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Having stomach problem, blood in stools and diarrhoea. Had unprotected oral and stressed out. Tingling on penis. Worried? Going to die from Cytomegalovirus or go blind. Advise? Had sex 2 days before period date but still period has not started. What to do? Got fracture in fibula near ankle, bone not displaced. Have put half plaster just above ankle. Normal? Have white tissue growth under upper lip inside. What could it be? Feeling dizzy. Muscle spasm shown in MRI of neck area. Is it serious? Problem with leaky stools. Stomach pain. Gastritis and a small hiatal hernia shown in endoscopy. Treatment? Suggest the procedure to abort the baby? Could Misoprostol kit be used, if so suggest the procedure? Having fear to mingle with people, little inferiority due to dark skin and poor English. How do I improve my confidence? Fell from stepladder on buttocks. Having fever and lower back is a little sore. Treatment? Having asthma from childhood. Stiffness in ankle and shoulders. Shoulders joints paining heavily after taking cold medicines. Advise? Child suffering from cough and cold. Taking maxtra. Suggest the treatment? Suffering from Varicose & Spider veins from long time. Having pain in leg. Suggest the treatment? Baby having normal diet and passes stools three times a day. Randomly bites and pulls hair. Unable to stop. Any scientific reason? Having fungal attack, skin pealing and red spots. Tried forban cream and antibiotics. Treatment? Whom should I consult regarding boils like pimples on penis? Smoker, having stiffness, fasciculations, headache. Done MRI and X-ray. Chances of cancer? Yellow bruising on legs and medium size spots. Taking Paxil and Valium. Having over active bladder condition. Advise? Diagnosed with flecked retinal syndrome. Suffering from night blind, blind spots, bad eye-hand coordination. Treatment? Having red spots on penis. Not itchy, no pain. Herpes? Wanted to introduce infant formula as a substitute for breast milk. Introduced lactogen1 and having rashes on face. Advised duxo lac. Is it safe? Warts in the beard area. Tried imiquad, retino ac, tbact. Not cured. Suggestion? How can I quit smoking? High sgpt level. How to control it? Had ILC in right breast. Had mastectomy followed by FEC and radiotherapy. Having painless lump and numbness in knee. Concerned? Having no urge for urination, drinking normal. Odour of urine is weird. Worried? Hard bump in front of ear. Not hurting but having headache. Remedy? Foreskin has become inflamed or infected. Applied derm aid. What next? Waking up nauseous and taking zoloft. Stomach area hurts with pressure and stool is normal. Advise? Done with ultrasound scan. Advised to take Aminomixn infusion. What could be the possible reason for low baby weight? Start bleeding after sex, feel bloated and in pain. Cause and treatment? Brachy therapy caused scar and pain in scrotum. Have blocked penis and enlarged lymph gland in groin. Had biopsy Cannot sleep at night. Have read that clock next to bed causes sleeplessness. Suggest? Have severe salty taste when eating. Had one lung removed because of cancer. Related? Noticed a hard painless lump on inside gum near teeth. Underlying cause? Is schizophrenia hereditary if there is no alcohol, drugs and smoking involved? Have crusted scabies, get relief from Permetherin and Ivermectin but comes back. Permanent cure? Have Pancreatitis, Fibromyalgia and Neuropathy, in chronic pain. On Percocet but took Vicodon before drug test. Suggest? What are the findings from the report? What does it mean? Had a nose bleeding and spit out a blood clot looking thing. What is it? Had a heart problem and lymph gland is swollen. Tried ice on it but no relief. Suggestions? Have undergone daily water enema now have side effect. Now have bloating after food. Advise? What is the best vitamins to speed up metabolism? Have slight elevated globulin, seem to have kidney infection. Will that affect the globulin? Have high blood pressure and overweight. Suggest weight loss pills and diet? Diagnosed with genital warts. Is using alcohol sanitizer before sex is safe? Have dry nail with ridges and cracking at the front. How to keep nails in good condition? Have insomnia, breathing difficulty and sinking feeling with panic. How to overcome this? Diagnosed with Crohns and hiatal hernia. Have sore throat and earache. On medicine for MS and Nerve injuries Undergone C- section and took depo provera injection. Bleeding heavily with blood clots, milky white discharge cramps consistent. Pregnancy? Had sex, took pills followed by bleeding. Rubbed penis on vagina but no ejaculation. Chances of pregnancy? Feeling fatigued with weakness, changed bowel movements and nausea. Yet to undergo endoscopy and blood tests. Worried? Trying to conceive. Have PCOS, taking Diamet and Osure. Semen analysis normal. Took Clomid and follicule analysis. Further? X-ray showed lumbar fracture. Having pain in lower back muscle. get relief from Alleve. Suggestion? Had fistulotomy completed. Have burning sensation and urge for urination, exacerbated by bowel movements. Suggest? Taking zantac and nexium for chronic hives of undetermined etiology and laryngeal reflux. Having nausea and occasional epigastric burning. Cure? Have patches on arm and hands. Had blisters with clear liquids, increasing and now red patches. Suggest? Diagnosed with acute appendicitis. How long will it take for the appendix to rupture? Having lupus and sudden onset joint and muscle stiffness. Unable to walk. What to do? Having joint pain and swelling, abdominal pain and sore throat. White lumps on sides of tongue and sore lip. Is it cancerous? Had protected sex with a prostitute. Having burning sensation after urinating and sore under scrotum. Fear of getting HIV? What are the findings from the pregnancy report? Advise? Cannot stay in air conditioned rooms. Feeling immediate ejaculation and urge to urinate with a touch of women. Advise? Had C7 and d operation. Having blood in urine. Advised to have hysterectomy. Need doctor assistance? Having acute pain on hip. Also getting pain on leg. Could I ask a doctor? Fallopian tubes are terminally dilated. Ovaries and uterus in normal shape. Suggested IUI. Risk involved? Feeling heavy in legs. Walking and exercises give no relief. Taking verapamil. Fallen many times without notice. Advise? Had heart attack and stent was placed in his carotic artery. Had trouble sleeping due to breathing problem Had otitis externa in ear and prescribed with antibiotics. Having discharge from ear and slight hearing loss. Using otosporin ear drops. Advise? Done with MRI of neck and lower back was hurt. Legs and butt muscles are affected and having wetting problem. Took benefiber. Treatment? Having pain in left side of the inner jaw. Suggest the antibiotics to be taken? Parkinson's disease. Change in bowel movement and having loose motion of dark colour with little blood and mucus production. Remedy? Burning in right breast upper arm and burning in upper blade shoulder area. Suggest the cure? Had temporary ileostomy. Having nausea and vomiting. Undergone gall bladder removal. What could be the cause for nausea? Child taking suboxone. Having headache, depressed, feeling chill and having fever. What to do? Right testicle hangs bit lower than the left testicle. Will it have an impact on sex life? Had an endoscopic ultrasound which showed deep ulcer. Taking protonix. Eosinophils is slightly high. Having pain. Side effect? Have lump below the clitoris in the labia minora, tender to touch. What could it be? Foods do not taste and having only bland foods. Having floating stools and being treated for nerve problem in leg. Taking steroid injections. Concerned? Had liver test done and it came back with a result of gamma GT 192. Anything serious? Has hiatus hernia and was spitting after eating. Not vomiting but taste like bile. What is it? Have pimple like bump in the back of mouth that comes and goes, does not hurt. Cause? Diabetic with hypertension having fever and diziness. Diagnosed with UTI and extremely low sodium level with high creatanin. Advise? Have mosquito like bumps at the base of skull. Painful to touch and flake off dry skin. Have fibromyalgia Having many symptoms like stiff, swollen and painful joints, chronic sore throat, excessive sweating etc. Could I ask a doctor? Have white bumps on side of tongue, swollen tongue, sore throat, difficulty swallowing. Taking multi vitamin and Iron Diagnosed with stenosis of the neck. Have fainting episodes with anxiety and depression. Taking premarin Undergone vaginal hysterectomy. Had severe vaginitis and have tried terazol and flagstatin. Having severe burning and pain. Treatment? Felt sharp pain in neck and couldn't move it. Underlying cause? Have UTI. Taking amoxicillin. Had kidney stone. What to do? Having redness around the shaft of penis. Steroid cream shows no improvement. What to do? Is medical marijuana a possible solution for itching associated with mycosis funguoides? Treated for ovarian cancer. Ovary has been removed. What are the findings from the report? Could efetran cap be taken for severe leg and joint pains? Diagnosed with UTI. Kidney, ureter and bladder showing bilateral polycystic kidney. Unable to eat and drink. Worried? Fish bone is stuck in throat. Having severe pain around chest area. CT scan and endoscopy required? Diagnosed with low sperm motility. Taking Maxoza L and colmid. Would this be helpful? Had protected sex and performed clitoris licking. Had mild fever, weakness and dry mouth. Cervical lymph swollen. Have redness. Advise? Had heart attack and prescribed with Crestor rosuvastatin. Will it be safe to take generic rosuvastatin each day? Burning sensation while urinating and irks below the tip of the penis. Had sexual intercourse. Done with tests. Is it STD? Having cellulitis, UTI and lung infection. Suggest the treatment? Suffering from thyroid and polcystic ovary syndrome. Taking thyronorm and ayurvedic medicine. No improvement. Suggest alternative medicine? Itching all over. Is it an STD? Suggest the solution? Working from 4PM to 1AM and sleep from 2AM to 9AM. gSuggest the best way to take care of health? Penis filly covered with skin and not opened fully. Applied on penis during intercourse. Does it affect on pregnancy? No passage of food from stomach to intestines. Prescribed with C-Domperidome. Feeling bloated. Advise? Experiencing burning sensation throughout in hot places. No thyroid problem. Body burns when stressed out. Reason? Took zolofresh tablets by crushing it along with alcoholic drinks. In critical situation. Could I ask a doctor? Pain in tooth and all right side of face. Neck is aching. Had abscesses and gum is not tender. Suggest the treatment? Diagnosed with solitary gallstone. Always travelling. Is there a possibility of developing more stones? Suggest the treatment to lower high bilirubin level? Had cellutlitis and having high creatine levels in blood. Feeling terrible, tired and sweaty. Treatment? Having appendicitis and treated with antibiotics. Had asthma attack and abdominal pain. Suffered heart failure due to hypocalcaemia. Treatment? Used veet hair removal cream in genital area. Having itching, skin peeling off and burning during urination. Could it be herpes? Used hair removal cream in genital area. Having itching, skin peeling off and burning during urination. Herpes? Prescribed with xanax. Previously taking klonopin. Does it have any side effects? Is there a blood test to detect cancer? Have unusual behavior of disliking other people coughing, sneezing and whistling. Cause? Having dysfunction of gall bladder and taking Ursetor. Will Panlipase tablet reduce cholesterol as well as blood Sugar? Diagnosed with strep throat. Given Tylenol. Done blood tests. Treatment? Taking tadalafil for ED. Can I increase the dose for better result? Reason for sudden heart pain with sore shoulder muscle? Having Factor V. Taking warfarin. Could I ask a doctor? Having black pigmentation on the facial skin. On medicine of diabetes. Used many de pigmentation creams Have slip disc and herniation pressing on nerves. In bed and in pain involving all organ. Suggest? Experiencing itchy burning stinging rashes all over body. Suggest the treatment? Getting rashes on chest, arms and stomach. Face gets red and hot. Getting angry easily and feeling hot. Solution? Suffering from ovarian cancer. Taking tox, chlor and tox. Suggest the remedy? Does lupus affect colon? Low grade fever with arthritis. Having pain in both shoulders and hip joints. Treatment? Having pain in both shoulders and hip joints. Is low grade fever common with arthritis? Have headache, running nose and fever. Suggest medicine Terrible pains in lower left side of abdomen. Reason? Having high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation and trouble in breathing. Taking medication. Remedy? Noticed white and red spots on arms, chest and belly. Having slight itching. Suggest medicines? Having joint pain, constant Chest infection, fluid in the bottom of lungs and mucus plugging leading to long term infections. Treatment? Had UTI infection. Still having urgency feeling and inflammation. Is it Interstitial Cystitis? Poisonous insect bite on chin. Little brown scar left and prescribed with lomela. Scar has darkened. Advise? Diagnosed with hydradenitis suppartiva and prescribed isotretinoin. lumps have appeared due to sudden stoppage. What to do? Rough and itchy for a long time. What could it be? Diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome and depression. Ovaries are larger than normal. Would hysterectomy help in the above issues? Having Domperidom and Omezole for acidity. Having sudden increase in BP. Also having nausea and belching. Advise? Urine smells like hot dog water. Done with tests for protein. What could it be? Does the burning end after ureter is stretched? Suggest the medication to relieve the discomfort? Having pain in jaw, radiating to ear and chin. Suggested osteoporosis. Taking Simvastatin. Help? Had chest pain, pins and needles in arms, neck and face. ECG showed ST depression but blood tests normal. Cause? Had bladder and yeast infection. Took benadryl and had twitching in eyes and legs. Having insomnia. Is it a reaction due to benadryl? Advised to take mebiz and ibset tablets. Passed motion, feeling too hungry and mild giddiness. Should I continue the tablets? Blood work of hyaline casts 670/40lpf. What does it indicate? Having pinching sensation from jaw to stomach. Having dizziness and heart rate is normal. Treatment? Took seroquel and celexa for pain attacks, ambien for sleep. Heart beats rapidly, cold sweats and wobbly knees. Having UTI infection. What to do? Got two injections of luprion. No medical history. Totally disabled. Help? Having bipolar disorder with mixed states. Taking divalproex sodium and temazapam. Advise? Have sac like growth on buttocks and penis filled with puss. After draining fills up again. Treatment? Found blood in urine. Having kidney stone problem possibly a bladder stone. Enlarged prostrate and no pain. Treatment? Had frequent abdominal irritation with irregular bowel movements. Ulcers shown in colonoscopy. Should I be worried about the findings? Child had burns to his body. What is the classification of paracetamol needed? Diagnosed with MS and on wheel chair. What are the symptoms of MS stage 4? Child breast feeding but have reduced milk flow. Taking lactare and shatvari and gives formula milk. Suggest? Having cold with sore throat. Taking OTC cold tablets. Feeling like something is struck in throat and pain in shoulder blades. Advise? Have purple and red spots on the tip of penis. How to get rid of it? Frequently get disturbed stomach. Taking antibiotics gives relief. Suggest? Diagnosed with lump in rectum and took xeloda. Is it the correct treatment? Any serious problem? Planning for a child. Advised to take Zobone to improve bone density. Recommendation? Complained of breathlessness and dizziness. Diagnosed with irregular heart beats and high sugar. All test normal. Suggest? Had breast augmentation. Now have pain at back and front of chest, implants were under skin. Cause? Got frequent mouth ulcer very frequently. Get it if have cut on lips and tongue. Used pain killer Tested negative for STD following protected exposure. Have discomfort in groin, testicle, leg and side. Suggest? Have chest tightness and breathing sounds is louder. What could be the cause? Get frequent mouth ulcer. Start with minor cut on lips and tongue. Take pain killers. Suggest? Accidentally took pills including BP medicine furosemide, lisinipril, atenolol and donezipil. Suggest? 8 weeks old infant is having issues pooing. Can prune juice be added to formula milk? Feeling dizzy, nauseous and having yellow stools. Having asthma and low thyroid. Taking medicines. Worried? Developed sensation just below clavicle on left side only. EKG and chest X-ray normal. Suggest? Child have soreness in rib cage, pain getting to shoulder and ribs hurts with breathing. What to do? After contact have sensation on tip of penis, pain in testicles, frequent urination and pelvic pain. Cause? After eating not feeling well, had heart stent put. Do I have food poisoning? Have unbearable shoulder pain, MRI done. Do I need shoulder surgery? Have pink urine from anus and urination causing wet wind. Cause and treatment? Should I take augmenten and avelox at the same time? Have burning sensation when urinating, lower back pain near kidneys. No UTI and no kidney stone. What else? How do I loose weight ? Child got bitten by dog on arms above elbow. Child have skin rash on wrist. Related? Have cramping and abdominal pain from ovulation to periods. Had complete blood panel. Have ovarian cyst. Suggest? Have swelling and redness in foot. Can spider bite on bottom of the foot be confused with gout? Child suffering from urinary infection. Have RBC particles, pus cells, esinophils present in urine. Suggestion? In menopause, have been spotting, cramping, and having hot flashes. On estradial and progesterone. Suggest? Felt a bump on outer rim of anus. What could it be? Having difficulty in breathing and severe cough. Took Formonide and antibiotics. Had severe migraine. Use of this medicine? Struggling with dandruff problem. Suggest cure? Have shared same spoon with friends while eating. Chances of HIV? Child started vomiting followed by stools after eating eggs. Told to be allergic reaction and given antibiotics. Suggest? Have sensation from throat to chest with chest heaviness. Had spirometry test, given Emlukast. Suggest? Have lumps on arms, forearms and legs. told to be dead muscle. Concerned? Advise good medication for hair growth that has stalled due to use of Isotretinoin? Having bad abdominal pain after taking Capoten. Suggest? Felt shooting pain in breast near armpit while on flight and have headache. Advise? Child took Allergex and feeling drowsy. Vomited several times. Breastfeeding mother also took Allergex. Any serious problem? Took Clindamycin after dry socket from tooth extraction. Feeling sick, diarrhea, nausea and headache. Suggest? Have had blood and urine test. On cholesterol medicine. What are the findings?
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