprednisolone to relieve breathing issues for bronchitis? Taking insulin to control diabetes. Found high blood sugar level. Should I increase insulin dose? Diagnosed with acute bronchitis. Blood panel, EKG, X-ray are normal. Taking medicine. Excessively worried about illness Feeling nervousness while doing yoga. Underlying cause? Have hypothroid, taking elthroxin. Have had abortion. Diagnosed with PCOS, having metformin. Elevated TSH. How to cure it to conceive? Taking methylprednisolone pill for acute bronchitis. Experiencing agitaton. Side effect of medicine? Have swelling on wrist. Suspected for ganglion or mass accumulated. Surgery needed? Partial loss of corticomedullary differentition, no evidence of calculus or hydronephrotic. Ultrasound showed normal kidney, varying creatinine level Diagnosed with PCOD and have been taking metformin. Asked to take meprate to regulate my cycle. Side effects? Is working out, didn't notice growth of muscle. Suggest diet tips and effective supplement to gain lean muscle? Having severe joint pain in ankles. Is this due to abilify and lantus insulin? Suffering from tingling sensation in whole body. What could be the reason? Have folliculitis, opted for laser hair removal. Tried kojic acid, arbutin cream. Safe to have laser treatment? Suffering from schizophrenia. Taking mexazolam and risperdal. Did not cure. Advise? Suffering from schizophrenia. Taking mexazolam and risperdal. Did not cure. Suggestion? Having mild pain in lower arm. Is this a heart related problem? Have migraine and pain all over body. Diagnosed with arthritis in spine. Cause and cure? Had high blood pressure, smoked, overweight, asthma. Had nose bleeding. What could be the cause of death Have done with the test for HIV, Hep B and C, Sickle Cells Anaemia. Can any on line doctor help me? TMT report showed positive. What does this mean? Experiencing difficulty in stretching arm and heard popping sound. Sign of arthritis? Taking duromine for weight loss. Noticed blood in stool and have itchy anus. What is wrong? Weight gain with elevated BP and heart rate. Cortisol test high. Had endocrine issue, adenoma on parathyroid Having smelly vaginal discharge. Temporary relief from yeast infection cream. Effective remedy? Feeling dizzy and tired when having low blood pressure. Can arrhythmias cause this? Underwent left radical nephrectomy. Done with chest x-ray, sonography. ECG normal. Reason for left chest pain? Took chemo for uterine cancer. Started spotting after period. Should I be concerned? Taking medicine for hypothyroid. Feeling weak, depressed and noticed change in hair colour. Is this curable? Have itchy pus filed spot on foot. Should I use both benadryl cream and neosporin? Reason for headache and numbness when sneezing, coughing or bending? MRI normal Looking for effective medicine to control acne and oily skin without any side effect Child is having severe sleep disorder. How to control this? Had unprotected sex few days before period. Chances of getting pregnant? Have pacemaker for bradycardia, mild LVH, high BP, overweight. Having breathlessness and dizzy spells. Reason? Had normal period. Did anal sex, having delayed periods, mid cycle pain and breast tenderness. Chances of pregnancy? Have cancer. Removed picc line due to infection. Now have swelling in neck and shoulder. Worrisome Have had a rash near anus it does not itch. Tried Hydrocortizone, no improvement. Prescribed clotrimazole. Side effect? Started bleeding after taking i-pill. Should I be concerned? Bleeding from anus after passing stools, unable to control bowel movement. Taken enzaar forte, flaggyl. Cure? Getting pain in lower abdomen, penis and testicle. How to treat this? Child had strep throat with fever. Treated with amoxicillin and giving tylenol. Has sensitivity to light. Treatment? Have under developed penis. What should I do for cure? Is it possible to lose weight while on insulin? Had anxiety with smoke, have had panic attack. Was on supplement C4. No withdrawal symptoms after quitting. Treatment? Have sore blisters on feet. Started spreading. Should I take antibiotic? Suffered minor stroke due to atrial fib, was on coumadin. Taking lovenox and having shoulder replacement. Chances of stroke? Have dark callus in between knuckles on both hands. How to remove this? Have itchy anus and facing difficulty to pass stool. What is the problem? Noticed dark yellow discharge in semen. Is this a serious problem? Is there any generic levitra available? Getting pain, stiffness and weakness in both hands. Easy way to get relief? Pain tickle up spine and both arms on back side. Have family history of strokes. Have stress and depression Child is having hair loss problem and bruise all over body. Looking for effective treatment Undergone cautery procedure for nosebleeds. Noticed black stain under nostril. Concerned Have GERD with foul smelling urine. Took lanseprazol. Did urine test. Sign of nephritis? Had miscarriage. Trying to conceive get lower stomach pains, like period. Infection test negative. What are these pains? Had ACL tear. Is there any alternative other then a total knee replacement? What is the best way to get rid of fat from chest and bilateral gynecomastea? Having some strange spots on face with stinging and tingling sensation. Is this keratosis? Having pain in left lower rib cage. Have enlarged spleen. Due to kidney stone or gall bladder? Had stent placed in stomach after a stroke and brain surgery. Reason for swelling on leg? Have pigmented spot on the shaft of penis, hurt and swollen and burn when touched. Had just oral sex. What could be? Huge lump in the middle of spine. Having sharp pain in lung when breathe, cough or yawn. Have severe anxiety. Cure? Headaches and migraines, gets dizzy, cant gain weight, close up vision blurry, bruise easy. Underlying cause? Did 3 IUI & 2 IVF cycles. Does homoeopathy treatment is better than allopathy treatment to get pregnant? Having irregular period with scanty bleeding from last few months. What could be the cause? Have moderate aortic stenosis as a result of BAV, pain in chest. What can be inferred from EKG results? I've had a bump on my inner butt cheek. Swollen and red and hurts when walking or sitting on chair. What is it? Genitals are burning, pain in testicles. Was diagnosed with HSV. Prescribed with cream for jock itch. Reason? Child with cough congestion, shivering and fever. What can be done? Is it possible for my partner to become pregnant if I had a vasectomy? Experiencing a gush of clear odourless fluids, very little spotting or bleeding post partum. What is it? Ultrasound of abdominal area showed multiple cysts around and in liver. How serious is this? Was on statin changed to lipitor for cholesterol. Never had a heart attack or stroke. Very ill and weak. Has dark patches on inside of upper lips. What could be the reason for this? Arm and hand become numb after sleeping interrupting night sleeps. Solution? Was using sunbed. Stopped sunbeds and started limiting sun exposure due to risk of skin cancer. Noticed purple circle around eyes. Reason? Have itchy keloids on chest. Any cure? Suffering from stomach pain, swelling in bowl and kidney stone. All tests blood, typhoid and ultrasound normal. Child with dark green stool. Sign of teething? Got chest pain, have headaches on one side and back pain. What could this be? Traces of blood in semen at intercourse or in pre-cum. What does it indicate? Experiencing ache in the back, feel nauseous, vomit, pain in chest and armpit with dizziness. History of chronic illness. Cure? TSh level is 24 suggested to have thyroxine. Will taht impact my pregnancy? Had a water blister. It popped and has red raised edge, taking time to heal. What could it be? Having sudden burping, belching, gassiness, diarrhoea, nausea, metalic taste. Tested for H. pylori. Reason? Just had period and it burns when urinate. Reason? Can Oxyelite pro or Garcinia Cambogia trigger a gout attack? Had i-pill after sex. Missed period. Pregnant? Faint, dizziness, high body temperature, fast heart beat. Anxiety or inner ear infection? Gamma gt is 50 ALT 45 and AST 42. Could it be indication for being alcoholic? Any chance of having STD from oral sex? Dull burning pain in bilateral calf region. HbA1C, TSH, T3, T4, all in normal ranges. Low Cholesterol, LDL and high HDL What is the cost of colon cancer surgery for open and and laproscopic both? Have lower back pain, neck pain and spasm with a jerk. No neurological disorder. Treatment? Delayed periods. Having severe abdominal, back and breast pains. Had while milky discharge. Should I see a doctor? Test showed HbsAg positive, HbeAg negative, viral DNA high. Needs to take baraclude? Tip of penis is purple. How are anal fissures and loss of blood flow in the head of the penis related? Having delayed periods. Prescribed with sysron, not yet got my periods. Pregnancy test negative. Reason? I have been extremely fatigued and weak. CBC test showed low WBC, thyroid test normal and neutrophils high. Cause? Child has contagious illness. Has a red swirly lines under skin on arms, back, buttocks, legs. Had strep throat Labia minora is swollen, painful and radiates. Noticed 3 hard and painful areas, are pimple like colour red. What could be? Penis size seems to abnormal and it is small in size. Advice? Having low blood sugar. Is it fine to take medication for low blood sugar? Have injected some yellow liquid into penis to enlarge, its swollen and have bumps. Is it cancer? Have a sore, hard lump at the inner end of nostril and it's builds up a hard crust. What is it? My stomach bloats, pain under ribs, bruised feeling near belly button, have low heart rate. What is it? Pregnant. Taking synthroid. Started feeling cold. Should I increase dose of synthroid? Are there any creams to avoid pain during first sexual encounter? Noticed some blood in underwear near urethra, looks like a hole. Had a hysterectomy. What is it? Started elemis detox program. Rashes appeared on hand. Is this normal? Had a lingual tonsillectomy due to difficulty swallowing, also had partial glossectomy. Dysphagia continues. Cure? Have pain and swelling on labia. No relief from acetaminophen. How to get relief? History of WPW-ablated, psvt, atrial tachycardia and sinus tachycardia. Post syndrome and a pacemaker implanted. Reason for hypertension? History of WPW-ablated, psvt, atrial tachycardia and sinus tachycardia. Post syndrome and a pacemaker implanted. Curefor hypertension? Getting stiffness, tightness and pain on leg muscle. What treatment should be done? Is the information provided in the book named eat right for your blood type helpful? Experiencing slight whooshing sound in ear after cleaning wax. Looking for remedy Lung problem. Had anxiety disorder, headache, eye strain, tingling sensation and chest pain and acidity. Taking zantac. Suggest? Have diarrhea, vaginal discharge and small blisters on labia. Any ideas? Is it safe to take omega-3 softgels during serotonin syndrome? Taking paracetamol for headache. Getting temporary relief. What should I do now? Had wrinkles, neck type pouch. Used radio waves to tighten, having more wrinkles with sunken looks. Suggest? Pregnant. What are the findings in the report? Have small pimples on foreskin. How to remove this? Was vomiting with throat pain and loose motion. Having difficulty to talk, sore throat like cold and flu. Medication? Pain near urethra bulb area, arised after bouts of acute prostatis. Next step? Having abdominal pain. Getting tingling and burning sensation on belly button. What is wrong? Chest x-ray done. Are the findings in the report normal? Had abortion. HPT showed positive. Having pregnancy symptoms. Reason? On Truvada, blood tests remain negative. Side effects of gland pain. Is 3 months a sufficient time to prevent HIV? Fall on tummy and chest causing change in shape. Will that affect the lung in future? Accidentally got hit in the vein on thigh. Getting tingling sensation. Easy way to get cure? Having pain in lower back, hip joint and back of knee. Getting butterfly sensation in calf. Reason? Breastfeeding, getting delayed period, negative HPT. How likely is my chance of pregnancy? On treatment for anxiety and chronic insomnia, Medicines do not seem to be effective. Help? Why am I getting pain in leg while sleeping? Started feeling tired and sleepy. Any solution? Vomited after eating grapes, Taken potera-d, rablet. Pricking in throat after swallowing. What is the root cause ? Slept on arm. Now getting numbness and tingling sensation on arm. Safe remedy? Getting pain in elbow. Facing difficulty in folding or stretching arm. Should I consult a orthopaedic? Having joint pains due to increase in uric acid. How to get rid of this? Pregnant. Triple blood test done. What are the findings? Addicted to masturbation. Noticed thin ejaculation. Looking for solution Suffering from migraine. Taking MIG-AID homoeopathic medicine. Any thoughts? Getting burning sensation on foot when sitting or standing. What is causing this? Diagnosed with ovarian cysts. Noticed a small movable lump. What could it be? Smoked cigarette. Getting burning sensation on back of neck. Any ideas? Suffering with aortic stenosis, Took medicines for tooth abscess. Chances of endocarditis?
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