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Had unprotected sex during periods followed by bleeding, took ipill. Have delayed periods. HPT negative. Pregnant? Pregnant was told not to travel. Have low lying placenta covering OS completely. Anything serious? Have burning red skin and edema on legs with swelling in hands and tissue pain. Suggest? Doubt to have small penis and testicles. How to make it bigger? Have red bumps develop into blisters in groin area between scrotum and thigh. Itch until it burst. Treatment? Have itchiness and tenderness in vulva, anus and near urinating area. Suggest? Can Metthocarbamol be taken with Gabapentin daily without side effect? Scheduled for kambo treatment. What are its side effects? What is equivalent to Namenda medicine? Had pain in calf. MRI showed tumor located in soleus muscle. Told to do biopsy. What is it? Have aortic dissection, torn disc and herniated disc in lower back. Have pain in legs. Had epidurals and radiofrequency Having a strange warm buzzing feeling in chest and pain attack. Done with CT scan of abdomen. BP shoots up. What could it be? Had tooth extracted after root canal therapy. Had bleeding. Suggest? Having bloating and a hard stomach. Took treatment but no relief and stomach gurgles constantly. How to resolve this problem? Having a tonsil stone in mouth between wisdom tooth and tonsil. Cure? Chronic Fatigue Immunodeficiency Syndrome with fibromyalgia. Had chickenpox, measles, mumps, scarlatina. Treatment? Reoccurring blister in the soft tissue of tonsil. Had dry mouth. What it can be? Adult ADD, asthma, Restless legs syndrome. Done hysterectomy, pelvic sling and cystocele surgery. Having pain. Reason? Lips was very pink. After applying face bleach lost pink color and have black spots on upper lip Continuous sneezing with runny nose. Is there any permanent treatment? Have scratched breast. Increased Prozac and DHEA dosage. Have headache and fatty liver. Started testosterone. Suggest? Masturbating. Used rubber band around the base of penis to make it pleasurable. Does it cause infertility? Want to increase penis size. Had taken Sildenafil citrate and had good blood circulation. Can I take daily? Had cut hand vein deeply, and not treated it . Left side from head to toe pains with breathing difficulty Want to clean teeth and make it white and shiny. How to do it? Suddenly experience greenish and brownish urethral discharge. Was on keflex. No STD. Suggest? Have had CT Scan for sinus problem. What are the findings? Have severe back pain. Suggest what to do? Trying to conceive, have had brown pink bleeding which did not stopped. Bleeding started before period. Pregnant? Have raised Liver Function Test. Recent US showed that the portal vein and liver is mild dissented. Suggest? Had unprotected anal sex during periods, took ipill. Was not ovulating but ejaculated near labia. Chances of pregnancy? Having a pins and needle type of sensation in hand. Also having headache, neck and shoulder pain. What to do? On period, hurts while urinating. Suggest? Diagnosed with sinus problems. Had CT Scan. What are the findings and treatment? Suffering with Pain, puss filled bumps on hips. Have problem in sitting and sleeping. Suggest? Have herpes like rash. Had unproved insertion. Suggestion what is it? Not experiencing pleasure in sex life because of small penis. Can penis size be increased? Having dark spots and marks on face. How to avoid it completely? Having co-morbidity of chronic diseases. Chronic illnesses are high BP and hypertension. Could I ask a doctor who can treat all diseases? Have lump on neck. Does not hurt but grown in size. Have had Synthroid increased. Underlying cause? Take Amlodipine. Are there any diet supplements that would get along well with it? Trying to conceive. Having brownish bleeding. What does it mean? Having postpartum period and breastfeeding. Feeling light headedness, brain and eye are not in sync. Done with testing for astigmatism. Cure? Have red streak on the top of hand below skin. painful to touch . What is it? Diabetic, high BP. Have low sex drive, want to increase penis size and sperm count. Suggest? Bowel system has changed and feeling discomfort in stomach. Suggest? Suffering from compulsive overeating, rapid weight loss. memory loss, anxiety. What is the disease? Ratcheting shoulders, bilateral arm ache, tremors, fatigue. Done with MRI, EMG, blood tests. Benign fasciculation syndrome? Smoked and felt like burst into head, tingling sensation on body, eyes are blackening and loosing balance. Treatment? Gut surgery gone wrong and sustained a heart attack. Unable to remove fluid from the bottom of lungs. Advise the upcoming complications? Having severe concussion. Getting vertigo and feeling giddy. Having problems with concentration and memory. Suggestions? Taking lortab for injuries. Hydrocodone done in hospital. Further treatment? Have had Blood test. What does the results indicate? Have trace of protein in urinalysis, Leukocytes positive. What does it mean? Had itchy rectum, prescribed loratidine with application of flutibact and candid cream. Symptoms returned. Suggest? Have had diarrhea for year with black tarry stools with COPD, frequency in urine nd lympedema in legs. Suggest? Having pain in calf. Tumour was shown in MRI. With reference to the reports is the tumour benign or malignant? Have pungent smelling urine that remains in bathroom for hours. What is the problem? Have got severe headache during bowel movement. Underlying cause? Should a person who has multiple sclerosis have the shingles vaccination? Suggest the suitable way to increase weight. Had unprotected oral sex with another male and now top of penis is sensitive and hurts. Cause? Have brown spots on vagina. What it could be? Diagnosed with jaundice. Feel fine but feel very hungry. How to overcome this? What are the side effects of methotrexate on bladder and vagina? Have had diarrhea. Have bloating and gas with discomfort in lower back. Suggest? Diagnosed skin disorder Lichened spongiotic dramatis. Biopsy showed multiples skin infections. Serious? Had Giant Cell tumor in knee, got operated. Now have pain in knee and cannot turn normally. Advise? Having severe itching in vulvovaginal region and big pimples. Having uterine fibroid and going into menopause phase. Advise the next step? Having a purple spot on penis head and applied hydrozole cream. Tongue is white and have oral thrush. What could it be? Loosing hear frequently. Advised using Nizral and taking H-Vit Forte Biotin. Recommendation? Pregnant, Ultra sound showed ill defined foetal pole and no cardiac activity. Had ovarian tumor. Suggest? Having problem in breathing. What are the findings from the ECG report? Have constant damp and wet feeling on tip of penis. No UTI and STD. What else? Pins and needles sensations in hand. Suffering from re-occurring chest pain and hip pain. Suggest the treatment? Have problem with damp and moist feeling inside penis mostly near the tip. Not UTI or STD. Suggest? Got tested for Liver function test. What does it indicate? Diabetic and on medication. Fluctuating blood glucose levels. Suggest the medicines for diabetes? Had pain in rib cage radiating to back. Skin itches especially at night. US, CT scan normal. Advise? Is it safe to take sertraline and trazadone together? Accidentally cut and turned to scar. Is it infected? Is there any over the counter medicine or anything to keep me up during the day? Is it normal for your fingers to get prickly feeling from a torn muscle? Miscarriage. Done with TORCH Panel, CRP and prolactin tests. Taking Thyoronorm. Need doctor advise? Give details regarding removing frenulum to roll back penis foreskin easily. Having ankle pain and radiates into the calf area. Is it rheumatism? Could I go for prostate biopsy? Have high blood pressure. Can I eat grapefruit, apples and apples while taking BP medicine? How much should a 7ft person weigh? Is there a link between blood type and mental disorder depression? Urine test showed trace of protein and pus cells. Had protected intercourse. Have stress and high BP. Treatment? Having fever with a tempareature of 103 and diagnosed as ehrlichiosis. Taking doxycycline. EBV virus serology is positive. Is it related? Have very low BMI of 10. What to do? Accidentally inhaled corn chips which went down wind pipe. Have been coughing with burning chest. Suggest? Has irritation in eye on white area which was bulging after rubbing. What can be done? Had brain surgery and proved to be a non-cancerous tumour. Taking dilentin. Side effect and is it safe to take? Have pinch nerve in shoulder. Can I use Bentelan pills to relieve pain? Have sinus infection, boil and infection in ear with constant headaches. Antibiotics did not helped. Suggest? Prescribed with aygestin to control uterine bleeding. Having profuse sweating, dizzy and shallow breathing. Continue medication? Have sever low Vitamin D and diagnosed with cervical spondylosis. Am I prone to fracture? Swollen pre auricular lymph node. Having horrible jaw and tooth pain. On antibiotics. Advise? Have painful knot above the collar bone, night sweats and fatigue. Gastric bypass patient and had thyroid removed Having Varicocele and a dragging heavy feel. Doing strenous activities. Suggestions? Take Labetalol and hydrochloride for high BP. Suggest? Was moderate smoker and alcohol consumer. Started feeling weak. Is this withdrawal of nicotine and alcohol? Having red pots and skins pealing off from penile head. Applying antibiotic cream. Having rashes under testicles. Advise? What are some symptoms of malnourisnment? Had sex but no ejaculation and lost virginity. Have soreness in vagina and stomach pain. Normal? Having tiny black parasites in scalp, chest, arms and legs. Feels like burrowed through chest. Worried about eyes. Concerned? Have PCOD with lots of facial hair. Taking metformin and Clomid. Treatment? Mishaps with bees stings. History of hydrocephalus and short term memory loss. Suggest? Got scar tissue after a mole removal. Noticed bruising. Reason? Had protected sex. Took all HIV and VDRL test which came negative. Any further test needed? Taking anti depressant Estilaprem. Having milky discharge from breast. What does it mean? Having smoking and alcohol habit. Having acidity problem, soreness and burning sensation in mouth. Further tests needed? Been on varied doses of lyrics. Not really working. What to do to prevent seizures? Having pain under ribs and had a lacerated spleen when fallen from tree. Is it fine to have two bowel movements a day? Medication? Chronic pain sufferer having fatal lung disease and bones are degenerating. Could I ask a doctor? Loose bowel control when go out walking. What to do? Have bipolar and taking lithium without any help, added ativan which helped in high dose. Further? Have Atrial Fibrillation, Fibro Myalgia and Glaucoma. Does Paxil cause weight gain? Have had pacemaker and copy of the reports showed at times heart rate was very low. Underlying cause? Having restless leg syndrome and genetic marker. Taking Benicar HCT for high blood pressure. Will benicar worsen RLS? Have an apparent uneven testicular size. Had testicular pain. Testicular cancer? Can a small pox vaccination be spread to my partner through oral sex Took Prosac with no water. Pill feels like it stuck in throat and burning. How to get relief? Had polyps removed from colon and have pain radiating to muscle under rib cage. Cause and Treatment? Have mild abdomen pain. US showed stone in ureter. Urine is clear and no pain, no blood. Suggest? Want to stimulate the secondary female characteristics in body. How? What should I do when our child have been molested? Have irritated hair follicle. Blood work and biopsy normal. What could be the cause? Pregnant, taking Calcium Citrate Malate, VIT D3, Folic Acid, ECOSPRIN and Haem up Gems. Having constipation. Suggest? Have an itch in vagina, started after periods. On Risdone, Crestor and Qutan. Recommendation? Has Atrial fibrillation, blueish skin, high BP, decreased appetite, weight loss and diarrhea. Had Cancer polyp removed Done with ultrasound scan of abdomen. Liver cirrhosis may affect in future. Taking golbi. Advise? Having irritable bowel syndrome and lactose intolerance. Having loose stool with abdominal cramps. Done with tests. Further treatment? Have muscle and facial tightness and pain including jaw and neck area. Can it be treated with antiviral? Have been on Diovan, now given Losartan. It caused itching all over and tired. Further? Pregnant, under observation for nuchal cord loop, baby's weight is low. Asked for C section. Suggest? Suffering with leg pain especially while sleeping. Lower foot has become hard and swollen. Cause and cure? Have recurrent urine infection, ofloxacin and linezolid doesn't help. Microbiology report showed growth of Escherichia Coli. Suggest? 13 week pregnant. Want medical abortion done. Is mifepristone and misoprostol effective? Have dandruff problem in the form of flakes causes irritation and scratching on head. Treatment? Getting frequent nosebleeds and irregular periods. Having sharp pain in nostril shoots up to eye. Done with CBC test. What could it be? Recurring stomach pain. Had roux-en-y gastric bypass. Prescribed corticosteroid. Chances of anaemia? Have pain under rib cage radiating to neck with deep breath. Have loss of appetite, bloating and indigestion Suffering from black tongue disease. Suggest antibiotic to get rid of it? Have intermittent chest pain and hurts when lifting arms. Taking levothyroxine for thyroid. Suggest? Had cold, fever and cough. Using Crocin and cetrizine. Fever levels went down but has cough. Suggest? Diabetic, blood test normal. Lost underarm hair. Use deodorant. Suggest? Had sudden pain in jaw and shoulder with tightness in throat. Underlying cause? Liver Test results showed high levels of SGPT. Drink alcohol, milk thistle supplements and vitamins. Cause? Pregnant, having pain in abdomen. What could be the reason for the pain? Can I get rabies from sea water? Suspected to have irritable bowel syndrome. Have lost bowels. What could be the reason? Having itching. Tried lot of ointments but of no use, eating attrax but still having itching. Cure? Masturbating. Feeling tired and experiencing pain in legs. Advise Have problem in getting and maintaining erection. On coversyl for BP. Related? How to groom children against sexual molestation? Have one shoulder smaller than the other one and makes a sound while rotating shoulder. Suggest? Had Gallbladder removed, no complications. Have constant feeling of gnawing in stomach. Normal? Having neck ache. Feeling like rice grains around. Should I be serious? Baby developed jaundice, under phototheraphy as skin become very dark. When will complexion be regained? Had respiratory difficulty. Taken off carvedilol and used ace inhibitor. Again advised carvedilol, have shortness of breath. Advise? Developed lumpy, patchy rash on inner thighs and near the groin. Itching. Taking OTC for itching. Further course of action? Took i-pill after having intercourse. Missed period. Chances of pregnancy? Treated for prostatitis with urinary flow problem. Taking Tamsulosin with no help. Advise? Have been nauseated, fatigued, stiff neck, plugged ears and joint pain. Taking Pepto Bismol. Suggest? Osteoarthritis and sciatica pain with lower back pain. Taken nocro. How to manage? Have kidney stones, CT Scan showed near UV juncture. Have not passed yet. Suggestion? How long does it take for propranolol to reduce heart rate? Having muscle spasms under ankle in foot. Feeling cold in that area. Took ibuprofen and going for water aerobics. Advise? During sex condom came inside and ejaculation was inside condom. Took ipill. Was ovulating. Pregnant? Had infection in jaw that went with antibiotics. Lip and chin are tingly and numb. Underlying cause? Diagnosed with fatty liver. Taking ulcoat syrup & propanz D. Having stomach pain. SGOT, SGPT normal Pregnant. Had fatigue, panic attacks, anxiety, painful joints, scalloped tongue and throat soreness. Done with thyroid tests. Will it help me? What is the treatment for crotch rot? Heart beats very strongly while lying in bed and occasionally skip a beat. Underlying causes? Had Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura as child, resulted in splenectomy. Have food allergy, fatigue and digestive issue. Suggest? Diagnosed with optic pit in left eye. Having blurred vision. What would you recommend in order to have better vision? Having high blood pressure and taking medication. What are the fruits that could be taken while taking medication? Received a Cortisone injection in neck. Severe pain in arm and numbness in fingers. Bone spur shown in CT scan. Advise to subside the pain? Having red and crusty mess under the divot. Applied moistat cream. Hurting , burning and itching. Suggest the treatment? Prescribed with amlodipine besylate for blood pressure. Suggest the right medication? Having a itchy rash on the back of neck. Now on arm pit, buttocks and inner thigh. Treatment? Diagnosed with MRSA infection and taking kelflex and sulfamethoxazole. Suggestions? Had surgery for broken hip. Have Synthroid for high thyroid. Have low sodium, swollen ankles and high BP Had ESWL treatment, in pain and passed stone. Have sensitive and painful ribs, feels bruised and back pain Diagnosed with GERD, sudden chest pain. EKG was normal. Lansaprozole didn't help, started Nexium. Suggest? Have pain in shoulder and sore lump on collar bone. Suggest? Infant was not breastfed due to weakness and decreased milk flow. Will Lactare capsule helps? Diabetic, told to have kidney problems. Had blood and urine test. Cause for kidney problem? Infant tasted mosquito coil. Currently cheerful. What could be the side effect? Have pain on lung. Feel tired but no weight loss. Underlying cause? Have had crust form on septum of nostril. Have not had cold. Cause and treatment? MRI of spine showed prominent interior cervical vertebral body osteophytes with loss of intervertebral disc heights. Advise? Diabetic. Had stroke, was put on Lantis. Developed itch all over with red itchy lumps and swollen feet Feeling short of breath with exertion. CT Scan showed mild focal scarring lobe. Suggest? Have dark black patch's on face. Suggest home remedy? Child gets boils in mouth near the gums and pains a lot. The boil is pinkish white. Medication? Pregnant, having swollen and painful knee. Not able to bend. Advise?
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